How to Format Your eBook for Kindle

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How do you format a Kindle eBook so that it looks good on a Kindle device? I'll show you in this video. Common formatting errors make your book look like it's of low quality and not professional. Here, I'll show you how to overcome all of those errors with spacing, paragraph positioning, chapter headings, page breaks, bullet points and numbered lists.

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Thank you for taking your own time to share what you've learned on this formatting biz. I'm glad you touch on many subjects with multiple videos instead of one long ass video, because while the mechanics of the formatting is straightforward there sure is a lot to learn. Just when you're done, done and done w your novel you go to load it into Kindle and it's like okay, i'm not done haha


I wished someone would just do a nice simple video about formatting a Word document for Kindle that doesn't veer off into the tall grass. Just a nice, simple explanation. In subsequent videos, go into lists and whatever but start out KISS.. No where on YouTube is there a simple, straightforward guide. There ain't one anywhere. 


@Nowell Hawk, it does, but the formatting doesn't go through properly. That's why a .doc file is best.


AnUnfairEdge Hi, I loved the tutorial, you said the paragraph panel we can use numbered and bulleted lists for out kindle books, but an editor of mine said to insert a symbol for bullet points, because when it converts for the reader auto bulleted lists and points will;;look wonky, and how about georgia as a font? thanks for the great video


thank you for a simplified video. I have a problem with paragraph spacing. For a non-fiction, how do I space between paragraphs and sub headings? thanx


Thank you for the great advice!  I will watch all of your videos.


Thank you for this. Must the page be a smaller size or do I use a normal A4 size? Same question regarding the cover, as cover design programmes seem to have a particular kindle size. Lastly what file format should the cover be in? Would it be a PDF. Thank you!


Thanks, nice clear and clean explanations!


Finally, a lad who speaks in a language my dumbass can understand.
A million thanks, UnFairEdge...
You saved me...


this is 4 years old, is it still relevant for current formatting restrictions??


Edge I posted a novel on KDP from word 2007. Novels require chapters to start on a new page after the last therefore a gap can happen in word, when i view it from the "look inside" feature the gaps are there and i looks unsightly.
My method is to convert the word file to the "web page filtered" format prior to upload.
I'm going to try again. This time I created a style called "Chapters" that numbers them automatically plus page breaks seperating chapters. Any advice for my scenario?


You have a nice voice, also good knowledge


I wrote a Book and already centered the Chapters. I assume I now have to identify these as Headers? highlight the chapters and it pulls them to the right and changes the color. It is also changing the font. How do I set my headers to stop doing this? if they're already centered - bold faced, italics - do I need to even identify them as Headers? Won't Kindle simply use my format? Thanks to anyone who answers.


Hi, This was a great help to me . Is it ok to promote it in my book I will be promoting worldwide?
Work and Travel


Many good insights but, shows and suggests a linking Table of Contents and never shows you how?  Why?


You are a life saver, thank you very much!


Some softwares like Jutoh doesn't support doc file. Also, wanted to know how to add heading two in Table of contents. Only heading one is shown on table of contents.Can somebody please help.


What idea do you have to format it so where text show side by side?  Can I use a table?   Do you recommended that someone do this?  Rea


I'm sorry, but this is not the best way to do things at all. First of all, that first book shown that was supposed to be formatted so well had many problems in it from improper second line indents to chapters not being on separate HTML pages. If you aren't going to properly place them on HTML pages, at least have enough on the ball to use page breaks. Secondly, using "Normal" for an end-all kind of style is useless. Every time you use Normal and then make changes to a paragraph such as adding blank lines after it or changing the indent or margin etc., you'll end up with a bunch of ad-hoc styles based on normal but all different and with silly names that are impossible to keep track of. You need to learn how to make and name styles properly that make sense and that are then easy to apply to paragraphs such as Body Text and Body Text first Indent, or if you have a blank like for a scene break, Body Text First Indent 1B (the 1B signifying one blank line below, or 2B for two blank lines etc.). Then whenever I want a space below a paragraph all I have to do is click on Body Text First Indent 1B from my formatting palette to apply it. If I want three spaced asterisks centered, bold, and in a larger font like 14pt, then I'd make a style called Three Asterisks that had all these attributes and I need only click on that style every time I want it for my spaced asterisks. You just need to use common sense with making and naming styles and then saving them in a template for future books. Of course there are many things you can do only in HTML, but formatting good text documents will make going to HTML just that much more easier if you do.


hey, if anyone else wants to uncover ebook cover design software try Cranstirk Easy Cover Channel (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some great things about it and my buddy got amazing results with it....
