Phrases Your Boss Uses When They Want To Fire You

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CNBC contributor Suzy Welch explains that "sometimes the warning signs are so subtle that many people don't even realize they're in imminent danger of a forced departure."

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Phrases Your Boss Uses When They Want To Fire You | CNBC Make It.
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I've been fired before & what usually happens is this...

The boss will say things like "I'm a bit concerned." or "We might have to break ties with you and let you go." as a warning.

When they actually do fire me, they're never like "You're fired!" like sometimes done on TV.

They've said things like...

"I just don't think this is working out." or simply "I'm sorry, but we are going to have to let you go."

The 1st time I got fired back in 2009, the Manager came up to me & asked me if I saw my schedule & I told him I have.

Then he said to me "As of tonight, we are going to be separating you from your employment." & then he said "It's not something I like doing, but it's part of my duties as manager."

I was big about it, though.

I never threw a fit or argued.

I just accepted it & walked out quietly.


Become your own boss and you won't ever have to worry about this.


Listen to your intuition..You already know when you are about to get fired.


If Steve Jobs could be fired then nobody is immune. Start your own business. People will always hate.


I have resigned since. He doesn't want his superior to know that I have left. So he is pretending that he fired me or going to fired me. Duh I have left over a month now.


You already don't have to come in tomorrow :D


RiP my boy elgi man he’s not dead or anything just his career


Does sometimes or lots of times, this kind of happenings are triggered by office politics from people in disguise so envious and anxious can not compete with us? E.G.: we pay our own special support to our corporate, not being paid as it is suppossed to be for our programming works or any other copyright works, etc? Passion through Profession always bring about differentiation in our daily 9-5 behaviours. Still got to have the better positive sides, well - I think. Thank you for the provocation subject. Hahahahah.


My boss was cutting my hours 😭 so that I only worked 9 hours a week when I asked for more hours they said no. So I quit
