Slipped Biceps Tendon Self Correction

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A video demonstrating the self corrections of a slipped bicipital tendon.
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Omg I did this once three times and my clicking and pain was instantly reduced. Did a bench press for the first time without pain in years. My god man thank you so much.


I've been doing this once a day for three days and I now have no pain in the front of my shoulder.
I can now put my coat on with no pain at all.
Thank you so much.
I've had this pain for 10 years.


Thank you! After a sesion of overhead smash shots in Pickleball developed biceps tendinitis. After about the 4th round of your self correction heard a loud click and my shoulder feels 100% better. What a relief.


Thank you.
The very best demo/instruction available. No-one on the net/YT or the gaggle of body workers, comes close to the accuracy, and effectiveness of this instruction.
The term for the groove where the ligament sits, is, the 'intertubercular' groove.


Immediate change. I had a pretty big click going on but now it's much reduced. Still there but I'll keep working on it. Thanks so much for this amazing video!


Instant relief after nearly a year of discomfort and misdiagnoses. Thank you!


I tried it once and fixed my arm pain. Unreal. It had hurt for several months and I had convinced myself I just needed time for the pain to go away and for my arm to self heal, from what I'd read. I tried your move and the pain was gone and the range of motion (without pain) has returned. Thanks so much!


Just did this a few times and the clicking I've had for years is pretty much gone! I thought it was a supraspinatus issue but this did the trick. No pop for me tho. I'll do this once a day for a bit and see how it goes. Much appreciated sir!


Took the intense pain away in one day...thank you so much!


Thank you. I’ve had a problem for a long time. It seems like this has worked. Amazing. I’m so grateful.


I’ve had ongoing issue and therapy. Range was so limited took time for therapist to get it back into place. Now that I’m loose and feeling better it pops back out. I blame it on bad mechanics. Will work on that and strengthening opposite side shoulder muscles. Helps a lot.
This is gold for my recovery and allows me to stay on track without having to go in and have it realigned. You are a saint my friend. Thank you! Thank you!


Thank you. No wonder my shoulders couldn't relax. And it affects the lower back. I have this on both sides. I will keep monitoring. Instantly improved!


Once it's back in place, what exercises should I do to strength it or stop it from happening again?


Buddy I can't thank you enough for your video ever since I was about 12 and I'm 46 now every year a couple times a year my shoulder would come out well it hasn't happened in like 10 years most of the time it popped back in its place by itself. Today I was in my car reach into my backseat to grab a box of painting supplies and I felt it and I knew it wasn't that so I knew YouTube would have a video on it and you were right it took till the third time and I could feel the pressure and it was definitely the bicep. I wish you lived closer to Youngstown Ohio. I would be painting a couple rooms for you for free you made my day on 2:10 2:10 one of the worst weeks of my life, I appreciate it a grateful subscriber


phenomenal, are there strengthening and/or stretching/release exercises/movements we should be doing to keep the pain away and to help the tendon stay in the groove? Thank you so much for sharing.


Wow! Bro that def helped me out a lot! I’m back in the gym and I’m a side sleeper and that tendon has bothered me so bad! Some of the clicking went away and it’s feeling a lot less painful and more loose!


I just did this. I heard a faint pop on the first try!! I think it worked! I’m icing it right now. I did it again to double check. Amazing!


Tried it and see some immediate progress ... will continue and hopefully resolve my problem


Thank you so much! Was such an easy fix after hurting for so long.


So strange I kind of discovered the same process more or less myself pushing near the shoulder in and up with the other hand I didn't do but the reaching around to the other back pocket I definitely found as a relief and I discovered that before this video. Wow I'm smarter than I think !!@
