The Truth About Switching From Android to iPhone in 2019

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So, you want to switch from Android to iPhone but you have some concerns. Some stress points. Some… things that are just slowing you down or holding you back.

There are a lot of totally valid reasons someone may want to make that change. Yes, still, today. And, also some legit reasons you may decide not to make the change at all.

You’re the one living your life and paying your bills, so ultimately you’re the one that needs to be and deserves to be happy with your decision. Even if you need a little help getting there.



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Everyone should try both platforms for a full upgrade cycle at least once.

Would kill a lot of tribalism on the internet.


I switched from Android to iOS back in March when I got my XR. I didn't really miss much from Android except for two things, downloading APKs off the internet and launchers.


I love both equally, don’t let Apple blind you, you should use Android for some time and iOS for some time, that’s what I have done and I can tell you that neither is perfect, both have their ups and downs.


I had a macbook pro for 2 years now with a samsung s8+, I switched to iPhone 11 recently and bought a series 4 apple watch and the Eco system is goood it's unbelievable!!!


Just switch from Android to an iPhone 11 after 10+ years of android. No regrets so far, just a lot of muscle memory to unlearn.


I'm constantly switching. Every time I go Android I miss apple until something annoys me on iOS.


What I've come to understand is that even if iOS became more like Android, most iOS users wouldn't even utilize it because they aren't looking for options, they're looking for a quality, stream-lined experience. I can respect that.


I don't really care on customization on Android, I always like the stock one. What I like about Android, and used to live with, is the "on the go compatibility". Being able to plug your phone to whatever like computers, tv's, otg USB's, that read your phone and being able to send and receive files from any device is just so much handy. And that is Android. iOS on the other hand is the quality apps and smoothness of the OS. I use an iPhone now and I really miss Android when it comes to compatibility. If Apple just don't restrict iPhone with just their ecosystem like being able to connect your iPhone to tv's without Apple TV, a USB otg capable iPhone, send and receive files from any device and being able to dig your file system and show detailed file information then that name PRO would be so much meaningful.

Android is for the people who KNOW how to use a smartphone and iPhone is for the people who WANT a smartphone.


If iphone had picture in picture I would change but the fact that I can't watch a youtube video while texting is a feature I cannot live without.


Honestly I just want to try something new


I switched back in March from android to iOS. Never looked back!


4:09 as an Android user I can't help but admire those smooth as close as it get to perfect animations and transitions are *WHILE THE SCREEN IS BEING RECORDED* like my S8 droppes easily to 15fps while i record my screen credit where credit is due


Anybody else scrolling through comments instead of homework🙋🏽‍♀️


Who else switched to iPhone this year?


Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses.


I've been using iOS for about 7 years now, I'm switching to android in a month or two (With the S10) and I can't wait. I'm just tired of iOS haha. The iPhone 11 is amazing, don't get me wrong, however, I kinda like all the things you can do on android that you can't do on iOS, and I don't want to be in apple's ecosystem.


I switched from my S8 to the iPhone XS Max (the 11 Pro Max was out of stock) and wow, I am in love with how smooth the OS is and the RAM Management on this phone. Hands down, I love it! There are some things I miss from the S8 but those are small things. I’ll probably switch at some point but I’m keeping this phone no matter what. I am happy with the switch.

Edit: I switched after previously owning 2 Android phones (One bad and one good) which is 4 years. I hope this phone lasts me that long.


Thanks I've been with Android for 12 years I am making the switch.


I just switched from android to the IPhone 11 pro just two days ago and I have no regrets.


I switched to iOS in July after ~ 5yrs on Android phones. It wasn’t hard and I set mine up as a new phone and went on a Google diet. Air Drop still feels like magic lol 😁
