What To Do When She Pulls Away - Get Results With These Dating Tips

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In today's video I want to talk you through what to do when she pulls away. Because right now, she's put the brakes on and she's testing to see what type of person you are.

She probably feels like the real you actually comes out when she isn't in touch. Or she could have pulled away because she's not interested or is busy. Well, regardless of the reason - here's what you need to do when she pulls back from the relationship.

#Joyanima #dating #pullsaway

Today's video covers what to do when your girlfriend or partner starts to pull away. From body language to how to text her you'll leave today's video with an idea of the best way to handle these situations.

Do you have any other tips that would be helpful in this situation? Comment below and let us know!

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This feels like game playing. Why in the hell can't we just be honest with people


I did this. I just stopped texting her when she she suddenly stopped texting me. I moved on and quickly found a new girl. Then she started to panic and texted me a shit load needy texts. I still didn't reply. She eventually panic called me 4-5 times a day and started to send me toxic messages. I ended up just blocking her for a few months. Remember guys, you don't have to play their mind games. There's a lot of fish in the sea.


Gentlemen, if she plays games, leave immediately


The hardest part is the panic!!! And not doing anything, but not doing anything is actually the best thing u can do in those situations!!!


Solid advice. I’ve been resisting to text her for two years. It’s bound to happen any day now! 🎉


What to do when she pulls away, let her go and get on with your own life. If she really likes you she will contact you in her own time.


If a girl puts you in this chess game, she is not that interested in you. Don't settle with people that don't give you attention. Know your value.


The right person won’t require this much work.


Pretend to Not get in touch and keep going you forget about her without pretending


This isn’t good advice at all. If she has pulled away it most likely means that someone else has her interest or she just isn’t that into you. Don’t waste your time guys, just ignore her and get on with your life. Focus on self improvement and building yourself up. Personally, I’m not interested in women that play these silly games. There are plenty of wonderful women out there that will see the value in being with you once you have your shit together and start putting yourself out there. Someone that toys with your emotions by pulling this kind of nonsense isn’t worth it in the long term.


This is all annoying. I'm just trying to find a good woman. Not play games...


Something might not have been wrong in the first place, but bombarding her with texts/calls/voices will definitely push her further away. 9 out of 10 times the best thing to do is nothing, as she will be back. Women subconsciously test men to weed out the weaker ones.


Great video... but If have feelings for a woman, like i have in the past. I will let it be known. If a woman backs off because you tell her how you feel, then she is not the woman for you! PERIOD!


Achtung, achtung !!! My crush today pulled away after I started to slightly approach her, she acted like a total stranger to me. I barely stayed calm, and I immediately came to Joyanima's channel to hear some advice :D


I have seen other videos dealing with this, but this speaker is especially clear about what to do and why.


Some people need others in their life constantly, I'm not one of those people. Pull stay away I won't waste my time.


I feel as if you are aware of my situation and your simultaneous suggestions/advice is very helpful. Thank you so much.


If she does this. leave her. she is still a child playing games. once they realise men dint tolerate that anymore it wont become a habit like it is now. thats how you gain control. when she feels like contacting you. just ask her? who are you again??


Walk away and move on, don't play.


Yes she is right with the mirroring thing just copy her simple if she pulls away then you do it treat her like she treats you
