Do We Really Inherit Original Sin from Adam and Eve? (Aquinas 101)

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Do we really inherit original sin from Adam and Eve? In this episode of Aquinas 101: Science and Faith, join Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P., a Dominican friar from the Province of St. Joseph, as he presents why the doctrine of original sin is a core doctrine of the faith.

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This video was made possible through the support of grant #61944 from the John Templeton Foundation. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the John Templeton Foundation.

*Scripture quotations are from The Catholic Edition of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1965, 1966 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

*Excerpts from the English translation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for use in the United States of America Copyright © 1994, United States Catholic Conference, Inc. -- Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with Permission. English translation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Modifications from the Editio Typica copyright © 1997, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops—Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
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Anyone who wants to understand these issues better/is struggling with some of them (understanding original sin, how to interpret Genesis, what has the church really taught on evolution, Polygenism vs monogenism debate, Is the soul emergent, Paul believes in Adam and Eve should we?) you NEED to go pick up a copy of Matthew Ramages new Book “From the dust of the earth” it tackles all these questions with great depth and clarity with the help of Ratzinger and with the light of faith. Can’t recommend it enough


I was arguing with a misguided friend about Original Sin, and this helped me explain it. God bless.


Solution: It takes moral training, discipline and practicing virtue to resist sin!
Thank you Father!


Thank you Father Dominic for this beautifully delivered explanation of St. Thomas Aquinas' thought on the doctrine of "Original Sin."


Thanks for this profound yet simple explanation father. 👍 God bless you.
Deo Gratias!


Excellent explanation. Thank y'all for these videos. Always well done.


I wish these videos got more views. Really fantastic stuff.


Wonderfully explained. I have been struggling with the rationality behind the original sin, snd this video has helped much with the idea that original sin accounts for the existence of unhappiness/imperfection.

...lets go to Christ!


Great explanation. It finally clicked for me.


Tremendously well explained, I love this! Wish this would be taught more…


Why was not the original sin been killed off at the beginning?


Although I disagree with you guys on evolution, I want to thank you for upholding the doctrine of original sin. This is a very important issue.

I would point out that all the comments denying original sin here are the fruits of evolution. Original sin makes the most sense if one simply accepts the biblical narrative of human history.


According to St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, and others, yes.


No disrespect, but Aquinas was not well versed in Greek and Hebrew, only Latin. If you're familiar with homonyms, you'd understand that the same word can have multiple meanings. In this case, sin is not a thing but an act (disobedience) and it was also seen as state like impure or impurity. Death is not just the cessation of life, but it was also seen as a force or condition like impurity and became a word connected to the idea of separation. So if you were to substitute sin for disobedience, impure/impurity and did the same with death as impurity or separation, the passage in Roman 5 12 makes sense. So let me apply this method for you. "Therefore, just as "impurity" entered the world through one man, and "separation" through or (because of) impurity, and in this way "separation" came to all people because all have become impure. You can do this with the word life as well. If death can mean impure, then life must be it's opposite which is pure. Pure and Impure conditions are what God judges and keeps one from the kingdom of heaven. Don't believe me Try reading Revelation 21:27 and figure out why John would use that term. 😊


If sin (fallen grace) can be inherited; then, could baptism (restored grace) be inherited as well? If so, why do we need to baptize our children?

Was the Virgin Mary baptized? If she is our mother, shouldn't we inherit her grace?

Btw, i'm catholic.


Would you consider doing a video that dives into the differences between consciousness and soul and how they overlap? The world would have us believe that our mind memory, reason is all consiousness and soul has no activity in it. I feel like that is wrong.


We can only redeem ourselves by our own good deeds, not by Jesus!


I dunno, it still *seems* like we're being punished for something our parents did.. What can we say to pro-'choice' people if they throw this doctrine at us in retort to us saying that the child should not have to pay for the crimes of the father in the case of rape? Since it seems as though that's exactly what we're forced to do- pay or suffer the consequences for the crimes/sins of our first parents.. I understand that it was by Adam & Eve's choice to throw away the gift of original justice necessary to fulfill humanity's supernatural end, and that because Adam was the only man at the time, and thus, all of humanity and its representative, therefore human nature itself suffered the consequences of losing original justice.. But did it have to be this way? Couldn't God have made it so that it didn't have to affect the rest of humanity just because Adam was the first and only one at the time of the Fall?

This doctrine I always have to end up just taking it on faith and trusting God since I can't really understand or justify it in my own feeble fallen mind...


Great video. I have studied this with multiple sources because i was exposed to fundamental heretics who basically believe pelagianism. All claim to be solo scriptura bekievers yet none can show me where the Bible says sin is from imitation.
I loved the Hebrew's scripture he used. I also believe that Genesis 8.21 cleary states that humanity is "proned/inclined" to evil. That is concupscience. A natural desire as Paul states that it is the sin within him... and also the Bible clearly state's that "scripture has concluded, that ALL have sinned."

Genesis 8:21

Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition

21 And the Lord smelled a sweet savour, and said: I will no more curse the earth for the sake of man: for the imagination and thought of man's heart are prone to evil from his youth: therefore I will no more destroy every living soul as I have done.

The only scripture ever offered to deny our fallen nature is how babies are likened to the kingdom of heaven which is completely misrepresented... if this was the case then using the same stadards then "poor in spirit" would also be "sinless" because they will inherit the kingdom also. Both verses are true but both are misinterpreted by the prideful and "unstable minds"


Thank God for Fr. Dominic. Please have more of him, and less of the modernists.
