The Real Truth About Switching to VR in DCS

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Mooch talks about the unforeseen details of switching DCS virtual flying from TrackIR to VR.

And as an audiobook here:

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Video sponsored by Ridge. Ridge is having a big sale right now for their 10th anniversary, so you can get the best offer using my link to save up to 40% off your order through March 26th!


It's always hearth warming to see an ex Tomcat guy enjoys his lovely bird as closest he can get and watching you explain stuff with all the passion you have is just amazing. Please do more DCS content sir!


As someone who also has a 4090 and i9-13900k using a Quest Pro to fly DCS, I can't agree enough. Multi-threading is a game changer. Everything is so smooth and a 4090 finally makes VR smooth and bearable for long periods. We're now in the golden age of DCS!!!


VR makes such a difference for both flying and driving. Being able to look at the corner and bring the vehicle to it is so much more immersive and far better training value for when I bring my actual vehicle to the tracks I sim race on.


I'm so proud of you Mooch for making the conversion to VR. Sort of brings me back to the feeling I had when my first child was born. Damn it, now I'm getting all misty-eyed.


Finally! Have wanted to say VR is how DCS should be played for a long time but didn't want to be that guy. There are some things to overcome with controls, clever input binds etc when in vr but it's easier to master than most people think. I feel bad for those building cockpits with all caution lights and functioning MFDs. It's impressive for sure but honestly in VR we only need functioning buttons through button box interfaces/Arduino boards with pushbuttons. Delightful that you've gone VR Mooch!!
Greetings from Sweden


Quick tip for finding buttons on the keyboard: usually f, j and num pad 5 has a small noch on the bottom of the key that you can feel


Ward, I am very impressed that not only did you stick with the journey and make it through learning about gaming PCs/VR/DCS, each on its own complex a complex topic, but that you were able to effectively consolidate and communicate the relevant topics and how they interact with each other. Well done, and I'm glad you were able to get to the "deja vu" level of immersion with your rig.


As a longtime DCS/TrackIR player this is very helpful as a ‘here’s the deal’ info video. Btw I’m one of those who found your non-DCS videos helpful in learning the Tomcat 👍


Adding a buttkicker or bass shaker really increases immersion and I’d definitely recommend it. Easy to do one DIY for under $100. You might also want to consider a different throttle with more mappable buttons. I went with the Virpil CM3 throttle and have enough buttons to map everything I need. The afterburner and fuel cutoff detents are awesome too.


Outstanding, I am very happy for you. I have a VR headset & was amazed by how fast your brain adapts to virtual reality. A person could swear the motion is real. I get excited when watching people who have never tried it. Enjoy /


So nice to hear Ward talk about all the same problems I went through with trying to get my flight sims running at an acceptable frame rate and also an acceptable resolution in VR (Valve Index). Wound up biting the bullet and purchasing the i9 13900k, RTX 4090 and new power supply, motherboard 64GB or RAM etc. Now I am struggling with all the different layers you have to tweak. Nvidia control panel, Windows settings, VR headset settings, game settings, Open XR settings, etc. It's a labor of love but it can get exhausting.


Mooch your F-14 videos definitely helped me become a better DCS Tomcat pilot! The tendency for uncontrollable roll moment and the counterintuitive rudder input definitely saved me a few times!


I built my own simpit. Im in vr. I designed and 3D printed a couple of switchpanels with structures that when I would touch it, I would know which switch it is when in VR. Works great. Also got some virpils.


Once you get a GOOD vr experience, You just can't go back. The difference is night and day... you're literally in the cockpit! Glad you got it working, I have the G2 too and would be happy to share settings if you wanted. Also try the Apache in night missions, super immersive.


The rabbit hole is deep my Lots of cockpit stuff out there to help with the fun!


Perfect timing on this one Mooch! Looks like I’m picking up some gear today! Thank you!


Hey Ward! I grew up on Long Island, and my dad worked for Grumman in the 60's, 70's and 80's. He worked on both the LEM and F-14 projects (among others). Growing up, I always had a fascination with aircraft and read every copy of Aviation Week that was laying around the house. I became an arm chair pilot and have been flying pc simulators from the beginning... F-19, Falcon 4.0 all of the way to today with DCS and MSFS. VR has realized the dream for me for the potential of at-home flying. Being able to launch and land on a carrier, flying over the Grand Canyon in a cub at sunrise before I start my work day... it is mind blowing how far things have come. Thanks for the videos... they often bring back memories... like my parents arguing over if we should move to Iran in the 70's (we didn't!).


Thank you for the update. I am planning a DCS build around the F14 and am on the fence between VR and track IR, for the same reasons you covered in this video (immersive experience of VR, vs the need to be able to see keyboard/mouse/etc). Keep up the content, it is greatly appreciated!


BTW I was a maintainer in VF-154 and VF-14 96' through 01' love your videos. I only worked on the F-14A model but all this makes me reminiscent of a time when fighters ruled the skies of Miramar and then Va. Beach. Looking at the flightline and seeing rows upon rows of F14s from squadrons like VF101, VF2, VF14, VF41 and on and on .... I tell you I really miss it. But glad I have these memories and people like yourself who enjoyed it as much as I did. And contribute to the DCS community to keep that aviation spirit alive. As a matter of fact you interviewed one of my old CO's Sammy Richardson. He was CO while I was in VF14 and Bruce Fecht was his XO. Two very outstanding pilots and I'm sure you already know. I could go on about so many things but just wanted to reach out and thank you for your excellent videos and tips on how to fly the best dang fighter jet to ever rule the unfriendly skies. Anytime baby!!!
