4 Sensory Processing Disorder HACKS YOU NEED!

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🎧 Soundsory Headphones for SPD - Recommended by occupational therapists and professionals globally, Soundsory is a multi-sensory, music, and movement program for 30 minutes a day for 40 days. The Soundsory headphones, equipped with a dynamic filter and bone conduction technology, helps improve motor skills and cognitive development in children and adults.

Soundsory works on the fine, gross, and visual-motor skills in children leading to enhancements in handwriting and drawing, balance and posture, hand-eye coordination, and sports skills. Soundsory is designed to be safe and effective and is helping children and adults on the autism spectrum, with auditory and sensory processing disorders, and other developmental delays.

1 Proprioception
Using small muscle work out of tension can create a more aware sense of awareness that will create a less impactful sensory processing environment for you. Do this by doing simple proprioception exercises like, wall press ups, moving light objects like a dining chair or stack of books.

2 Soundsory
Soundsory is a headphone based skill development therapy it works on the fine, gross, and visual-motor skills in children leading to enhancements in handwriting and drawing, balance and posture, hand-eye coordination, and sports skills.

3 Sensory Room / Corner
Having a dedicated space in your home or room where you can create a sensory corner with lights and comfy pillows etc, will help you escape the busy over sensory world and help you stay calm. Tip Tip: Try work sensory time out into your daily routine.

4 Headphones / Sun Glasses
Lots of people use headphones and or sunglasses to help filter out some of the main causes of sensory overload in autistic individuals. This can be done by simply just warning headphones to block some of the noise out and use sunglasses to filter bright lights.

I’d love to know your thoughts on everything, please pop it in a comment down below if you have any and if you have any hacks you use that I have not mentioned. Follow @TheAspieWorld for more autism content.

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When our son was little we would wrap him in a towel and make a "burrito", or simply give him deep pressure hugs. That helped him a lot. We made sure his bedroom was a safe space where he could feel comfortable and relaxed (and it still is), and we also made sure he had access to ear protection/noise blockers for outside if things got too much for him.

Now that I'm dealing with the fact that I'm an Aspie, too, I see how I've used those same things for myself over the years, not realizing why. Our whole house is a calm, comfy, safe place. I've always felt better after short, muscle strengthening type exercises and sometimes simply push against the wall to get the relaxing results I need. And sunglasses, sunglasses, sunglasses!! So many things about my life make sense now.


Noise canceling headphones have made my world so much better. That and having various music and audio apps so convenient. I was never really a headphone guy before smart phones.


Any tips for communicating your needs when you can’t clearly identify/explain the need.


I run into door frames, cabinets and stuff like that all the time 😅


I have ASD, I'm not real sensitive to lights, but I am sensitive to noise! But I still wear sunglasses because I have trouble keeping eye contact, so the glasses I have, you can't see my eyes😂 so people can't tell that I'm bad at eye contact


Scheduling chill out time is such a good tip!


wearing jewelry with SPD is already impressive.


Excellent tips! To add to the sunglasses and headphones tips:

FL-41 glasses (Axxon or Theraspecs) indoors instead of sunglasses. Still mutes the 🤬 too bright, wrong color light, but with none of the polarization that makes reading screens hard.
I started wearing them for migraines (life changing), but now I also wear them when I’m having a hard sensory day and they really help take the edge off that as well.

Sound wise, while I love my air pod pros, I’ve found “acoustic ear plugs” to be an awesome substitute when you don’t have / can’t use headphones. These are made for musicians and concert goers. So they don’t completely eliminate sound but they filter the harshest and loudest sounds. They are cheaper than noise cancelling headphones so you can keep extras stashed various places, and they are often less obvious than headphones/earbuds, which is nice if you are trying to look like you’re engaged in a social setting but are also trying to avoid having a melt down because it is just so 🤬 loud. My favorites lately have been from Eargasm or Dubs.


I second sunglasses(prescription or whatever) and headphones(tho low volume/noise cancellation for me). I don’t know if I had to the same sensory issues before I transitioned, due to brain damage, but I definitely benefit from headphones+sunglasses they help significantly cut down on my sensory issues. People find it weird that I always listen to music, mystery, or theory craft, and/or educational YouTube’s stuffs while at work but that’s just me stimming and not thinking of the outside world from overloading me.


I used to wear wireless noise canceling headphones EVERYWHERE. And then one at a time, only wore 1. And now I can go long times without wearing them. 😊


Loved this video! Sensory processing is such an important topic. I’m a big fan of Soundsory headset and system. Really great for improving auditory processing skills too. Did you know that Soundsory was designed in collaboration with Tomatis? .


I just got tested for autism. They asked me a bunch of questions about my social life and the way I was raised. Then asked me to say similarities between 2 random things like an anchor and fence post. Then they made me draw some shapes and point to some shapes. Then I had to use cubes to build shapes on a paper in a certain time frame.. Then I had to answer trivia questions that were increasingly more difficult. Any ideas what all that was?


Great video. Do you have an hacks for taking medication that is triggering because of texture aversion (pills) or terrible taste (liquid)?


New sub great video 😃 "look at him go" I'm dead 💀


I have been diagnosed with sensory processing disorder. Still trying to find someone to diagnose me with autism.


I have some textures that I can't avoid in day to day life but I struggle when having to use them


I don't wear sunglasses, the brightness of the lights around me aren't normally an issue, it is the busyness of an environment that bothers me. It makes going into stores so difficult.
I don't use headphones to filter noise, I have a couple sets of Decibullz custom molded earplugs with their attenuation filter. They dial down the volume without distorting the sounds. Most people think that they are earbuds, so they aren't as obvious as big headphones or earprotection muffs can be. If I swap to the regular earplugs pieces instead of the filter, I can wear them swimming and they'll protect me from all the noise and help keep my ears dry.


I wore sunglasses inside for the entire last year of high school. I have chronic migraines and was trying to find a medication that helped at the time, but nothing did. The only thing that helped was wearing the sunglasses all the time


My problems are I can’t touch greasy or oily stuff. I am continually layering sheets and blankets on my bed if I feel the slightest bit of grit. It’s horrible. And lights. I HATE LIGHTS! Edit: I have Misophonia


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