Troubleshooting Heat and 'Vapor Lock' (Part 1)

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Picking up from where we left off with the previous video where we started experiencing "vapor lock" with the VW Beetle. We've blocked off sources of heat where possible. We also plan to reroute the fuel line, insulate the fuel line, replace the mechanical fuel pump with an electrical fuel pump, and add a fuel pressure regulator and gauge. Below are links to all the parts I have on order that will be used in the next few videos.

Carter Electrical Fuel Pump

Fuel Pump Block Off Plate

Holley HOL 12-804 12-804 Fuel Pressure Regulator

Meanlin Pressure Gauge

Hose Heat Shield

Fuel Hose Fittings

Sungator Brass Fitting Cap

Evil Energy Fuel Line

Joinfworld 12v Switch

Oil Screen Kit
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In Side the black arching fan shroud is a
Air filter for oil cooling.
I had a rail Buggy VW
Power . Air filter Eliminated. Two oil line to a heat Exchanger & spin on Oil filter


Hi, I watched your video and can perhaps offer some useful advice. I'm 61 and have had over a dozen various air cooled VWs over the years when I lived in South Florida. So I know all about vapor lock and how to resolve it. It looks like you've taken measures to resolve your overheating issues, though you don't mention anything about about having checked the operation of the bellows (thermostat). If stuck closed, a common problem, it will cause over heating. Now as far as vapor lock is concerned, you're on the right track. The ethanol in today's gas is more prone to evaporation at lower temps than the pure petroleum fuels that were used 30 years ago and what VWs were designed to be run on. From what I can see, you definitely need to reroute your fuel line. It should come through the firewall diectly to the fuel pump and away from any hot tin or exhaust manifold. Next, get rid of that fuel filter in the engine compartment. If you want an inline fuel filter put it under the car somewhere, before the firewall or up front near the tank, tied up, and away from any heat source. Electric fuel pumps are the way to go provided you have a good regulator. I would place the pump up as close to the tank as possible and mount the regulator on the firewall away from any heat source.


Hello my name is Mark I grow up arond these my whole life ' if you didnt stop the over
heating i dont know? The vapor locks is our gasaline it has more the alcohol, make your fuel lin shorter and insulate the fuel hose and filter.
