'I got my first girlfriend'

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Everyone has a different time for each thing. Don't worry your time will come just keep leveling up yourself!

music: $werve - memories

#balkangains #fitness #grind
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He was a virgin at 44 and still waited till marriage that is dedication right there hats off


I lost my virginity at 26. The men and women who think lesser of you for being a virgin are the one with a problem. Not you gents.


“No one dies a virgin, cause life fucks us all” - random bumper sticker


I'm a 28 year old man who's still single and a virgin. Hopefully, my time will come.


The people stuck with a child they didn’t want or ravaged by some nasty STD are not laughing at him.


31 years old virgin here trying to grind and thrive. God bless you all. We will make it 🔥🙌


nothing wrong with being a virgin. anyone can lose their virginity to a prostitute. but getting a girl that you find attractive and building a healthy relationship and then having sex is respectable.


In this age of hypersexualized men and women that's a rare trait to have😌. My hat goes off to him 😤.


This should be normalized. Sex should be a thing people who love each other do, not just a thing you do when you're fucking bored or desperate to be cool or whatever


Can we just say this guy looks great for being almost 50. I’m guessing being single for so long was a blessing


You don't find love, love finds you.

EDIT: Oh my God... Of Course you have to *Put Yourself Out There* so people can notice you Exist in the world. Everyone knows that! Love won't find you if you sit in your house playing Halo all day (although I've heard a story of a baby girl existing because mommy and daddy met in Call of Duty, but that's another topic)

But nonetheless, my sentiment remains the same. You don't find love, love finds You.


recently, my crush went to another company before i tell her i like her

this video makes me feel better


That’s the reason i guess he looks 10 years younger than his actual age.


Being a virgin should've never been a discriminatory thing, but he's a shining example of not letting what others say decide his decisions. Respect of the highest class to him and to the uploader of this video.


I really needed this.

I recently lost the only girlfriend I’ve ever truly loved due to my pornography addiction, and now I struggle with anxiety that I’ll never find the right person for me again. Watching this video has helped a little bit for me to realise that time is on my side.

Stay strong, brothers. God bless.


“No one dies a virgin, cause life fucks us all”


I lost my virginity at 28. I felt exactly the same as I did before I had done it. Yes, sex is really fun, but it's absolutely not lifechanging.


I’m 23 and still going, I am in no rush of getting any. I seen so many dudes have some disease from going to girl to girl. It’s honestly crazy to me how fast women give it up but doesn’t discourage me that they’re some women with self respect but really rare these days. Work on yourself and they be coming through but be vigilant


I'm gonna break your record, man. That's a promise.


I'm in the same exact category as this gentleman, except I'll be 42 in three days. I think what some people don't realize is that not everyone is supposed to date and marry early in life, or even at some arbitrary point in time that our culture says is ideal. Sometimes, it's hard not to lose hope, especially after being burned throughout one's life and not having anything wrong that would make one undesirable, but at least I know I'm not alone. Sometimes, you don't want to believe that true love exists but I remember my father had a friend who was in the military in Vietnam around the same time. (but didn't meet until much later in life.) However, my father's friend who recently passed away, was paralyzed from the neck down as a result of being shot in the neck. He told us about his wife after she died during the Wake; He told his then-girlfriend to break up with him, because he felt because he would be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, that she wouldn't want to be with him, even his then-girlfriend's parents and relatives tried to get her to break up with him. She refused. And even threatened to marry him against their wishes, even if she had to push his wheelchair straight to the altar. They stayed married for the rest of their lives together, from around the late 60s until his wife died a few years ago. During the wake, Jim (the family friend) told us this story, and it caused me to believe that real love does still exist. Jim lived for about three years afterwards, then sadly died at the begin of this year. At least now I believe they are back together forever. I hope that I, too, might find that kind of love, even though unlike Jim, I wasn't blessed to find such a soulmate as a teenager. Only a bunch of pseudo soulmates, that never really accepted my feelings, or at best, acted like they liked me only to find out after a while that that wasn't really true. Some people may mock virgin males over 40, but often we choose this path, because we don't want to give something that is precious to the wrong person, besides also religious convictions. It's not easy but I believe in the end it's worth it. Note: There were many girls in High School and Middle School, that liked me, but they weren't my type, and I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone who had moral values different from my own. May God put us with the person that we are meant to be with.
