Jordan Peterson; Pathology of ideological possession

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Pathology of ideological possession.
Hey welcome to Caige mang my name is Chris. What we have just seen is a far too common example of a modern debate between classical liberalism and the progressive left. These debates pit fact and logic versus feelings and ideology.
Increasingly, the tactics of the left have become anti-knowledge and anti-truth while simultaneously championing the moral high ground. Reality is reduced to a mere inconvenience and lost in the discourse.
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This is something ive been more and more concerned about after i realized this pathology within myself as a mormon, i grew up in and was raised with a worldview and duty to defend and or promote this unique view of god and of history that by every rubric was irational, ive expanded this view to account for multiple segments of opinions coming from institutions of higher learning and politics, youve pointed to it very articulately! I wish it made me feel validated but its just creepy, possession aught to be limited to uttering latin and backing up walls, this is very disturbing.


I watched my father treat chemically dependent and at-risk individuals first-person for over a decade while living under his roof. There are even more years of such observations listening to other experiences he related once I was out of the house.

Some observations:

Addicts and other deniers-of-reality do not like the truth. They will attack the truth and those voicing the notion with a near madman's vigor.

Addicts are experts and successful gas lighters in the beginning to the start of the advanced stages of the process.

Addicts naturally fall into user (social) circles of other similarly-affected individuals for acceptance and as a further reinforced bulkhead against that pesky persistent presence of reality.

Addicts are incapable of generating their own happiness and satisfaction internally. Chemicals and external stimulation are required at ever-increasing dosages.

Addicts suffer an external paranoia concerning the outside world (reality). It's the outside world and its indifference or active interference which is responsible for their difficulties. Reality is *always* persecuting unfairly.

Addicts love their drama. It's a very effective sweet pine tar to concerned-but-uninformed relatives, friends, and close-orbit acquaintances.

Odd that one can follow the daily news of-late and see such addiction behaviors en mass and get the feeling its completely normal...

It's not anything near normal. And, like most addiction processes, the suffer doesn't get any better until they hit rock bottom.

Don't be that slowly boiled frog attending the out-of-control party too long. When rock bottom comes and non-addicts are around, the ick and harm will damage all indiscriminately.


Very well done. I am curious o know where you stand now after almost a year


Dankjewel, erg fijn om jou analyse te horen van de discussie. We leven in een zorgelijke tijd.


He is extraordinarily articlate for somone who speaks English as a seocnd language, great points as well


Can you tell me what film those images were from, the guy with the dog?
