How to Find the Right Community for Your Growth, Learning, and Creativity

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In a world that's seen its fair share of challenges, one of the most impactful outcomes of recent times has been the spotlight on the loneliness epidemic 👤 , an issue that affects millions across the globe. 🌍

For me, this reality hit hard during the global pandemic. Amidst the uncertainty, I found myself expecting my first child 🤰🏼, thousands of miles away from my family in Australia. The isolation and loneliness were overwhelming, magnified by the absence of my own mother during this transformative phase of my life. It was during these trying times that I discovered the immense power of community. 💥

In this video, we'll explore the concept of community – its benefits, the science behind it, the potential obstacles, and a few considerations. As we journey together, I'll share insights into how community can truly enhance our lives. 💕



00:00-00:27 Introduction
00:28-01:48 Personal Story of Isolation During Pregnancy
01:49-02:38 Overview
02:39-03:17 Defining Community & its Components
03:18-06:04 Benefits
06:05-10:13 Obstacles
10:14-12:52 Key Considerations
12:53-14:02 Recap
14:03-14:21 Outro
14:22-16:22 Invitation to The Wellbeing & Business Collective




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