Catholic Woman Shocked By Christian Preachers! Muhammed Ali

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Moses: Hear O Israel, Lord, our God is one.
Jesus: Hear O Israel, Lord, our God is one.
Muhammad: Say: God is One.
Peace be upon them all.


What a beautiful humble lady, may Allah guide her


This lady is a gem😮 Allah guide her 🙏 to Islam ❤️


What a lovely woman Mashallah. May Allah guide her


Such a beautiful lady, may Allah SWT give her hidayah. Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin.


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ


Christian preachers going strong to dis-promoting their religion 💪
the more they scream and yell, the more people discouraged toward Christianity and religions itself, and to those who are sincere and curious, once they opened their mind and heart to Islam, they probably interested in it and some actually converting into Islam.

so keep going loud Christians preachers, you're doing it for us 🤌🏻


Why only 5 minutes 😭 I missed long videos


Can anyone give a link to the kinds of books that he gave away from his booth? Is it always the translation of Quran or is there any other book?


does anyone know where did Brother Ali studied deen ???


Sincere questions I ask myself as a Christian sometimes:
Jesus is God or man?
If he’s god why did he die? God cannot die.
If Jesus died for my sins, then I’m already forgiven so I can do anything I want to.
Why did Jesus not pray to himself if he is God?
Jesus was not Christian.
Sometimes I feel that our churches are hiding something more deep. The more I learn Islam, it makes more sense than. I want someone to clarify me few genuine questions I have.


Why Islam/ Muslims are fearing God ("Yahweh"), the same way the Devil (Sathan) is fearing God...!!!
Since Devil (Sathan) is the only enemy of God ("Yahweh"), hence the Devil (Sathan) is always in fear of God ("Yahweh")...!!!
Hence Whether the Devil (Sathan) is Hiding in Islam or Islam is Devilish...???


👉 *Jesus* the only true God is the father ! *The church:* No, you are also God! 👉 *Jesus* : by myself I can do nothing ! *The church* : no you can do everything right finger. 👉Jesus :the lord Our god is one! The church: no! the lord our god is three in one! 👉 *Jesus* : prayed on his face like muslims do . *The church* : just sit on this pench, have a coffee and stare at cursed Icon/idol. 👉 *Jesus* : if you want eternal life keep the commandments! *The church* : no! if you want eternal life then believe that Jesus died for your sins. 👉 *Jesus* :I cried and prayed to God to save me from the crucifixion and God heard my prayers ! *The church* : no! god didn't save him so we can be saved by his blood! 👉 *Jesus* : My father is greater than I. My father is greater than all! *The church* :No! the father is not greater than you, you're both co-equal! .


Jesus is not god. Jesus said he has a god.

Mark 12:29. Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord .

John 17:3. Now this is eternal life: that they know you,  the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

John 20:17. Jesus said,  “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”

Jesus also made it very clear that he can do nothing, and did not like people equating him to god:

Matthew 19:17. And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one,  

John 5:30. I can of mine own self do nothing:


salam alaikom...

plz watch ex pastor priest br joshus evans..""the bible led me to islam""

br mohammed..she neded jesus man messiah messenger abu zakarayiah book perhaps too...

as to john spirit of truth..secret is word ANOTHER ie some say spirit of truth ie the beloved ans al amin the trustworthy....some bibles say anither advocate or comforter or helper....but gos into say he will honour me...jesus mentioned more times than Muhammed upon both them peace in final testament the quran..!!? also a whole chapter named after his blssd mother n also only women mentioned by name...john gos onto say too...he will speak what he the paracaletos meaning Muhammed pbuh name ie praiseworthy was ummi ie illiterate n recieved revelation thru medium of holy spirit Gabrael....also goes onto say he..n not spirit force xtians call holy so....he will tell u truth about jesus..pbuh....

so is jesus God, God forbid!!? as to bible to lead u to the way of jesus moses abraham n muhammed- upon all peace- numbers 23 19..God not a man, nor the son of man....!! jesus became mythology n became zeus jeus..hence as we muslims believe another reason for him to return!!!!

peace same message of all God..islaam..shalom ..salaaam



That guy is thinking he is blocking people from interacting with our brother, but little did he know that he is actually bringing attention to and highlighting his humbleness.


Young brother Mohammed, I can't tell you how much joy you bring to me when I see your way of dawah. Humble, modest, ready to listen and always engaging respectfully.
I can only imagine how proud your parents must be.
Keep up with it and may you never falter.
Glad you are part of our Ummah.
Alhamdullilah, may Allah reward you accordingly.


Such a wonderful Lady with Knowledge and Respect. Make Du'a Brothers and Sisters to bring this Lady to Truth with the will of Allah Azzawajal, Ameen ya Rab 🤲🏼


thank you for adding subtitles, english is not my first language but i like your content, so it really helps me to understand more

I learned a lot from your channel, especially about non-Muslim perspectives on Islam,
jazakallah khairan brother Ali
