Do You Need Space? If So, You Are Being Inauthentic - Teal Swan

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Do you frequently find that you need space to yourself? Do you identify yourself as someone who likes to be alone? The human race is a social species. Our species survival depended (and still does depend) on each other. Technically the top human need is connection and the single biggest threat to our wellbeing is isolation. So how can it be that you need space, how can it be that you need alone time so badly?


Teal Swan is a revolutionary for personal transformation. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.


Meditations, Books, Merchandise & Frequency Paintings:



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Sometimes I authentically don't want to pay attention to another living thing.


When I don't get my space, trust me, things get very authentically real extremely quickly.


Cause we’re never alone. Sometimes being alone is really connecting to the Divine . It’s ok to have space and time to yourself.


I think there’s some really interesting things to think about here. I also things there’s a stillness and quietness that comes with pockets of space that animals and plants don’t disrupt. It’s not always about losing yourself with other people, sometimes it’s about finding yourself and appreciating the time you have with yourself.


People can be draining. Especially if they don't know themselves.


I think purposeful solitude and avoidant isolation are two different things. There is a light side and a dark side to needing space. The dark side: We have trouble being authentic around other people, as Teal says. The light side: we need time alone to process our feelings, reconnect with who we are without the interruption of other people. Alone time can be re-energizing and an important period of gestation. One of my favorite quotes: "How can you hear your soul when everyone is talking?" ..."Only in intimate communion with solitude may man find himself." And "Solitude, whether endured or embraced, is a necessary gateway to original thought."


This was helpful for me to hear. I avoid people because I feel like I am not allowed to be myself around others. Being myself feels unsafe, so I have to try to be what I think will be acceptable to others, and that is very draining and uncomfortable. It also comes with the constant fear of slipping up and being rejected.


Giving yourself space & alone time is just as healthy as being around others. I value both space and connection. 😊💛


Wow I think this is a problem I have. Like if I'm home alone I feel like I can do anything but if someone else is home I feel like my options are limited or I'll have to go in my room and do what I want there. I don't listen to the music I like when others are around, I don't do anything creative when people are around, I don't watch my fav shows, etc. all the things that I like I keep to myself. I think it's bc I feel awkward af when other people are around bc I don't want them to be like "ew what's that" or have some other negative response about what I like and I don't really want them to like what I like either.


I absolutely love being by myself! I can’t stand SOME people I know. They’re not bad people at all, they just talk too much and have zero respect for personal space, they’ll simply hijack your mind with their thoughts which they vomit out into the world. lol


If you’re an empath you can hear and sense everybody else’s vibes which makes it really difficult to hear and feel your own energy . Sometimes other peoples vibes will influence your choices your thoughts and even your desires. That’s how connected we all are. Sometimes being alone is the only way to really hear your own soul and connect to who you really are. 💛💛💛🌈✨💫


I would, as an Introvert myself, even say the opposite: "When You can't be on your own, you are being inauthentic."

Because really, how can we be authentic IF we don't face our self, and our inner core - who we truly are.


I have been watching Teal's videos for a long time now, and I usually agree with everything she says, but this time, she doesn't give a holistic view of what type of people there are who like being alone. I don't have any problem being my authentic self when I am around others, but I still need alone time because as an introvert, I get overwhelmed by external stimulation, there 1000 thoughts popping in my head every second, this overactive imagination and thinking results in me needing to be alone so that I can allign my thoughts and clear my ahead. I also have a universe of ideas, imaginations and creative things that truly blossom when I am alone and can focus on them. I wish she talked about these things.


Some people are just more annoying to be around than others.


For those who try to oppose the message of the video by saying "but I like my time alone!" If that's the case, then this video is not aimed for you, it's aimed for those who avoid people because of inauthenticity. Not all Teal's videos will apply to you at the same stage in your life or you specifically


My most creative and fulfilling years were when i was alone with my thoughts, in my space, with my tools.


She may have a point...ever since I started being myself and more outgoing around people, the less I've wanted to retreat and be on my own. If it's quiet I need, I find I can just be quiet around people if I want to and accept that for what it is without the fear of being judged. Life is so much better since I began to allow myself to just do what I want wherever I am.


I just realized why my work exhausts me... How do you accept HAVING to be inauthentic for "survival"? I burn out so quickly =| this has happened at every job I've ever had.


I have this trauma, and her description is 100% accurate. It's a hard truth. The first time I heard this, I didn't... Resonate. I felt like she was speaking about someone else. Now, in quarantine with my family in an open concept house, I am suffering and felt like I needed to hear this. So I watched this again - the information felt completely different. The 2nd time I felt like she was describing me perfectly, with awareness and memories of where it comes from. It made me shake and cry because I felt so heard. I still prefer the idea that being alone is better, but I really had to battle with my ego to accept this.


i think the actual problem is, that most people are not healthy or authentic & we can't be around the BS... it is exhausting being around that energy & it is harder to find other authentic people to connect with
