Why We Can't Choose God - RC Sproul

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The idea that humanity can't choose God offends so many, but why? Was the atonement universal? Just what is grace? Who did Jesus die for? Are we robots?

The answers may surprise and convert you....

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Trinity - 2:3 This divine and infinite Being consists of three real persons, the Father, the Word or Son, and the Holy Spirit.27 These three have the same substance, power, and eternity, each having the whole divine essence without this essence being divided

Stan Reeves, Confessing the Faith: The 1689 Baptist Confession for the 21st Century


I study the Bible quite a bit. In my Christian walk, have come to a place of humility. Admittedly, it waivers from time to time. However, even if I don’t fully understand the “mechanics of salvation”, as I like to call the deeper levels of theology, I’m just happy that the engine works.


Amen🙌 Its All the work of God. Thank you for sharing.


You covered alot. Awesome stuff. I have not read RC, s book " Chosen by God" yet and I better get to it.


I’ve heard people say “that’s not fair”. Even I said it once in my Christian infancy.
I’ve matured since then. Today, my response to people who say that’s not fair is “ tough cookies, this is his universe, he makes the rules, you better get on board”


If we can’t choose God, then how can we be sent to hell for not following Jesus.


Its funny. Those who teject the doctrines of grace seem to forget or maybe don't think about the fact that they had no choice in being born, who their parents would be, what economic status they would have, what country they would be born in, what century they would be born in, what color and size they would be, etc....


What's the point of preaching the Gospel to people destined to perish? Why preach at all to anyone? Jesus preached, some responded. But what if He never preached? Just came and died to take away sin. Why preach repentance and acceptance of the Gospel if it's already determined? There appears to be a lot of holes in this line of thinking. BTW, I totally agree that this 'freewill' is limited in scope and is, to me, an illusion.


When I got saved I thought “I did it!”. It wasn’t till years later I realized “you did not choose me rather…..”


Calvinists worship the same spirit as Islam. If you know Islam, you know why I say that. You need to repent.
