Understanding Blood Pressure Numbers - Deep Dive Clinical Skills - Medical School Revision - Dr Gill

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Understanding Blood Pressure Numbers - Deep Dive Clinical Skills - Understanding the Medicine - Dr Gill

Understanding BP measurements seems quite a challenge, but actually interpreting blood pressure readings is very simple. Clinically the checking the blood pressure is probably one of the most common clinical skills after how to take a pulse

Blood pressure is the amount of force caused by blood pressing against the walls of your arteries - but there is quite a bit of science behind what the systolic and diastolic pressures and we are going to try and explain that here so you can understand the function of the blood pressure cuff, and how the pressures in the cuff relate to the calculation of the bloods pressure

Here we’re going to have run through about how we read the blood pressure, the Koroatoff sounds that enable use to determine a blood pressure, and how those are generated

In this overview of the clinical assessment of blood pressure we will be dealing solely with the theory of this basic clinical skill before release of the clinical examination next week


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#bloodpressure #clinicalskills #DrGill

00:00 - Introduction
00:27 - How to Measure Blood Pressure
02:08 - Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure
03:40 - Consequences of High and Low Blood Pressure
05:46 - Using a Sphygmomanometer and Stethoscope
07:23 - Listening for Korotkoff Sounds
08:55 - Correct Positioning for Blood Pressure Measurement
09:22 - Practical Demonstration in Next Video
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Time Stamps !!
0:10 Intro
0:32 The problem with electronic blood pressure equipment
01:29 Explaining the Numbers
Units 01:29
02:01 what is blood pressure
02:15 Systolic Blood Pressure
03:00 Diastolic Pressure
03:41 Why does it matter
03:58 Normal Ranges
04:18 Stage 1 High Blood Pressure
04:24 Stage 2 High Blood Pressure
04:32 Wider Effects on the Body
04:58 Low Blood Pressure Issues
05:40 Using the Stethoscope
05:50 Non-Compression of Blood Vessels and Blood Flow
06:10 Compression of Blood Vessels and Blood Flow
06:30 Function of the Cuff
07:20 Using the Stethoscope
07:40 Korotkoff Sound Phase 1
07:48 Korotkoff Sound Phase 4
Re-Cap 08:25
Things to Consider 08:58
Demonstration 09:32


Thank you for this video. I started watching you for ASMR, but now I watch you because of the informative videos.


The video isn't out yet, but i'm already thanking you for this information. As a person who doesn't know about medicine, i'm always had this question in mind. Thanks for makind this kind of videos that, not only help the students, but help everyone who wants to know a little more about medicine.


I would always feel at ease of you were my doctor. 😁


The subject matter (and timing) of this video for those of us in the U.S.... Very much needed.


Finally I have an explanation about the numbers shown, never understood those. Thanks Dr James :)


Laughed at that boiler explosion 😆
Also rather charming that you kept the "blooper" in^^


You'd make an amazing teacher. I'm not a medical anything and I'm finding it informative.


I'm currently training for my clinical skills assessments and this video has really helped me grasp the techniques and concepts involved. It's still a little messy in my mind but it's slowly, bit by bit, coming together. Thank you!


7:25 I've never seen a stethoscope like that before, I thought it was a tiny shower head at first!
Thanks for the explanation, Dr Gill! Like many, I've always wondered about blogs pressure!


The magnificent Dr. Gill has done it again!


Oh wow. My family has always had issues with high blood pressure, I learned how to measure it but only now I got to know what are those numbers that I repeat everytime I do it. Thanks!


Wow, I love to know How things are and why they are. Thanks for the explanation Dr. Gill


The thing I will always respect about old medicine, is the simplicity. The one thing I like that wasn't mentioned about the column. One is able to see the bubble. Let's you know the positive or negative draw. Great video, thank you.


Great visuals, even considering they were done in Microsoft Word!


I am a third year student nurse, and I am forever doing lying and standing manual blood pressures on newly admitted patients. I am competent at doing them, although I work with a couple of first and second year students who are continuing to find them a little tricky. I will make sure to point them in the direction of this video for some tips. Top stuff, James! (:


I really like the videos, one because of the relaxed voice. And two the way you explain the items. Even if it's in English, and I'm Dutch, and never had English on school, it is understandable. Thank you for making medical terms and tests undesirable for normal people.


I already feel better! Thank you, dr Gill


I imagine this is how house would be without the vicodin. Great videos, I've simply an interest in medicine and biology, your videos are great and informative. Knowledge is power. 👍


Just wanted to say that this is one of the best ways I've learned of blood pressure. I've been told before, but still felt like I didn't truly understand. Thank you so much for this explanation and hard work! Your videos are always calming and informative.
