How to Use Pentatonic Scale Patterns | Guitar Lessons

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Must Haves for any Guitar Player:

Now that you've learned how to play pentatonic scale pattern #1 and #2 on the guitar, learn how to use them in this video tutorial. Our expert shows you just how to line them up.

How do we use those two patterns we just learned? Pentatonic pattern 1 and pentatonic pattern 2. Every key, every musical key has a relationship both with major and minor. So at the same time that you might be in G major you're also in E minor, and there's a relationship for every single major key to another minor key. Right? So we can use that a little bit to our advantage if I use my 1st pentatonic scale. Right? If you remember its: 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, 1, 4. My 1st finger is the minor root. So, at this point I'm at the 5th fret of the 6st string. That's A, so this is A minor, and then my pinkie is going to be the major root. I know this sounds complicated but just bear with me here. This is C major. Right? So A minor, C major. That relationship never changes. No matter what kind of instrument you play A minor and C major are eternally bonded. So, A minor, C major. I found that on the 6th string. OK, now pentatonic pattern 2, the roots happen to be on the 5th string. OK? So let's find A minor, or C major, on the 5th string. So, the 5th string is already A, so we could use that, but, you know, dealing with the open string in the beginning can be a little difficult, so why don't we shoot up to the 12th fret. Remember that's A again. Right? So, here's A minor. C major for pentatonic pattern 2, and, of course we don't have to start there. We can do the whole scale, the full scale, so, the whole scale is 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 4. Right? Remember that?

So, songs are written in keys. Right? A family of chords that belong together. For example, songs can be written in the key of G. All chords belong together, and they are all sort of centered around G. Right? Everything I do to that song, over the top of it while somebody else plays guitar, or maybe somebody singing, and now, it's my turn to solo. I'm going to do it in G major. Right? So, I'm going to find G. Right? So, let's say here is G, on the 6th string, and because it's major, I'm going to use my pinkie. Right? Remember, pinkie is major, 1st finger is minor, so I'm going to use my pinkie to line this up. Right? Now, in this case again, I've got that open string so it's going to be a little bit of a problem. We can still do it, but just so you can really see it, I'm going to move it all the way up here, to the 12th fret. Right? Remember that's where the guitar starts again. Here's my 1st pentatonic scale. 1, 4, 1, 3, 1, 3. Right? Do you remember that? And then, we can also do it with our 2nd pattern. Right? Here's the A string. That's where we're going to get the note from. So, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. We found G again. I'm just going to put my pinkie on it. Right? That's our major finger, and so now I know when I line it up, I'm at the 7th fret. So, here's where my pentatonic pattern 2 will go. 1, 4, 1 4, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 4. And that's it. That's how you line up your 2 pentatonic scales.
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What he is saying is every major scale has a relative minor scale. In the case of the C major scale, the relative minor scale is A minor. If your playing a song in C major you can solo in the C major scale or the A minor scale. They both work. To work out the relative minor, it is always the 6th note of the major scale. Thus, C major (CDEGFABC), the sixth note is A, therefore the relative minor for C major is A minor.


Been playing for 20 years without knowing these nuances. Makes things understandable. Great music teacher Howcast


To find the relative minor of a major chord, you go 3 semitones down. For example, A minor is the relative minor of C major. E minor is the relative minor of G major. It's the opposite when finding the relative major of a minor chord. Instead of going 3 semitones down, you go 3 semitones up. Hope this helped.


Most useful video I’ve seen in a while: thanks, man.


I think where people have got confused is the fact that he calls the patterns 1 and 2, really they're positions 1 and 4 of the pentatonic scales


Great lesson, wish I knew this when I first started playing over 20 years ago...My buddy just gave me a diagram of the penatonic forms and said remember these....I played those patterns for over 10 years & didn't know how to use them--not joking.
I guess not everyone meant to be a teacher--meaning my buddy. On the other hand, you sir are an incredible teacher. Thanks


I've been playing guitar for about 5 years so it was easy for me to follow what he was saying, but this would be impossible for a beginner.


I had to watch it several times, but I feel like he explained it very well. It's just a little more complex, so you might need to replay it several times. Once I did what he was doing, then tried several things on my own, it started clicking. Have fun with it people. Music doesn't and shouldn't be stressful. Have fun with it. So what if you don't get it right away. Have fun. Enjoy getting there. Otherwise, why are you even playing? Music should be enjoyed. So enjoy it. Don't fret about it. (Pun intended)


This tied a lot together for me. Had been struggling for awhile to convert some theory to actual soloing that wasn't rote memorization. The lightbulb finally came on! Thanks, and subscribed.


This lesson is so helpful for a guitar learner.Though it's a lil confusing towards major and minor. Anyways, it's really exciting to guitar practice.Much appreciated:-)


Wow this is a very good tips, since i always have problem memorizing the relative minor of every major notes. This actually explained that i only need to focus on my pinky finger(the 2nd key of the pentatonic) to get the minor relative. Very well explained.


Thanks. Very simple and easy to use information. Just what I was looking for.


This was very helpful for me! I am currently learning how to find the key of any song, and combined with this knowledge, I will then be able to use any song as a backing track while I play my pentatonic scales. I see lots of comments people saying they don't understand this video and they don't say how long they have been playing or how much theory they have learned. I am a relative beginner, 9 months on the neck, but I have an excellent instructor well versed in music theory. You explained things in a different way that unlocked another piece of the puzzle for me. Thanks!!


great lesson, this actually helped me, maybe I'm a bit off but fell in line with what I have been learning


How do I subscribe for all your videos, dude? You're an awesome teacher.


After searchung for years, i now understand how pentatonic works, thank you very much!


This Is The Most Very Helpful Tutorial About Scales. For Those Who Don't Get The Lesson Or Main Idea Of This Instruction. Is This Instruction Is For Those Who Play In A Band. Cause In Here You Will Know What is The Chords Of The Scales. Basically You Will Know The Key You Should Be Playing,


Great lesson! This is the first lesson i find that actually made sense lol.


after a decade since i first touched a guitar and playing on and off, just now things made sense. Thank you


Thanks for explaining the relationship between Pentatonic pattern 1 and Pentatonic pattern 2!
