What to expect when being placed on hospice from alzheimers or dementia

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Thank you. My dad is in hospice with Alzheimer's. The agitation and confusion is hard to witness as a caregiver. But, it is comforting to know that this is how it goes with this disease.


I have been watching your incredibly informative and helpful videos when they just 'popped up' into my feed .
My friend was in Hospice for several days. She had terrible pain and constant feeling of drowning, causing much panic. They got her medicated and she became peaceful .
She died 2 hrs ago.
Deepest Gratitude for your support. There were moments when I thought you were speaking directly to me. Blessings


Julie. Thank you. I needed to hear this content. My dad is very late stage vascular dementia. I moved in to care for him. He was dx'd 10 yrs ago. Ive done this 3 years and i have MS. I AM so EXHAUSTED! I dont regret it, i really dont. I just dont know how much longer im gonna last. I'm forever changed. NEVER done anything harder! Me n Daddy have always been close, but my health has really suffered. I have MS. Crohn's dz, and all worsened now. Im just exhausted beyond explaining! I am feeling guilty though. I am not blaming dad, just do NOT KNOW what im gonna do!


Thank you for all the information you share with us!


I wish my Mom had you to help guide her treatment. Family members are so in the dark. You are truly an angel. What you are doing to educate and help is of incredible value.


Thank you, Julie, for this content. I vow I'm only going to watch "one more" video but then I keep going. Death and dying have interested me since I was about age 9 or 10. You are making such a valuable contribution by informing people (especially in the U.S.) about an experience that is too often hidden or taboo. Your manner is down to earth and engaging. Your strength inspires me. You're the kind of person I would want caring for me at the end. ALSO, I COMMEND YOU AND THANK YOU FOR INCLUDING THE SPANISH TRANSLATIONS. I appreciate public respect for and recognition of the language that is part of my Mexican American culture. Un abrazo. :)


My father died in the morning the day he was scheduled to enter hospice. By that point, he was no longer eating, not speaking, not opening his eyes and confined to a wheelchair. It was a blessing. One thing I appreciate about your videos is, that unlike his hospice nurse who called me the day before to discuss what I should expect, you tell it like it is. She kept saying, "Oh! They bounce back, you'll see" until I finally said, "Have you met my father yet? (she hadn't) "He won't be bouncing back, believe me." She meant well but that is not helpful to those of us witnessing the decline of our loved ones with dementias. The truth is, they are "dead" long before their bodies give out.


Thank you, Julie. I appreciate all of you info and advice.


My mother just passed from dementia 2 days ago. She was put on hospice a week and a half ago. The nurse gave us nothing but grief. She insist we constantly offer my mother food she refused to eat. Blamed us for a diaper rash she came home from the hospital with. She also pushed a nursing home which my mother made me promise not to do to her. The nurse also told me my mother was not dying when I could plainly see what was happening to mom. That hospice nurse made a terribly hard situation a living hell.


Can the next disease be Parkinsons? My grandmother is in the late stages


This is interesting but not our experience. Hospice amounts to a once per week visit, BP check, listen to heart, do you need more meds and supplies. Hospice nurse told me they have lots of people on it for years and it is certainly not indicative that end of life is near, though many would wish otherwise for their suffering loved one. Perhaps you get real attention from hospice during the last couple of days but don’t “expect” much unless death is very near.
