Why you should talk to strangers | Kio Stark

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"When you talk to strangers, you're making beautiful interruptions into the expected narrative of your daily life -- and theirs," says Kio Stark. In this delightful talk, Stark explores the overlooked benefits of pushing past our default discomfort when it comes to strangers and embracing those fleeting but profoundly beautiful moments of genuine connection.

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Ever think about the best friends you've had? All the good times? They too were once strangers you took a chance and talked to. Good talk.


I am an introvert in the true sense of the word. I'm introspective, I'm a reader, I love to write, and create. always trying to find the deeper meaning of things. I was taught as a child that I was shy and believed that. and grew to have social anxiety as an adult. but I broke out of my fear of people and talk to strangers nearly everyday. introvert doesn't mean shy.


I completely agree. This irrational fear of strangers is the perfect recipe for social awkwardness and anxiety. Being comfortable around people, especially strangers, makes you a calmer, more perceptive, confident and overall better person. Love and stop being afraid of other people.


My favorite interaction with a stranger was in a hot spring that was supposed to be quiet and there was this really old guy at the edge of the pool and he had an oxygen tank sitting on the side of the pool. He was trying to use his hands like a squirt gun and was laughing every time it worked. I sat near him and he accidentally squirted me in the face, I looked at him and started laughing and squirted him back. We ended up talking for a half an hour and talked about all kinds of stuff. He made my whole year


This talk reminds me of a wonderful quote by William Butler : "Strangers are just friends I haven't met yet."


This is the first time in my adult life that I am riding public transportation to work. And my day is brightened when a stranger gives me a compliment. I will be giving out more compliments myself.


Man, this audience is not laughing at her subtle jokes. Way to make her totally uncomfortable! I always try to laugh at jokes during a speech, just because I would want others to do the same for me in their shoes.


As an introvert and shy person, people might think that I'm not friendly or that I don't like people, but it's just that I'm not good at social interactions and I don't find them fundamentally necessary, but that doesn't mean that I lack empathy or that I'm an antisocial.
I find it surprising how easy it comes to some people to talk to strangers and make friends, here where I live people tend to be very open and friendly, when I'm new to a class and I don't know anybody they are hesitant in the beginning but they quickly socialize and before I know it they're all already friends, and it's not that easy for me.


A woman once asked me for directions on the street and we ended up taking the train together. She was very friendly and we talked a lot! It was my first time having an actual conversation with a stranger and at the beginning I was really unsure what to share and what not to share, what to ask, and what not to ask. But as we talked more, I didn't really have to worry too much about it, everything just came naturally. It was then when I realize how great it feels to connect with a stranger. It's really nice to be able to learn something about someone, hearing glimpses of their story. Sometimes it just feels good to talk to someone you don't know and probably won't see afterwards, to talk to someone outside your social circle.


Talking to strangers helps you develop people skills and it makes me feel happy


I tried this today. I tried to get noticed and it worked! An old man walking past me told me to cheer up. I wasn't actually sad, it was my thinking face. But it worked! He responded.


I talk to everyone & it's wonderful. my friends always try to stop me but I want more people to do it :)


I'm from the Midwest and we talk to everyone. It's weird to read the comments and see how people think this is abnormal or unsafe. Being kind is a way for a "normal" person to change the world.


I always feel that because it's not really the norm, when you actually end up having a nice conversation with a stranger, it is extremely satisfying. And when I don't know a subject to talk about, I usually stick to my golden rule: people usually love talking about themselves :). Therefore, I quickly follow up any conversation with a few questions about them and this usually works.


This talk opened my mind. I have been taught to be wary of strangers all my life... but statistically, being friendly does make more sense.
Why are we... over 90% of the population act like everyone could have been a criminal waiting to harm us when only a really small group of people are that disruptive?
We should remain cautious, but not to the point of making enemy out of everyone we have never even talked to. After breaking out of that bubble, the human world indeed can have a lot more friendliness than previously imagined, which unfortunately got missed out on.
Thank you for this talk.


Where I come from it's not uncommon to talk to people we don't know.


Talking to strangers are beautiful. Even though sometimes u have to hide a part of truth, it's good to have Someone to talk to, or listen to.


I used to be so shy and anxious and hated talking to strangers. I especially felt awkward trying to talk to customers. I thought I was just naturally bad at conversation. Now that it’s part of my job responsibility to get to know my customers and have good service, I LOVE talking to strangers. I love hearing their stories, learning about how other peoples lives are, and also talking about myself to them. It makes me feel happier and fulfilled at the end of a work day. Now my coworkers are amazed when I have a 10 minute conversation with a customer and always say “I’m so good at talking to customers” and I always tell them that I wasn’t always good, but practice makes you get better. It’s overall helped me with my anxiety as well as made me more confident!


It is so true what she said about passing somebody. You look at each other from a distance, then look away as you pass.


To me, starting a conversation is easy but to maintain the conversation is hard and can be awkward
