Why does heat transfer from hot to cold? (Physics)

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Welcome to FactTap! In this video we answer the question: WHY DOES HEAT TRANSFER FROM HOT TO COLD?

Heat is a form of energy. When energy is added to atoms they begin to move very rapidly. Think of it like kinetic energy. When you push a ball (or add energy to it), it rolls. This means that the more motion atoms have, the hotter they feel to the touch.

Back to the ball example. If you have a stationary ball and you impact it with another ball, the energy of the rolling ball is transferred into the stationary ball, causing it to move. You would say that the stationary ball absorbed the faster balls energy. It wouldn’t be right or sound right to say that the stationary ball transferred its stationary state to the rolling ball. The same is said about atoms transferring energy. The fast moving atoms impact slow moving (cold) atoms, transferring their kinetic energy. Therefore, to say heat transfers from hot to cold really means that energy is transferred from fast moms to slow moving atoms.

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Awesome video, just what I was hoping for, thanks


Somewhat lacking since I believe it simply illustrates the procedure of transferring and not the reason for such transfer direction (hot to cold). The second law of thermodynamics explains it better.


Hell yeah. Finally a real explanation. Thank you


one of the best understanding video ever saw thanks friend


Superb video👏👏👏
But, it would be better if u did it little slower and made the video a bit longer.
Anyway, I love ur work....😄


Completely wrong title, Why does heat transfer from hot to cold? It has never been explained why? why not slow moving atoms transfer their energy to make the fast moving atoms even faster? why is it always the other way around?


If that's true cold would be stronger then heat, we miss something no one find it yet the source of the cold, that most be a thing to generate cold


If you change the order then you wouldn't be able to cook food.


Sigh! The question was, "Why?" This just restates observed phenomenon from the macro level to the molecular level. WHY does the energy of the higher-energy molecule transfer to the lower-energy molecule. Why doesn't energy from the lower-energy molecule transfer to the higher-energy molecule. Actually, this must happen sometimes, or evaporation in a vacuum couldn't happen. But WHY is this less frequent than the higher to lower path?
