Human Depravity - Essential Truths

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This weeks episode of Essential Truths is on the topic of Human Depravity! Be sure to subscribe so you never miss an upload!

0:00 Intro
0:38 What is the world's view of the human condition?
1:42 What is the extent of our depravity?
3:32 How are we to respond to this?

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0:00 Intro

In Jesus Christ there is no condemnation for those who are corrupted by sin.

Today's video is on the topic of Human Depravity. Looking for some answers, Kyle and I went to Trinity Reformed Church to get pastor Van eyk's thoughts on the subject. This is Faith to Film.

Human depravity is the everywhere demonstrated reality that humans are unable to do any spiritual good and that the whole bent and disposition of their heart is towards evil all the time.

0:38 What is the world's view of the human condition?

I'm not exactly sure that the world knows what to do with humans. On the one hand ,they love to hold on to the belief that humans are basically good and I would think that the vast majority of humanity thinks that the vast majority of humanity is basically good. But then, every once in a while they come up against these diabolical monsters, guys like Hitler, like some of the female guards in the SS prison camps during the second world war, and they don't quite know what to do with those kinds of people. It's it's easy for them to say well they're not humans they're beasts but they do recognize that they are humans. In fact they are ordinary people who do diabolical things. But I'm not sure that they have a category to understand why humanity does what humanity sometimes does.

1:42 What is the extent of our depravity?

So, how depraved are humans? I once saw an excellent illustration of this. There were three glasses on a table, the first one was filled with water which represented humanity in its purity. The middle glass was a glass of water that had a drop of poison in it. Then, the third glass was not water but it was pure poison. First glass is humanity in its created goodness, last glass is Satan in his pure evil and malevolence, and the middle glass is representative of humanity that is poisoned in totality. Not pure evil as the third glass but affected by evil in every aspect of their existence. In the words they say, and the thoughts they think, and in the actions they do. So, humans are not as bad as they could be. Even sinners can be worse than they are but humans are depraved, corrupted in every aspect of their existence. I think it's interesting when we talk about the extent of evil that we recognize that even people who do diabolical things don't only do diabolical things and are even capable of doing good things. I think again of those SS prison guards. They were cruel, torturing their prisoners, and yet at the end of their shift they would be able to go home, appreciate music, and art, be kind and doting parents to their children. Humanity is a mystery. They are evil because of the fall into sin but not as evil as we couldcbe

3:32 How are we to respond to this?

We were created good and then we were corrupted by our fall into sin in our first parents. The bible speaks about how God is working in us to recreate us by His Holy Spirit so that by the work of the Spirit and regeneration within us we are reborn, recreated in the image of God. And that regenerating power within us, the work of the Holy Spirit within us now enables us to trust in Jesus Christ, the one who God has sent into this world to take upon Himself the sins of His people to die for those sins and to give us life and liberty. So that in Jesus Christ there is no condemnation for those who are corrupted by sin if they believe in the Lord Jesus.
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