The Problem of Replacement Theology & the Pre-Trib-Rapture (Calvary Chapel Tucson)

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0:00 Intro
3:34 Isaiah 49 : 15-16
4:09 Romans 11 : 25-27
5:20 Luke 21 : 24
5:59 Zechariah 12 : 10
7:27 Jeremiah 30 : 7
8:27 Jeremiah 31 : 35-36
9:38 Zechariah 8 : 22-23

Welcome to Hot Topics! This is the next video of a series of topics that are discussed by Pastor Robert Furrow of Calvary Church.

Today on Hot Topics, The Problem of Replacement Theology & the Pre-Trib-Rapture

Calvary Tucson & Hot Topics with Robert Furrow
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there is a teaching that the church has replaced the nation of israel and that all of the promises that god gave to israel are fulfilled in the church this is called replacement theology or super secessionism most maybe not all but most who hold this view don't believe in the pre-tribulation rapture because they put the saints in the tribulation period and if god is not finishing his work with the nation of israel then all of these things have to be in the church so when you read of the 144 000 each from the 12 tribes of israel or you read of saints in the book of revelation then it's got to be the church and can't be israel this has been in the church for a long time going all the way back to the time of augustine when israel was scattered around the world and it was not fathomable that they would be brought back into the land and literally fulfill the old testament prophecies so that when it happened in the beginning of the 1900s and also when israel became a nation in 1948 it took a lot in the church by surprise because they never expected it to happen and they just denied that god was once again working with israel even though the promises in the old testament are fulfilled literally today five passages that teach us that replacement theology is false

before we take a look at these five scriptures let's consider some things about replacement theology number one it became popular during the time of augustine and after that and during the time when the nation of israel was desolate and as i said earlier no one could imagine that god was going to do a work restore the land as he promised in ezekiel 36 restore the people to the land as he promised in ezekiel 37 and actually bring israel back in from the four corners of the earth but god has done this the second is that luther and calvin both believed in replacement theology or something similar and they were anti-semitic now i'm not saying that someone who believes in replacement theology today is anti-semitic i'm saying that some in church history were anti-semitic when they believed in it it is a belief that can lend towards those that feel negatively towards jewish people number three that the bible clearly tells us that the church is made up of jews and gentiles and often times those passages about abraham being the father of those who believe and that they're to god there are no jews and gentiles male and female which doesn't tell us that there's no distinctions anymore because there are male and female and there are jews and gentiles but they tell us that the church is made up of both jews and gentiles and they use those passages to try to say that god is no longer working within the nation of israel these are two different things god did make the church from israel and gentiles and god is still going to keep his promises to the nation of israel and god will be dealing with them during the tribulation period and number four and this is important that the bible teaches us that there is a church age a time of the gentiles and then there is a time when god is going to complete his work with the nation of israel and bring them back i want to show you that now in five different passages the first one comes from isaiah 49 verses 15 and 16. it says can a woman forget her nursing child and not have compassion on the son of her womb surely they may forget yet i will not forget you see i have inscribed you on the palms of my hands your walls are continually before me god promised there in Isaiah that he
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Those who believe the church is Israel essentially believe you can lose your salvation. Revelations says that if you take the mark of the Beast you WILL go to Hell! That is a work! Church age doctrine says you can never lose your salvation.


Hi Pastor, if you want to know Bible timing better than anyone else study Daniel 8:13-14 very carefully.


The beauty in all of this, is that it is *GOD* that created the covenant with His people...not the o/way around. The covenant God made w/Israel will be honored because Israel is heir to the promises, not because Israel met any particular conditions. He's a promise keeper, amen, and AMEN! And until the other "camp" takes God's word LITERALLY where it's to be u/stood that way, they'll never recant of the heretical position of replacement theology.


Pastor, you know i’ve dealt with “christians” who literally go against what God says. I’ve dealt with replacement theologians that say that the prophesy of the 70 weeks are for the church. The “Spiritual Israel” as they say. I’ve heard people say that “ all Israel will be saved” means the church. That every single promise meant for Israel is for the church. Including Jeremiah 31:35-37. They still deny it despite God saying that Israel will forever be his beloved nation (2 sam 7:24) they say ALL Is for the church.
This kinda makes me wonder if those people are actually saved. It’s impossible to interpret this way with the Holy Spirit. It’s not the Holy Spirit. It’s Satan behind them.


You said during the romans 11:25 passage that you don’t know if all Israel means all or most of them, but Zechariah 13 says God will save 1/3 of them. I think that’s by the end of the tribulation. Could this be the remnant saved by then? What do you think?
If we apply it for today’s population it would be about 3.1-3.2 million Jews saved because Israel population is 9.3-9.5 million.


Pastor, have you heard of or, seen “March to Zion”? If so, thoughts? Please.


What I don’t understand is Paul himself is very critical of the Jews???


The problems with Dispensationalism and the PreTrib rapture. The Church is not appointed to wrath, but Israel is? The Church as the BODY OF CHRIST is saved by grace through faith, by being crucified with Christ and raised to new life in Him, by being made new creations in Him, no longer in Adam, in the flesh, in the old creation, but IN CHRIST, but Israel is not?According to PreTrib teaching, Israel, who is not part of the BODY OF CHRIST, who is not crucified with Christ, who is not raised to new life IN HIM, who is not made a new creation IN HIM, but remains in the old creation, in Adam, in the flesh, is saved by Scripture, however, teaches that BOTH are saved in one Body.
Having believed, you were marked IN HIM with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit. To be in Christ means to be a part of His Body, the Church. The Testament saints "didn't receive the Promise, God having something better, the without us they should not be made perfect."
Contradicting PreTrib Dispensationalism, Scripture says the old and new testament saints are made perfect together and that we will be raised up together, and that we received the same promises by faith. Israel will not and cannot be saved apart from being IN CHRIST, being part of the Church, being made new creations (through the new birth), without the Holy Spirit.
"That in the dispensation of the fulness of times He might gather together in one ALL THINGS in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are one earth, even IN HIM.
"In whom also we have received an inheritance...that we (Israel) should be the praise of His glory, who FIRST trusted in Christ...
"And you (Gentiles) also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked IN HIM with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, which is an earnest of our inheritance...
"Wherefore, remember that being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called uncircumcision by that which is called circumcision in the flesh by hands, that at that time you were without Christ, being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers TO COVENANT OF PROMISE...
But now IN CHRIST you who were at one time far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ...
"That He might reconcile BOTH UNTO GOD IN ONE BODY..."
Paul tells us in Acts that he was in chains because of the hope of Israel. What is the hope of Israel? Paul's Gospel, for which he is in chains.
Paul tells us that the Church is the culmination, or fulfillment of the ages, and God's eternal purpose from the foundation of the world. Israel is not separate from that purpose.
"If you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God given me to you-ward, how that by revelation he made know unto me the mystery...that Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the body, and partakers of His promise in Christ BY THE GOSPEL...
"And to make ALL MEN see what is the fellowship of the mystery (of Jew and Gentile being saved in one body), which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ, to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be know by the Church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the ETERNAL PURPOSE which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Pretribbers, attempting to use logic and trying to make all the pieces fit, rather than just believing what Scripture clearly says, have created an unbiblical scenario of the end times.
The Day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night.
The Day of the Lord comes AFTER the darkening of the sun, moon and stars.
The darkening of the sun, moon and stars comes "after the tribulation of those days."
The order of events, therefore, is
1) the tribulation
2) the darkening of the sun, moon and stars
3) the coming of the Son of Man in the clouds
4) the gathering of the saints
Dispensationalism, the root of the Pretrib belief, is not taught in Scripture. The word "dispensation" in Scripture does not refer to a time period, but to a stewardship, to something that is given. Under the Old Covenant, the law was given by Moses. Under the New, the Gospel of Promise is given by Paul. However, this Gospel was from the BEGINNING. It is not something new.
The Gospel was first preached in the Garden, when God promised that the Seed of the woman would one day crush the head of the serpent.
The Gospel was also preached to Abraham when God promised that in His Seed all nations would be blessed.
The Gospel was also preached to Israel in the Wilderness, though it did not profit them because they refused to believe.
And in the fulness of time the Promise came to Israel, Christ being born under the law, in order to redeem those under the law.
Contrary to Pretrib Dispensationalism, Israel was NOT set aside. Multitudes came to Christ. A hardening IN PART has happened to Israel, NOT in whole. "And though they be like the sands of the seashore, ONLY A REMNANT will be saved. And Gentiles are being ADDED to that remnant. The the typology in the book of Ruth, Ruth bears fruit in her stead, and Ruth's seed becomes Naomi's seed through Boaz.


If the land promises refer to a literal land to ethnic Israel, how does that work eternally? The land promises were eternal. It is an everlasting covenant. Covenant theology has a better explanation for this. Because we are saved by believing in God. And that is what makes us children of Abraham. The land promises were given to Abraham and his generations. Are we not as the church children of Abraham? That is what the New Testament reveals to us. It’s not the ethnicity that saves. That is what the Jews thought. It’s true, Romans 11 tells us there is still a future for Jews, that they will come in droves to the Lord. And people that affirm covenant theology usually affirm that as well. But as far as literal land promises I’m not sure how you explain that and get away from God having two peoples (the church-those who believe in him, and then ethnic Israelites) into eternity. Because the covenant made to Abraham doesn’t have an end date. The epistles are all about explaining that we are one now. Not two peoples. The wall of enmity was taken down. Do the Jews rule into eternity? It doesn’t make sense. Covenant theology doesn’t say the church ‘replaced’ Israel. It merely affirms that the New Testament reveals there is one way to salvation-and that is through Christ. It’s all about Jesus. The church includes EVERYONE both Jew and Gentile, who call on the name of Christ. So it is not some racist replacing Gentiles over Jews. It’s saying there is only one way to enter into covenant with him. And that covenant was made with the children of Abraham. We as believers are children of Abraham. So whether we are Jew or Greek we are one in Christ.

Also, the land promises made to Abraham were revealed by Paul in Romans 4 to be an inheritance of the whole world, not just a part of the Middle East. So it’s just not literal. It can only be interpreted literally I guess if the Old Testament isn’t read through the lense of the revelations we have in the New Testament.


Why don't you just become a Jew? You know you can
