How to Set Up a Pi-Hole System on a Raspberry Pi - Block Ads and More!

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Follow along to create a Little Red Advertisement Devouring Monster! Pi-Hole is a self-hosted, network-wide, ad-blocking system that runs on a Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer. A completed system will filter all your internet requests meticulously and only display what you want to see.

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Furthermore, Pi-Hole will stop devices from leaking personal information out of your network so if your IoT Fridge is spying on you going to be able to find out 😊. This can also pre-emptively prevent (hidden from you) Crypto-Coin mining from occurring on your network. This will protect your entire local network and data. You can even set up parental controls to censor adult content. Pi-Hole also auto-caches so the response time of your internet browser can be significantly faster if it has already cached the desired webpage information to your system.

Pi-Hole will create and operate as a Domain Name System (DNS) pathway for your internet system. With a completed system your Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer will take all the internet data coming in, filter it meticulously, and only display what you actually want to see. If particular data is blacklisted your Router/Modem won’t even be able to download/cache/pull it from the internet. This saves bandwidth. You set this up once and any internet-connected device (Phone, iPad, Smart TV, Computer, or IoT Toaster) will have its internet requests pass through the Pi-Hole system and filtered. This system is more efficient and better than downloading Ad Blocking Browser Add-Ons on each of your devices.

For clarity, there are three main ways to set up a Pi-Hole System. First is the easiest and the method I demonstrate in this video, using standalone hardware like the Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer. Another option is running Pi-Hole as part of a virtual machine. The other option is to run Pi-Hole containerised with Docker or Kubernetes. The latter methods are more technical and make it possible to efficiently multi-task with hardware. The Pi-Hole project is a great platform to jump into these bigger concepts but I will provide the most direct way to get Pi-Hole running on standalone hardware.

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0:00 Intro
0:14 Pi-Hole Overview
0:51 Flow of Data
1:38 Demonstration
1:43 Everything it can do
2:30 What You Need
3:05 Hardware Assembly
3:26 Software Installation
4:28 Install Wizard Run Through
6:53 Access Pi-Hole Web Interface
7:22 Router Settings
8:30 Demonstration!
9:12 Adding 3rd Party Block Lists (Updating Gravity)
11:49 Query Log (Blacklisting and Whitelisting)
13:05 Outro
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I’ve watched at least 6 other YouTube videos on getting a pi hole up and running and your explanation is by far the most detailed and clearest of the bunch. Great job, I’ve subscribed!


A PiHole was one of the best additions I made to my home tech arsenal. The browsing experience is so different once you remove all the garbage. I also learned that my smart TVs make THOUSANDS of requests a day, trying to send or get data from their respective motherships. Sorry TVs, no way, you are there to display the picture from my consoles or Apple TVs, and nothing more.


You know something.. I watch a ton* of tutorials and these are broken down in such an effective way.
Such patience demonstrated!


I've read the pi-hole docs a couple of times, but this is the first time I've felt like it's something I could not only set up but maintain long-term. 10/10 tutorial.


I set up Pi-Hole a couple months ago and reading articles online is so much quicker now. Thank you for spreading the word about this great software.


Re-setup today after not having pi hole since before I moved. Now I connected it to my phone with the guide linked in description. I love your explanation too.


I've been running pihole for a short period of time, setup from another site. But the adding of more lists was the icing on the cake. Thank you. Great video


I agree with others - this is a great exposition of how to do Pi-hole. I tried it once before and managed to screw up my internet access but this gives me new confidence to have another go. Thanks!


Your video was excellent, fast walk through and clear. Excellent job and thank you!


this is defo the best pi hole setup video. extremely well explained and presented. thanks!


This is definitely my favorite set-up video for the Pi-hole


You are a great teacher, detailed, efficient and to the point, thank you for putting this together. You have another subscriber!


I literally did a snap buy of a Pi 4 module B a couple of hours after watching this video. Your video is really informative and concise that it easily convinced me I should get to it.


Right off the rip, your video quality is excellent, and you speak very clearly. Thank you!


Thank you for this video. It's very thorough and easy to listen to and follow.


Thank you for your effort, time and energy put into this video. As I see other comments, I am lucky as this is the first I am checking about this topic and it seems perfect. It is time to get the parts to put all together and forget about AD world as already I am fed up enough...


I have watched a few other tutorials about making a PiHole and this is the best and easiest to understand.


Thank you for a great detailed video on pihole. I didn't know about adding more blocked domains on the pihole using firebog until I watched your video.


Have been so stressed about doing this for so long. You make it look soooo simple! I am of an age when the internet was a community based, philanthropic wonder! Yes, really I am that old and miss the handshake noises as I connect over 14.4 dial up🤣 I'm lucky in that I have a spare Pi. The Grandkids are visiting today, so will leave it till tomorrow. Wish me luck🤞🖖

Update: After getting everything up and running on the Pi, It turns out that the Plusnet One router doesn't allow you to change DNS addresses. WTF😡


Oh hey, I just bought my Pi from you guys yesterday
I saw my Pi was arriving tomorrow, started looking for guides and saw this. lol

Great explanation
