Englishman Reacts to... Polish Kabaret Ani Mru Mru - Chinese restaurant

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Im not sure if this kabaret is funny but you let me know!

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#amm #kabaret #poland
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As for why he went to a Chinese restaurant and sought Polish food, they initially explained about falling victim to false advertising and being in a hurry.


Hi Rob. Firstly, he asked for Polish food because that kind of food apparently was on the menu, but really wasn't (a marketing ploy). Secondly, in many places, Asian people speak in a way that is so difficult to understand, and I can relate to that.


There is a BIG difference between racism and stereotypes. It was not meant as an insult. It was aired YEARS ago.
I remember myself. Warsaw in the 90's. Cheap vietnamese and Chinese food. They hardly spoke polish with a heavy accent.
It is a gig, not a racist show.
Just saying.


Unfortunately, it is much less funny after translation.


I have to explain the final joke about the instant soup. In the early 1990s in Poland you could only buy instant soups from Chinese cuisine, so people started calling "chinese soup" every instant soup, even when typically Polish flavors were already available, like pomidorowa or rosół


Rob this is old from 20 years ago and you didn't understand the sarcasm because it was a redirected joke.!! 20 years later, we have the best Vietnamese and Chinese restaurants in Warsaw.😁


Rob, you're digging deep, but not necessarily in the right direction. On the one hand, the Chinese lied in the leaflet to attract customers. On the other hand, the customer tempted by this leaflet was deceived and got something different than what he ordered, so he got angry at the beginning. In fact, the funny thing is that he ordered a typically Polish dish in a Chinese restaurant. It's a cabaret, it doesn't have to be logical.😉


You simply need some BACKGROUND to understand a lot of inside jokes here...

1. Poles had first WIDE contact with real Asian cuisine in early 90-ties through first VIETNAMESE street food stalls in Warsaw (Plac Konstytucji). And most of us found it really tasty, but SOME were surprised with "5 spices beef" ("wołowina 5 smaków") or other dishes THE GUY IS REFERING TO (he actually says about his own experience with "looking for a real meat and finding pieces of fried cauliflower instead" - you would maybe understand if you would go for example to MR WOO in SOHO, London and buy something for 5 pounds 15 years ago... and found pieces of vegetables pretending to be pieces of meat)

2. Poles DO NOT KNOW who invented INSTANT NOODLES (a Japanese founder of brand NISSIN) and they refer to these noodles as "CHIŃSKA ZUPKA BŁYSKAWICZNA" (cheap "chinese instant noodle soup". The FUN FACT in early 90-ties was, that VIETNAMEESE brand of these kind of instant noodle soups were VERY POPULAR in Poland to a degree, that VIFON (having factory in RADOM city in Poland) started making more of the POLISH kinds of these soups, resembling POLISH traditional tastes: A) TOMATO soup B) CHEESE soup C) MUSHROOM soup D) GOLDEN CHICKEN soup and others...

Another FUN FACT is the fact, that original VIFON noodle soups made in VIETNAM have mostly RICE NOODLES inside and the Polish version of VIFON had always ONLY a typical Polish WHEAT'n'EGGS NOODLES...

So the whole story is mostly about the fact that. SOMEONE pretending to be CHINESE was serving a cheap, low quality food, pretending to be CHINESE, and he was pretending to be able to offer original POLISH food, actually serving VIETNAMESE food, bu not a real one, but the fake one, produced in POLAND...


Rob, you don't understand whole idea of this joke. He ask why they have polish food - for example kopytka (polish food like gnnochi) in menu and waiter answer "marketing ploy" that is why the customer is here and why he is so angry. Chinese waiter looks innocent but he is quite smart. He prepare instant soup in restaurant 😜


In the 1990s and early 2000s, there weren't many ethnic restaurants, and what did exist usually served little ethnic food. Here the joke is based on the fact that the owner has Polish dishes on the menu (to attract customers). And in terms of people who are attached to "their native food, " I have to say that the British lead the way - no matter what corner of the world (even in Japan) - if there are British guests, there is also an English breakfast with beans and bacon in the offer.


I'm pretty sure, foreigners wont understand these dialogues translated to english. U simply cant translate polish to english 😅


Rob, you asked why he wanted polish food in the Chinese restaurant. I hope that I remember correct, many years ago members of this cabaret said in interview that genesis of this sketch was real visit in Chinese restaurant. They had returned from performance and were very hungry. They wanted to eat whatever and found only one opened restaurant where worked Chinese waiter and they can't communicated because he didn't speak Polish.


20 lat temu Polska przystąpila do Unii Europejskiej. Ogromny rozwoj street food. Przemiany gospodarcze. W komunistycznej Polsce byly tylko bary mleczne. Gdy strefa Schengen sie otworzyla, powstalo tysiace malych firm. Pizza bar, truck bar, kebab bar..


It's hilarious Rob, the humour for a big part is in the pronunciation of Polish words that are so twisted that they mean something different or make no sense at all 🤣😂
And this "kabaret" comes from times when Chinese food was unknown in Poland and most people used to eat just Polish traditional food .


Nie oglądał dokładnie. Przecież na początku było, że na ulotce było napisane co innego niż w menu, bo to był chwyt marketingowy.


When we were kids, my brother and I remebered the whole kabaret and performed it to our parents. Memory unlocked


Według słów członków kabaretu Ani mru mru, byli kiedyś w trasie i grali swoje skecze. Późno skończyli przedstawienie, poszli na miasto szukając punktu gastronomicznego, aby coś zjeść, w tamtym czasie była tylko otwarta chińska restauracja. Nie byłem świadkiem tego, ale z tego jaki powstał skecz to musiało być nieźle. Polacy szanują wszystkich ludzi prowadzących firmy i zarabiających na swoje utrzymanie, szczególnie obcokrajowców wspierają, kupując u nich np. jedzenie. W okresie pandemii covid, jak tylko można było spożywać posiłki do lokali chodzili wszyscy na jedzenie, bo wiedzieli, że jeśli ci ludzie nie otrzymają wsparcia, to padną firmy utrzymujące gro właścicieli, ich rodziny i cały obszar spożywczy.
Polska ma długie tradycje kabaretów intelektualnych w których występowali zawodowi aktorzy, znani i lubiani artyści scen Polskich teatrów, kin i TV. Szczególnie w czasie PRL były znane kabarety, które musiały tworzyć śmieszne gagi i jeszcze walczyć z komunistyczną cenzurą (zakazującą publikacji skeczu, bez zgody cenzury nie można było występować na scenie, wielu polskich aktorów doświadczyło tego na własnej skórze).

Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje skecz "Awas". Oryginalnym tekstem był skecz "Awas" opracowany w Związku Radzieckim

Proszę zobaczyć skecze:
1. Jan Kobuszewski, Wiesław Gołas skecz pt. "Ucz się Jasiu, ucz."
2. Jan Kobuszewski, Jacek Braciak kontynuacja skeczu "Ucz się Jasiu, ucz".
3. Janusz Gajos monolog "W filharmonii"
4. Janusz Gajos monolog "Teściowa"
5. Janusz Gajon monolog "Polonus"
6. Piwnica pod baranami, to kabaret z Krakowa, gdzie między innymi, aby ośmieszyć władzę artyści czytali akty prawne, szczególnie te zawierające szczególne specyficzne rozwiązania dla danej dziedziny.


Polish comedy used to approach "racism" a bit differently than English speaking world does now. Racist was something that was vulgar, derogatory or diminishing towards other races. Not something, that was simply using other race in a piece (like in this example).


He went there because in the leaflet it was written that they have Polish food. It was a lie, they just wanted to get clients.
