The MINOR PENTATONIC scale on Guitar Explained

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In this guitar lesson, I will be going over what is the minor pentatonic scale on guitar. The minor pentatonic scale is usually one of the first scales beginner guitar learn when they want to learn more about playing lead guitar or playing guitar solos.

The minor pentatonic scale on the guitar is just a pattern that can be moved all over the guitar depending on what key the song is in. I will explain this is a later lesson, but in this lesson I will be going over the minor pentatonic scale pattern, particularly the Am pentatonic scale and how you play it on the guitar and the best ways to go about practicing and learning it.

⏱ The Minor Pentatonic Scale on Guitar Chapters: ⏱

0:00 - What is a Pentatonic Scale?
1:00 - The Am Pentatonic Scale on Guitar
1:57 - Playing the A Minor Pentatonic Scale on Guitar
3:21 - How to Pick a Minor Pentatonic Scale
4:15 - How to practice the Minor Pentatonic Scale on Guitar
5:30 - Tips for using the A Minor Pentatonic Scale

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Thank you for watching my guitar lesson.

Lauren :)

#LaurenBateman #LaurenBatemanGuitar
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saved my life with this one. dont understand everybody giving “beginner” guides to scales and then proceed to complicate it as much as possible. way to just fucking show us the scales, no added bs. i love it thank you


I am not very good at learning things quickly but I can tell you that I understand your teachings easily and in one go. You are great. Thanks


After frustration with other methods, I must say you are the first one that made the “light bulb” come on in my head. Great stuff!


60 years old and 6 months into learning guitar. I watched this video about two weeks ago and have practiced playing parts of the scale up and down like you show. This evening it just clicked. Still a lot of practice to do, but it sounds like music. This is a great approach. Thanks!


I just broke through... thank you... I have been so frustrated on my guitar that I just needed to see a way slowed down and well explained video to get what I need to take guitar from rhythm to lead and back again. You really did a great teach Lauren. I owe you. I subbed and liked.


Lauren, You are a Beautiful
Teacher and I admire your skills on the Guitar, you make it simple, I wish you can slow dowm on the Pentatonic lessons. You are going so fast. I am just a beginner,
please show me the step by step, I am a slow learner plus at my age my brain just dont pick us as fast when I was younger..
Much Love from: Fred..💖💖🌹🎸🎶....


Just started learning pentatonics and was totally lost about how to practice and experiment until I found your video. It was a great help - clear and concise!


I've been a student of yours for 18 months -2 years now and without doubt you are the best of the best guitar teacher . Simple break down in a no nonsense but fun way.


Just ran across your videos. Been a player for years, all by ear! Tried lessons with no real luck. You are the first to mention working within the scale not just playing the full scale over and over…. Great teacher, excellent at what you do! Thank you for the “light bulb” moment!


This is the best video for someone who needs a basic intro to the pentatonic scale on the guitar. Very straight forward teaching. Thank you.


thank you. I'm a mom and my 16 year old took up guitar 3 months ago convinced me to try too. I'm lost. so thank you I've watched 1000 videos. yours finally clicked. THANK YOU


I want to Tell you... You saved my life. I been researching this and didnt get it. You are awesome, a life Saver, a hero, a Saint


Literally the only person helping me learn scales. Thank you


Lauren, hi i am you fan from east africa, Ethiopia and i would like to tell you that you are an amazing instructor, these days i am getting improving via your lessons. God bless you and keep shining!❤❤🌻🌻


Old man's fingers trying to come back to life, his blindness in one, focus with the other through his thick lens to your fingers of direction i see through your voice i thank you from the heart, 72 year old man said that! Follower Mike


Beautifully described and demonstrated... Lauren's a real tonic !


I finally got it!!! Thank you so much. You unlocked my fingers on the fretboard with this lesson. I am slow but my fingers land at the right place and I am getting better every day and I can now follow the A chord backing track on YouTube. What an accomplishment.


I'm very slow memorizing scales. I got the E and the position you're teaching here. But I still don't know how to get licks out of them to insert in my blues...but I see better how it can be done, the way you teach is pretty clear. Thanks Lauren 🎶🎶🎶


Thank you for making this dumb-proof and for always being so clear and patient! I don’t know how many videos on how to play a pentatonic scale I have watched (for beginners) and still couldn’t figure out where to put my fingers! You really are the best! ❤
