30 Out of Bounds SECRETS In Video Games

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30 Out of Bounds EASTER EGGS In Games

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There’s one Easter egg that I haven’t seen anyone talk about in a while. In Star Wars Battlefront on the Twilight on Hoth map, there’s a secret cave on the first imperial spawn and when you enter in it you can see a Wompa eating a Taun Taun


I love how Devs add Easter eggs even though most people will never see them
It shows how much they care about the game 🙂


That shadowy figure in Payday 2 is not an easter egg, it's legit part of the story. If you actually piece it together, you'd probably be left wondering why the hell the devs switched gears from a game about mass killers robbing banks to mass killers saving the world from a Lovecraftian horror, but that's legit the plot. It takes a great deal of effort as well as solving puzzles in missions that have pretty much no clues to them, but it actually culminates in the White House mission, unlocking an alternate route and ending that's only accessible after doing everything else on the very specific checklist.


Some of the weirdly textured areas; like the "kitten shrine", are probably places where the devs added in geometry to the map during development, but didn't have the final textures ready yet, so they probably used random images as test textures. It's a pretty common part of the development process to use stand-in resources and textures during creation; and they don't always get completely removed before release.


In The Witcher 3 there is an easter egg extremaly far out of map boundaries, a good 5min of sprinting on a horse. After a longer while your horse starts to act really weird, running on front legs or flipping, moving strangely. The easter egg is some pictures with devs.


In Kingdom Come: Deliverance there are a few out-of-bounds Easter eggs. South of the city of Rattay there is a crashed UFO and a set of four crop circles that you can't see or get to unless you noclip out of bounds (The UFO model is actually a very large kettle helm). There are also a couple of places where you can find traffic cones; one is in a closed shack that you would have to noclip to get into, the other is in a watchtower where the only way to get there is either to noclip OR drink too much and randomly wake up there. (This may be an obscure Red Dwarf reference.)


The fact that Stockholm has a secret dialog saying that means that the devs knew that people would find a way to get up there


There's a secret achievement in Human Fall Flat that can be found when ignoring the obstacle course completely and instead climbing over/around walls and going in buildings in the background in some sort of construction level.
Markiplier found it when playing with Bob and Wade by being the silly goof we know and love, just in case people wanna go see it while laughing with Mark. only source I got it from. I know, I'm sad. xD


Great video mate, no nonsense or rants in between each game.


02:11 I love this game! For me they should make a remake or remastered of this game, that's all I want! No jet ski racing games are as good as this one! It had a 2 player mode which wasn't great but it was still a wonderful game, I hope some developer can come up with a game like this, another game that I'm waiting for a remake or remastered is also conflict: Vietnam


I always have a good day once T5G uploads


0.00 sounds like you're about to break into a hip-hop or beatbox song. 😂


So happy I stumbled upon this channel, gimbal have hours of bingeing videos and you have earned the sub good sir


8:09 fun fact: those are not secrets, its lore


0:00 Thought you were gonna start singing skatman 😂


I like how in that half life one when you see gordan jump through the portal really links all the people the g-man has captured together lol


"Who can say where the road goes, " is a lyric from Enya's song "Only Time" for anyone who is curious or has forgotten.


In the first half-life you see the guard you play as in blueshift banging on the door when you start a new game, and in blueshift you can see freeman pass by on the next train while you wait for that door to be opened. You can also see any marks you leave on the floor of the armory on the security monitor if you shot in the right area (make a quick save before trying this so you don't waste ammo.)


3:17: "Cat room can only be found if you're hacking". This is false. As someone who played Everquest, it's possible to enter the cat room by artificially maxing out your bandwidth by downloading several things while playing. This will allow you to walk through the zone trigger. It's also one of many hidden cat rooms.


I was impressed by the storytelling and emotions conveyed in this video.
