Foam Beetle Fly Pattern | SIMPLE & EFFECTIVE | Tying Tutorial

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This simple beetle features a realistic profile without a lot of complicated fly tying steps or materials. In the summer months, in the western US and beyond, trout feed on terrestrials, beetles, and ants that are blown into the river. Foam beetles are a productive pattern during this time of the year when trout are looking for a large, easy meal. This is also a great pattern for South America as trout are known for eating beetles in Patagonia with reckless abandon. Tune in as Jared provides step-by-step instructions to tie this easy pattern then purchase your fly tying materials from us and start tying!
0:00 - Intro
0:15 - Hook & Thread
0:36 - Foam Cutout
0:48 - Underbody
1:20 - Body
2:33 - Body Pt. 2
2:50 - Legs
3:50 - Hotspot
4:57 - Legs Pt. 2
Foam Beetle Fly Pattern | SIMPLE & EFFECTIVE | Tying Tutorial
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