What is Feminism?

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Are you a feminist? If you believe in equality for everyone – both men and women – then you are a feminist. Watch these women and men talk about feminism and then share with us why you’re a feminist.

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All human beings should be treated equally, But a women still can't do everything a man does, and a man can't do everything a women does. Both genders are unique and have different abilities. (This is my opinion)


Funny that when a girl attacks a man, the man gets accused, it's like this
Woman attacks man : "what did he do to upset her?"
Man attacks woman : "Hey, don't hit that girl!"


I think women should register to Selective Service and fight when war breaks out.


The big lie about Feminism is that it stands for equality. Take for example, are feminist lobbying for an even playing field when it comes to divorce settlements, child support, and child custody battles? The fight for equality and equal opportunity should not be rooted in feminism or be associated with that noun. Instead it should be rooted in the fight for human rights which means equality for all.


I'm trying to understand Feminism. I think it was created by white women who was indignant towards white men. Back in the day white men made white women dependent on them through unfair treatment. Fast forward 2 today. I keep hearing feminist say they want equal pay or they want more money than men.What jobs do women feel they deserve the same pay if not more? I think feminist believe it should be equal and fair. I worked with women, both coworkers and bosses. Men tend to work harder, and accomplish more. Women come to work and try to build relationships instead of putting more emphasis on getting the job done. Men have a skill where they can section off different things in their brain and focus on goals. Women in the workplace spend less time reaching goals and spend all day gossiping, talking about their kids, their husband, what they should eat, and what vacation they're going on. Whatever is happening internally or at home women tend to bring that crap to work. Men tend leave it at home and focus on work. It's not about what's fair it's about who's more capable and proficient.


You will Never know real feminism until you end up in family court or a Human Resource Office.


If Feminism is about equality I couldn't tell by all the advocacy for special privileges for women


yes everyone has to be treated equally no matter what, be respected, new friend here


Well why is it still our duty to ask out girls 😒should we be exchanging each side of the coin


Bruh we all already have the same rights


In business, feminism gives women a boost to get to the level of men which takes resources and doesn't even give you good things :)


It’s not a whim that many authentic perfect people disagree with femenism. Time to wake up.


I'm for equality but I'm against feminism so please don't tell me that if I'm for equality I'm a feminist because I'll come right back at you and say that if you're white you are part of the KKK. To understand what I mean let me point out the contradiction you made in the video compared to the description of the video, in the description you state "If you believe in equality for everyone – both men and women" then in the video you have the definition of feminism "the advocay of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality TO men" Well that's not advocating rights for everyone that's advocating rights for one group of people. Rights that have already been established thus there is no need for it, thus are now advocating for more rights than another group (males) this stems from a deep seeded hatred for males which is at the core of feminism called Patriarchy Theory. If you have a group that hates another group based solely on genetics then you are no better than groups such as the KKK. So just because I am for actual equality and not for advocating one group over another I'd really like it if you stopped trying to lump everyone in with this group of hate mongers.


Those that mean they can finally get the couch? Or floor? And how about wars can we split that in half? And if a women hits me can I beat her up like I do a man? I mean your talking fairness and being equal to men here! Do I start to see women as men? Or maybe this applies to feminist only?


This is basically called respect for other humans. Why change the name to this? Smh


If you guys really want to equal man and woman, dont say about job, salary, right for women, you should speak about equal laws, equal justice, equal social sympathy for man. when a man slap a women, the society treat it as violence against women, but when the character flips, the society then blames the man, I strongly belive feminism is not any solution. Feminism, the word, itselft is discriminative word. Feminism means every rights only for women, not equal to man. If you really want every thing equal for everyone, then you should choose the word equalism or humanism/humanity, not feminism, because the word feminism and equalism are not same. If women be feminism, and man be masculism, these makes enmity between man and women. Till now I didnt hear about any man be masculist, because man are smarter than women, they dont need any ism, theory. we have humanity in our mind, I dont think job, salary, freedom of speech is not more vital than the right of Living, right of security, right of justice, right to be respected. I am from asia, I dont know about your country, but here we have laws of violence against women, but not any laws of violence againt man, If a man kills anyone, he maybe hang to death, but if any women kills all the city, she will not be hang to death, because just of being a women. here the maximum punishment of rape is hang to death, but if any women cut the penis or make a man impotent/castrated, the punishment would be maximum 2-3 years of jail, where cutting the penis or castrating a man is far more offensive than rap. A raped girl dont lose any physical ability but castrating a man completly destroy a mans life. I, as a man, also belive that hitting on balls/testis hardly are more painful than rape and it could lead a man to death. Feminism is creating enmity with man. Feminism is toxic for society. So, dont go with feminism, think of with your brain.


Did you see the simp lol Im sure I did


What do you mean by equality. Yes I agree there should be equality of respect and opportunity but not necessarily equality of outcome. I believe the danger of equality of outcome is it will only be achieved by force when quality of outcome should be decided on competence. If a woman achieved what she desires by competence that is great but it shouldn't be decided by feminists putting pressure on society to achieve equaliry of outcome. To sum up, yes to equality of opportunity, but equality of outcome should only be achieved by competence. There are many factors why women may not achieve equal pay for instance and male prejudice may be one of them which I agree is not good but there are many many other reasons one of which is competence. I work for an Arts service and most of the senior managers are women. They are competent in what they do and have the right personality traits to do the job. I have also worked for a company where promotion was based on equal numbers of male to female managers and it was disastrous as competence wasn't the main factor. I hate the term feminists as it is identity politics for the group not the individual. You are an individual so you don't have to subscribe to a group.


To me feminism is giving women the the right to live out their God given purpose and be respected for it.
For some that will be solely being a homemaker and raising future generations, for others it may be creating scientific and medical breakthroughs. It's the right to equally live with free will like ALL humans were given without judgement. Also, to receive equal compensation for doing the same work, with the same experience, and same education as the men we work with.

We all know that men are physically stronger and women have a higher pain tolerance. Not sure why men tend to bring up physical strength when feminism is brought up.


So you are catalyst, are you a compound or a mixture.
Tell me in what reactions you affect the speed.
