A Rare Look at the Secret Life of Orangutans | Short Film Showcase

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In the vanishing lowland rainforests of Borneo, new research is underway to uncover and understand the unique cultural behaviors in wild orangutans.

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Photographer Tim Laman, researcher Cheryll Knott, and National Geographic Young Explorer Robert Suro have documented rarely-seen unique orangutan behaviors such as making pillows, fashioning umbrellas, and displaying regional greetings. With orangutan habitats disappearing at an alarming rate, the team hopes their research will help to protect this critically endangered species before it’s too late.

Follow filmmakers Melissa Lesh and Trevor Beck Frost.

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A Rare Look at the Secret Life of Orangutans | Short Film Showcase

National Geographic
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About 7 million years ago there was nothing like a human on earth - there were simply great apes. What aspect of the lives of orangutans intrigued you the most?


One time I was at the Zoo, and I saw an Orangutan sleeping with a bed sheet. He opened his eyes and caught me staring at him. He hid his head under it, and played peek a boo like 4-5 times with me.I was a young kid, and its intelligence baffled me, for the first time in my life I felt a human connection with an animal. Not like with a pet, No. This was different. It was like we were the same, but one of us lived inside a cage.


It's 3:30am and I can't stop watching animal/nature videos. Help.


“Two apes passing in the morning dawn” is one of the best unintentional quotes I’ve heard


That's why we called them as orang hutan (person of the forest) as they resemblance cautiously like a human behaviour.


I have decided to donate all my money when I die since I don’t have children to help these apes. They have always been my favorite animal


The lengths and effort these people go through to share with us about them is simply respectable and admirable. It's been really great to be able to learn about them through these observations, particularly their social behaviours. Thanks for sharing National Geographic.


That moment the Orangutan made that umbrella, I was awestruck!


To me the craziest part was how strange their howls are, they just sound like a human trying to imitate an orangutan
That’s absolutely incredible


The orangutan is one of my favorite primates. The kiss squeaking is amazing, how some use leaves, kissing them and then tossing. It’s so clearly a result of culture. Thank you for sharing this amazing footage and information.


This video is so calming. Those scenes of the rainforest put my mind to a state of peace.


This is stunning, sad, and interesting. We all need to do more to protect our planet. Whoever is destroying those forests needs to stop.


I'm from Indonesia and the first time I heard the word "orangutan" I thought it was human living in forests because orang in bahasa Indonesia mean human and hutan mean forest or jungle... so yea


So ya'll 'gonna just act like ya'll didn't see that Orangutan pull down a giant tree at 9:15?


Is anybody else obsessed with Orangutan's and Elephants? My two favorite animals on earth!
Absolutely beautiful and intelligent creatures! I hope we can keep our mother earth healthy. I need to do more myself. What else can I do besides boycotting unsustainable palm oil to help these beautiful creatures?


Can we take a moment to appreciate the beautiful view of the orangutan mother with her baby attached to her while she's carrying a tree branch above her head to protect herself from the rain? so amazing.


Orangutans are my favourite animal, I don’t want to see these amazing creatures go extinct 😢


I love orangutans so much. They fill me with joy


Im from the UK and live in Kalimantan Borneo, Palm oil production is a serious problem for the habitat here.


We have 3 orangutans in the zoo here in erie, pennsylvania (united states). It was a Saturday and I went to the exhibit where the orangutans lived and I pulled out my camera phone to take pictures and the mother comes running up, stops and poses for the camera in multiple forms for each picture. It baffles me that a animal had that level of intelligence. Beautiful creatures in every way shape and form. It was a moment I'll hold on to for the rest of my life.
