Why Are Players Quitting Diablo Immortal

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For me, I'm used to D2 & D3 items dropping like candy and having to sort through the random stats to create interesting builds. Diablo Immortal itemization, on the other hand, has been locked up tight for cash and longevity purposes. The other systems they've added to try and fill in the gaps for this strict item control are not done well enough to distract from the fact that you kill THOUSANDS of mobs over and over and almost nothing interesting drops. So, I went back to D3 as it feels more rewarding, and I feel like my time is being respected. Just my opinion.


Battle pass skins SHOULD be shared between all class. No more class bound skins. This would make also the class change more enjoyable. Content creators should also address this.


My kid spent 1600$ on this pos in microtransactions in 3 months. You bet I made him quit... I imagine I'm not the only one with this issue.


The rewarding structure never seems justifiable to the efforts that you put in the game. For e.g., a paragon lvl 190 requirement equipment has lesser attributes compared to one that has a 20 levels lower requirement. 🙄 So what happened is that the huge excitement one had in the initial stages has reduced and for some it has gone to 0, meaning they moved on. They need to fix the rewarding structure in future updates.


They need to fix fractured plane. I think it's so unrewarding after completing it. I feel like it should give you a guaranteed upgrade from 1 out of 6 of the items you pick. 1 guaranteed upgrade a week is not going to break the game or farm. It gives us something to look forward to each week when it resets. Or remove the 1 week cap and allow us to farm it


The game is dead. You can’t have a game that screw up the low spender and only reward 2% of the player base. There’s no recovery from it. Game is done. I’m a 3kres player so I spent a fair amount of money and it still far behind from most players I play with. 0 rewards for playing.


funny how we are literally a hive mind at this point every one is feeling the same way few clan leaders stepped down because home life was taking a toll and few decided to play more casually, I'm also not as motivated as i used to be


I simply got bored. Pay2win never bothered me that much, I actually had a blast with this game. I only bought 2 battlepasses and first 3 treasures from dungeons, because they were cheap. However, after reaching hell 4 I felt tired. The game started to feel like a chore. Log in, do usual stuff, run some dungeons for set item, rinse and repeat. And yeah, I know it's in the genere, action rpgs are repetitive. But something... I dunno. Burnout is burnout.


Because its not rewarding to play the loot drops suck and it doesnt feel like there is any progression


Dungeon drop rate is buffed? I run hours a day, and I'm lucky to get 2-3 drops at all. I used to get higher drop rate before the change!


The only problem I have with the game is dungeon set items drop rates are brutal getting the ones you want with this right stats is insane and of course the pay to win which you could get more things without cash like gems


For me its the extremely low drop rates on gear and five star gems, as well as all of the gated farming. I find myself always at the weekly caps within a few days. I am a grinder, love to grind, but whats the point when they put all of these caps in place. Almost like they want to force me to spend more time with my family.


I would love to play the Fractured event more if the rewards were equal to the time invested. To me it has been the most fun aspect of the game, but all of that effort for a 1/6th chance at a leggo is so not worth it. I think they need to hit a home run with the next update or it is game over. I am barely hanging on (thanks to S27 being so much fun in D3), but the update will make or break me staying around.


1. Add non story dungeons.
2. Essence transfer set powers.

Even with set items essence transfer you would still need to run thousands of dungeons for triples. And then do it all again after a month or so.
Why its not already in the game or a crazy increased drop rate for dungeons baffles me.

Also remove all the story bosses from dungeons.
Why in elder rift I get the huntress boss without immunity phases and in tower she has 3 immunity phases???
The non story bosses are ALL in the game, add them to dungeons.
Let players check if they wanna play the story dungeon or Non Story Dungeon version.

Create non story dungeons. Let us rush through there as fast as we can.

It also feels like they added all the "fun" stuff to elder rifts /w crests: Non Story bosses, lots of fun effects.
We need to pay to have fun?


Mobile Games are all about grinding, farming but for some odd reason Immortal has caps on almost everything which really discourage farming. The only thing that has no cap (that I know of) is gold but there's nothing much to spend gold on other than gambling. Maybe they can set a new armor cosmetic only purchasable with gold (say 10M gold), that will motivate people to play, like bounties which only give gold. Currently nobody play bounties other than to complete quest line.


The game's running into the same brick wall as D3 (and many ARPGs in general), in that there's nowhere to use all the power you've accumulated except to grind challenge rifts. It'll be interesting to see what Hell 5 content they have planned, if any. I really hope their solution isn't to tack on Hell 6, 7, 8, etc. That would be a huge cop out. A cosmetics system might also be a way to incentivize further grinding. The Hell difficulties are also dividing the player base. I feel sorry for new players coming in. All I see in the recruitment chat these days is Hell IV groups. It must be frustrating for Hell I or Hell II players to try and find a group.


I think DI needs more PvP content. We currently have BG and Ancient Arena. That’s all. It would be cool to play against other clans fighting alongside your own clan members and I’m not talking about RoE which it’s just one time every 3-4 weeks and not everyone gets to do that. PvP duels 1v1 and that we could have a weekly rank and rewards as well. It would also be cool to have a skirmish mode where you can test builds with friends or have friendly games. Edit: I’m not a whale btw, I just enjoy PvP. My reso is not even 1, 4k at this moment. So yeah it would be nice to see more balanced PvP content in DI.


I’ve been grinding dungeon for set items & grinding exp in various spots for weeks. It’s getting boring, so as a small spender, i change my focus to exploration to achieve hero journey. Grinding hidden dungeon, complete achievement & gathering gem to sell so i can afford buying 2-3/5 star gem gave another perspective to this game… the adventure side is there but sadly not one streamer gave any look on it… u guys to focus on grinding… and its getting boring…


1pm server time and there was literally 1 party open in party finder


Set items should not be stuck behind multiplayer content. I have spent a good amount of money, played tons of hours, paragon 150+ and with solo play have scrap set item given early in game. All dungeons should have solo mode.
