How Did Don Michael Corleone Crush His Most Powerful Enemy? | The Godfather 3 Explained

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The Final Plot to Destroy Michael Corleone | The Godfather 3 Explained
Michael Corleone’s entire life’s ambition, was to transform the Corleone mafia family built by his father don Vito, into a completely legitimate organisation, making it into one of the wealthiest organisations in the country and maybe even the world. Michael envisioned the family becoming one of the most powerful and wealthy in the country.
But unfortunately things were not going to be that easy. The Corleone family already had very powerful enemies, and long held vendettas, that would emerge forcing Michael to actually sink even deeper into that world. It seems the more he tried to leave, the more problems would arise.
But eventually he would come out victorious.
So After finally annihilating all his enemies, don Michael Corleone was the godfather of not just the Corleone family, or just New York or Las Vegas. But he was the godfather over the entire mafia. Yes he allowed a few other families to exist. However everyone knew who was really in charge. And so after taming the criminal underworld, Michael now put all his focus onto finally achieving the goal he was working towards ever since he joined this life. However, once again things did not go to plan.The Immobiliare deal for Michael symbolised the ticket that would finally allow him to escape that world, a world that was forced upon him for the survival of his family.
For some reason his plans to turn the family completely legitimate, were taking a long time, this seemed the opportunity that would finally absolve him from his and his family’s past. And for a while it seemed he was actually going to succeed, as this was the closest he had ever been in achieving his life’s goal. His new enemies were on a completely different level compared to anyone in he had faced in the past. The challenge he would now face would prove to be the most difficult and have the most consequences. This is the final battle, the last challenge that Don Michael Corleone would lead, and would prove as the most difficult. Michael now has unveiled the plot against him, he knows his true enemy. All that is needed is to act, one last time. And although he is victorious over his enemies, and In the end he might have got the Immobiliare deal, but the cost was far more than what the money paid for. In the next and final part of this mini series, we unravel all the hidden details, events and explain what it all means. Giving you the real meaning and explanation of the final film of the Godfather trilogy.
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠.

0:00 Michael’s Life Goal
1:59 The Real Enemy
5:02 The Final Plot
6:50 The New Godfather
7:39 The Difference
8:42 The Corleones Strike Back
9:13 Who Do You Think…
9:29 Lesson:42 Next Time
10:00 Watch This Next

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This movie is misunderstood. I loved it!!! A man that loved his family greatly and just wanted to protect them. Remember, he joined his father because he was in danger and needed to provide his wit and education to save him and his family. All Michale wanted was to go legit, but the higher he went, the more corrupt he found it to be. He desired redemption, but the price he has to pay was the loss of his daughter and the women he loved. This was punishment for his acts. He lived much longer to reflect what he has lost, but I believe, in the end, he redeemed himself and learned the lesson. As he stated, the older he gets, the wiser he becomes.


What i really want to talk about is Al Pacino and Diane Keaton's chemistry. I couldn't help but praise these veterans' skills as an actor. They both bring out the vulnerabilities and hope in their relationship whether they are together. At the end when Mary dies and they both fall to their daughter's lifeless body, we experience 2 moments in cinema which, in my opinion, is one of the rarest display of traumatic emotions i have ever seen. From Kay's immediate realisation to Michael's hope that her daughter may still be alive; from Kay rushing to get daughter's body to Michael letting out the roar of agony as he realises that the worst he feared has happened, the thing he fought to do the most (keeping his family safe) has been taken away from him; from this scream to Kay's enraged look towards Michael as she blames it o him, the worst she feared for her children has happened. And then the montage of Michael's life to Michael's death, is simply one of the best endings i have seen in cinema. I think this movie is much better than the reviews painted it to be!


I'd say that Hyman Roth was Mike's biggest rival, he really was playing chess !!!


Hyman Roth was Michael's biggest rival. Hyman knew all of Michael's weaknesses before Michael had a clue. Hyman used the family against Michael which ultimately led to Michael taking the life of his own brother. But if there's anything Michael did learn, it was who he could trust and it wasn't Fredo, Tessio or Hyman Roth. Michael should credit his father and Frank Pentangeli because without either of them he might not have been able to find out who his co-conspirators against him were!


You can tell in The Godfather part 3 it took a lot out of him mentally and physically..he was suffering for what he did in the past and now it started to catch up on him..When he lost his daughter that was the end of his life and die of a lonely man😥


His true enemy was himself. He could have gotten out any time. He didn't need the Vatican deal. But his greed overcame him. He couldn't let anything go. No matter what he had to come out on top and it left him with nothing.


Coppola said he resisted calls to cast another actress when Ryder dropped out because it was important that Mary feel like a real teenager. (And besides, Sofia had partly inspired the character in the first place.) Mary’s presence feels like a formal gambit as much as anything: She cuts through the gravity of the proceedings, almost like someone from another planet, and exposes the ridiculousness of this world, with its rituals and unspoken mores. To put it another way: She is the one character in this entire movie, maybe this entire series, who hasn’t been damned by the Corleone legacy. By lying to her about his own past, Michael has kept her ignorant and, at least in his eyes, pure. When she dies, a light is extinguished, and he is consigned forever to his evil world. It is his final damnation. And this time, it will never end.


To think that's the Godfather saga ended with Michael killing Fredo is naive. Michael needed to pay for his ultimate crime, and he did with the death of his daughter Mary by a bullet that was meant for him. The three films need to be seen as a cohesive whole. Yes there were a lot of problems with the making of Godfather III, all of which can be blamed on Paramount Pictures. But in spite of this, Francis Ford Coppola was able to make a beautiful, exciting, interesting, and a worthy ending to, what is arguably, the greatest TRILOGY in the history of filmmaking!


The conclusion is almost Shakespearean and justly so. The end is perfect as Michael pays the ultimate price for his sins. He loses all he ever loved and cared about. It would of been to easy to just have him killed by an assassin. The ultimate price was to die a lonely old man that had witnessed the loss or death of everyone and everything he loved. Great movie and a fitting finale to the greatest Trilogy in Cinema history!


Hyman Roth was playing chess. Had Michael at check for a moment. One might even say, big picture wise. Roth checked mated Mike. Roth took Michaels family and soul.


Barzini shot his father, killed his brother Santino and killed his wife Appolonia. Roth turned his brother against him, forced him to kill his brother Fredo and suffer lifelong guilt, and cost him his marriage to Kaye by shooting up the family home, which cost Michael the son Kaye aborted. Luchesi killed his daughter and killed all his dreams. All very horrible enemies - but I think Hyman Roth hated Michael the most and did him the most harm. For Roth it was personal.

Barzini and Luchesi were trying to kill Michael, not his loved ones who died as bystanders. Fabrizio even checked that Appolonia wasn't supposed to be in the car. But Hyman Roth wasn't satisfied with killing Michael, he attacked Michael through his family. Ordering a hit in his home where his wife sleeps and his children play, that is even beneath Mafia murder standards. I even wonder whether Roth instructed the hitmen to shoot up the house but miss Michael, knowing the attempted hit in his home would make Kaye hate him. Is that why the curtains were open - so they could shoot and miss? Michael would have been better off dying than having his wife kill his baby as an abomination she wouldn't bring into this world. Roth turned Michael's loved ones against him. So Roth's psychological attack on Michael was the most vicious.


I’d say Michael’s toughest rival was Don Lucchesi and the Board of Immobiliare because at that point Michael was older, suffering from health issues and the memories of all the ppl he killed during his rise to prominence and power. He was tryna use his blood money to take control of a multi billion dollar real estate portfolio/company and the Board was tryna take him. In the end I assume he completed his mission of tryna take Immobiliare but he paid the ultimate sacrifice which was his daughter’s life


In this film, Connie proved herself to be a true Corleone. She took out her own godfather. Finally, she, "made her bones".


I wonder what happen to Vincent after Mary passed away? Did Micheal hold a grudge against Vincent or did he blamed himself? Did Vincent run the family well? Did he felt guilty of Mary's passing? Did he felt awkward around Micheal? Did they both stop talking? Did Vincent passed away aswell, went to jail, or quit? What happened to the family after this? Did Kay and Anthony got mad at Michael and what exactly happened to their relationship?


I just watched godfather part 3! As surprising as it may sound but I never heard Al Pacino's name before godfather and it now makes me realize how ignorant I was. This man defines acting! I m so moved by his performance! His straight face and calm yet soul searching eyes do magic! The climax scene made me weep! Michael Corleone is immortalised by Al Pacino. God bless you Al.


“It was Walter Murch who removed the sound from it and created the ‘silent scream.’ It was not me, ” Coppola told me when I interviewed him last year, crediting his legendary editor. Michael’s silent scream brings the whole film and series together because it forces our imaginations to complete the moment (thus subconsciously drawing us more fully into Michael’s anguish), and also because it denies him any kind of release. Michael does finally let out a bellow we do hear — but as soon as he does, the sound fades out again and his voice becomes more distant. It’s almost as if Michael is screaming from another dimension, as if he’s already in hell. After all those years of quiet brooding, this is a shocking way to end a Godfather picture. This last entry in the series might be widely regarded as the least of the three films, but it finishes things off with one of cinema’s greatest gut punches.


I mean Michael really couldn't keep up w/ his enemies in GF3 based on his old age and weary look and attitude. But imagine a scenario where GF2 Michael went against them. I'm sure Don Luchesse and Altobello would be in deep struggle.


I always found the use of food in the recruiting of ‘family members’ in the original book to be fascinating. Tom, Neri, and even Micheal are all introduced to the business with food. The movies use oranges, but the book uses the deep red of grapes. Spaghetti and a deep red sauce, wine, and Michael’s Appolonia always having deep grape colors mentioned. It’s blood, it always has been.


Michael won the battle with his enemies as he succeeded in his plans to take over the company and all his enemies were dead. But the price of that victory was too high. As for Vincent’s failings, remember Michael’s own words “anyone can be killed”. In this case, however, not the intended target. The only way to fully secure the family at a public event would have been for Michael not to attend and that was never going to happen.


Tbf, Vincent was faced with an professional Sicilian assasin. Even Michael admitted something like "Then no one is safe". If someone like Michael is worried, everyone should be worried 10 times more and Michael should have gone back to the US.

Great movies ♥ Masterpieces ♥
