Never Say Never Again Uncensored Horse

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The infamous horse jump from the 1983 James Bond film Never Say Never Again. This slow motion stunt is always censored when the film is shown on TV or on Region 2 DVDs. This is from the US Region 1 DVD.
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That scene was made in Nassau Bahamas .I was a kid back then they start it from 8.30 am to 4 pm to make that 2 minutes cut.I saw Sean Connery the first time I didn't even know it was a James bond movie they were working on the area that day until I see the was so amazing how they spend so much time for just 2 minutes scene


"I fell into the water with a horse, and all my clothes fell off!"


I love how the horse is just GONE after hitting the water.


I remember that scene back then and I always wondered : How does it feel to have such a heavy animal fall on you right after hitting the water ?? And yet Kim Basinger and Sean Connery look perfectly fine...
It's a Bond movie...


This horse shot never happened to the other fella.


If by "British Cut" you mean "Thunderball" yes, there are indeed a few editorial differences.


they had clothes on when they fell,
then they lost their tops, and she everything,
then she got some clothes back


Even though the movie was meh as a whole but I still think it was one of Connery's best performances as Bond and it has some great moments and one liners.


Funny how Kim Basinger went back and forth from naked to wearing a :-)


Vic Armstrong, the stuntman who coordinated and executed this,  describes the whole thing in detail in his book. The horse wasn't pushed, it was on a tilting gantry about 30 feet up. On action the whole thing was slowly tipped forward and horse and riders (Vic and his wife Wendy) simply slipped into the water. I'm sure the horse wasn't particularly happy, but it was not hurt.


You have to be careful saying things like that on YouTube, some people take it very literally!
This film wasn't ever banned or threatened to be. It WAS made by a rival company to the producers of the other James Bond films (Eon Productions) and was perfectly legitimate. I'm sure they'd rather it wasn't made, though!
I guess the difference between the people being killed and the horse in the water is the people are willingly pretending but the horse had no choice and MAY have been pushed.


this movie was filmed in the early 1980s and Sean Connery was still able to bear his rather young appearance of James Bond. it's rather strange to know that he then aged quickly and bear a different appearance by the end of the decade. From Indiana Jones onwards, everyone would now see the revelation of the older Connery.


I watched this movie on Prime and this scene was included


I did read it, I just didn't know about Eon trying to ban the film. I know they were adamant about NSNA not using the gunbarrel, the James Bond Theme or the 007 Gun Logo Symbol. But McClory had every right to make the movie otherwise.


I live in the UK and this scene (all of it) was always on telly. Odd.


'The horse swims away and seems fine'. Whoever wrote that clearly does not understand the intricacies of editing. It might well be a different horse photographed in a different location many weeks later. Plus the way it hobbles away indicates its walking in shallow water as opposed to swimming


"Give horses pools and diving boards and they do that on their own, naturally in their natural, wild environment playing with the orcas and the wild, golden retrievers...but only after all the humans have been eradicated. Watch, you'll see. It's just nuts!" said the squirrel.


the horse was not harmed at all, Vic Armstrong supervised the stunt, the horse does not really jump from a 200 foot cliff, if it did it would be killed on hitting the water and probably the riders too, that long shot of the horse and riders appearing to jump from the cliff top Fort is obviously an optical effect, so the stunt is just the shot of the horse entering the water shot from above, to achieve that shot the horse jumped from a wooden platform that was much closer to the water....Vic Armstrong goes into great detail about the stunt in his autobiography, he is a dedicated horse lover and trainer, he would never risk harming a horse, there has been a lot of guff written and said about this stunt and how the horse was "killed or injured or crippled the reality is that the horse was not injured at all and safely swam out the water afterwards.


At 0.27 Sean Connery strangely looked very young, as young as he did in the 60s Bond films even though he was 53 or so when he made Never Say Never Again.


Very common where I came from, Horse jumping in to a pool with rider about 30 feet high part of a act
