Has Social Media Destroyed Public Interactions?

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Is Your Shopping And Social Media Addiction Destroying Your Life? (seriously)

Has Social Media Destroyed Public Interactions?

Check out @vampirerobot's channel :)

Intro 0:00-0:54
Nostalgia 0:55-1:52
Fashion and beauty 1:53-3:20
Kids and teenagers 3:21-4:24
Cameras are everywhere 4:25-5:12
My relationship with my phone 5:13-6:45
Interactions 6:46-7:08
Spending less time with my phone 7:09-8:13
The comments 8:14-10:44
Outro 10:44-11:21

Join me every week for new videos that will make you a little more curious about the way we live ❤️

I Sold $60,000 Of My Designer Closet In 2023 And This Is What I Learnt

The “Retail Therapy” Scam... It's Time You Knew

The Number One Trick Retailers Use On Shopping Addicts

Necklaces I own and wear often:


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I'll see you in my next one :)

Port Adelaide
South Australia

Music used:

*Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. I use affiliate links, meaning I earn a small percentage of sales made via those links, but it doesn’t cost you anything extra!
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Reading those comments at the end hit me harder than I thought they would but I’m going to choose to look at how I can change my relationship with my device and be more present in life ❤ did this video have a similar effect on you or a different one?


This video catapulted me back to my youth. I was 33 years old in 1996 and remember those days well. I grew up in the 70’s (total disco gal), lived through the 80’s (big hair, big shoulder pads) and became a mature minded woman in the 90’s. Every person thinks their era is the best era but nothing will ever compare to growing up unplugged and disconnected. Kids today don’t even remotely resemble the children of yesteryear, now always searching for that Instagramable moment. I am so grateful I grew up in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. It truly was a simpler time. I cannot even begin to imagine where the world is headed… 😒


I was born in 2001 and this video made me cry. I often notice how everyone around me is on their phones at all times and it makes me think how much better a lot of experiences would’ve been without the phones. Even classes in college, we all just sat there for 1, 5 hours barely looking up and barely present. And what is the most frustrating is when you’re hanging out with friends and the person next to you is watching reels or texting someone else. We are right here! I feel like a lot of people my age talk about this issue and realise how messed up it all is. So I think there’s still hope we’ll ditch social media one day :) I think it’s a good thing to just start with yourself


I never allowed myself to be sucked into social platforms since the start. It takes a healthy strong mind to discipline yourself like that for the last 20 years, but I knew it was rude to use the phone in front of friends and family. I just wouldn’t and I still don’t. It’s sad when my friends use their phones in front of me or others and think it’s socially ok, without excusing yourself first or only turn to the phone for important matters. They didn’t set boundaries for themselves and as a result their loved ones are ignored or neglected, without justifiable reason.

You don’t take calls during dinner dates so why would you check for messages? There is absolutely no excuse.


I remember going out to eat alone at 22 (2013) and just sitting, eating, people-watching. I don't think I could do that now without being glued to my phone, without feeling like a serial killer.


It is so engrained in everything now. At a super market you don’t deal with a human. At the airport you self check in, you pass customs with a ticket, you barely see someone let alone have a smile and a hi. Sadness.


I was born in 1979 and was a teen in the 90s and im so grateful I grew up during that time. I had less noise in my head before social media, I had time to be bored and present and just to daydream. We didn’t have all the news of the world in our heads or everything happening with friends and family. We appreciated our own lives more and didn’t long for what others had. We were satisfied and content. It was a time when we could go out in public too without the fear of being filmed or photographed to be humiliated online. One day going to work on the train, I noticed everyone around me was looking down at their phone and I was the only one looking out the window. That’s when I realized that the world had permanently changed. 😢


As a certified middle aged person now (42), I notice this all the time. What you see people doing in those malls is something we no longer do - that's browsing! I remember when SA's would say can I help you? And the reply would be, no thanks, I'm just having a browse. Now we have researched everything to an inch of its life online, or are comparing prices or if we can get it cheaper on Amazon so we have changed the way we shop. No longer do we go in and meander around the shops, there are so many options for us and we have already done our browsing online. For something different I sometimes decide to just go to the shops like we used to in the 90s, walk slowly and just look around.


I remember when i was a kid playing with my friends, mom‘s would scream to call their kids to come home for dinner. And if you wanted to play outside with friends you just walked around the neighbourhood or walked up to their houses to see if they are at home. When i look outside now, almost no kids are playing together anymore. So sad.


I feel like we will never be able to go back unfortunately. I think because we are social creatures the lack of in person reaction is making us as a society more isolated and depressed. 💔


Graduated high school in ‘93 and I think that era was the best in modern times…if you grew up in a safe environment in the 80s and 90s you had no worries… violence was isolated and mostly avoidable (in the States). Kids walked to school and played wherever we wanted. I traveled to other countries in high school and college and would get unwanted attention from men but was never really afraid of anything serious happening. Now I’m afraid to walk anywhere without my phone or at all a lot of the time. I feel sorry for younger people who never knew those freedoms or were able to build the lasting bonds that came through real conversations in person. My friends and I feel very lucky because we had so much fun. We lost our innocence on 9/11…thanks for addressing this topic, Caitlin 🙂


I think that being present in any circumstance is a choice and that people are choosing their online life over their real world life more and more to their own detriment. I have a phone, I comparison shop with it, I take photos while out, and know it's available to communicate if I need it, but I also enjoy people watching, window shopping, and the like. Life is rich, and being present in our real life is really the best life.


During the summer at a GooGoo Dolls concert Johnny yelled. “Put the goddamn phones away, be in the moment!” We went to a concert a couple of weeks ago and the artist wanted everyone to leave their phones outside the venue in lockboxes. No phones, cameras, or video devices were allowed. We left our phones in the car and I was in a bit uneasy to be without a phone walking through the parking lot. It was worth it, the entertainer was the brilliant Bob Dylan and I enjoyed not having to worry about getting all those photos and videos for Facebook… honestly.


I feel blessed to have had a full life like that before 2007. I’m nearing 40, but I’m so grateful I was old enough to experience and remember that. It makes it easier for me to put down my phone more often and not get sucked into social media as much. I saw this clip just yesterday and all the feels came out too. We can change this to a more peaceful and present life here one mind at a time. Thanks for doing your part!


I took a month off social media...it was hard at first but amazing at the end. My mind felt so clear and I was much more calm and able to focus. I used a book called 30 Days Without Social Media by Harper Daniels. I recommend that everyone go at least a month without using social media.


I was in the class of 96 so I remember life before mobile devices & social media really well. I was the first of my friends to get a mobile phone because my parents wanted me to be able to call for help if anything happened while I was riding my horse (my horse promptly chewed the aerial 😅). I’m pretty sure said phone’s only function was to make & receive calls.


I think having a phone has definitely contributed to my social anxiety. I don’t ever go on social media but when I’m out in public or social settings and I feel uncomfortable I just retreat on my phone and find something to do to make it look like I’m busy. I really need to to force myself to be comfortable in public spaces alone without relying on my phone.


This year for the 4th of July there was a big family of about 10 or so sitting next to me waiting to watch the fireworks. The moment the fireworks started, all of them (even the little kids) pulled out their phones and ipads and recorded the whole thing. Maybe it was their 1st time seeing fireworks....idk but it made me so sad that none of them were present in that moment. The moments we record, we arent present for and so looking back at a video isn't actually a memory you've lived.


Such people say: “You not answered my messages immediately!” Yes, I didn’t. Because I’m not smartphone 24/7 attached


Thanks for your wonderful content.
Also impo:
-less psych. disorders
-more creativity
-real stars and artists (no new musicians or actors come to my mind)
-having fun and laughter in public or clubs
- dancing and singing has gone
- obesity because of different food
- individuality: e.g gothic, punk teenagers…
