The smartest orangutan ever 👏

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The smartest orangutan ever 👏
Kanzi: The ape that understands humans and knows over 3000 words
SMART Chimp Asks Zoo Visitors For Drink | The Dodo
Clever Orangutan Makes a Fair Trade With Human
Intelligent ape unwraps a straw and drinks juice
How smart are orangutans? - Lu Gao
Orangutan’s are just humans who don’t pay tax 😂❤️ #shorts
The Orangutan wanted to see the baby ❤️ Funniest Monkey Videos
Guy Performs Magic Trick for Orangutan
Moments of Animal Genius That Will Amaze You
The orangutan wanted to see my baby!
Orangutan Asks for Banana Then Throws Back Peel
Incredible Orangutan Moments (Part 1) | Top 5s | BBC Earth
Gigantic Orangutan is freak of nature! #orangutan #jungle #animals #nature #wildlife
Top 5 Genius Monkeys Caught on Camera
Most Intelligent Animal In The World | Orangutan🦧
Monkey Sees A Magic Trick
Incredible Orangutan Moments (Part 2) | Top 5s | BBC Earth
Animalia's Orangutan Rambo loves her electric car
Huge Silverback Breaks Rope LIVE on Gorilla Cam 🦍
A Rare Look at the Secret Life of Orangutans | Short Film Showcase
Smartest Orangutan in the World - Most intelligent Monkey Ever!
Orangutans and Computers — Understanding the Intelligence of Great Apes
Orangutan 🦧 The Astonishing Intelligence Beyond Belief!