Heat Transfer – In a Minute

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#conduction #convection #radiation #ngscience
Enjoy this quick video demonstrating heat by conduction, convection and radiation...all in a miunute!

Transfer of Thermal Energy – Conduction
Thermal energy moves in three main ways – conduction, convection and radiation.

Think again how heat moved in the metal rod placed on a fire. The thermal energy moved from the hot part of the rod to the cooler part of the rod. This movement of heat within an object is called conduction. Conduction also occurs when objects are touching. If you were to hold the cool end of the rod, before too long it would feel warm as thermal energy moves by conduction to your hand.

Heat transfer from a hot cup to your hands and cooking a piece of fish in a pan are also examples of conduction.

Transfer of Thermal Energy – Convection
Liquids and gases are similar in that they have no fixed shape. They are fluids. Thermal energy can be transferred from one region of a fluid to another due to movements within the fluid. This movement of thermal energy, called convection, is caused by hot parts of the fluid rising and the cooler parts of the fluid sinking.

Think about the water in a kettle as it is heated. The water touching the heating element is heated by conduction. The water becomes warm and rises. As it does so, the cooler water sinks and a current is created within the water. The current causes the thermal energy to spread through the water in the kettle.

The heating of air in a hot air balloon is also an example of convection.

Transfer of Thermal Energy – Radiation
For thermal energy to move by conduction and convection it must travel through matter. Between the Sun and the Earth is empty space. How does the heat from the Sun warm the Earth and other planets in the solar system? The answer is radiation. Radiation is the transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves.

The warmth you feel when you place your hand near an electric heater or a campfire are examples of heat in the form of radiation.
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منو عربي اهنا I liked the clip with him
