Do You Have Dyslexia? (TEST)

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Dyslexia is very common, affecting 20 percent of the population.

Dyslexia represents 80– 90 percent of all those with learning disabilities.

Reading is complex.

It requires our brains to connect letters to sounds, put those sounds in the right order, and pull the words together into sentences and paragraphs we can read and understand.

People with dyslexia have trouble matching the letters they see on the page with the sounds those letters and combinations of letters make.

Children and adults with dyslexia struggle to read fluently, spell words correctly and learn a second language, among other challenges.

But these difficulties have no connection to their overall intelligence.

While people with dyslexia are slow readers, they often very fast and creative thinkers!

Do you think you have dyslexia?

1. Do you confuse visually similar words such as cat and cot?
2. Do you lose your place or miss out lines when reading?
3. Do you have trouble telling left from right?
4. Do you get confused when given several instructions at once?
5. Do you find it difficult to find the right word to say?
6. Do you find it difficult to read out loud?

Dyslexia can’t be “cured” – it is a lifelong condition

HOWEVER with the right support dyslexic individuals can become highly successful students and adults.




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What did you score on this test? Have you ever been diagnosed with dyslexia?


All this time everybody thought I was dumb turns out I had dyslexia


I always hated reading because I lost my ‘line’ and mess up the story or end up being confused. I thought I’m the only person struggling with this lol


I always wondered why they called it dyslexia. This is almost impossible to write down for people with dyslexia xD


I love it how I got here by looking up and I quote “tubbo theropey”


People with ADHD lost him at 5 seconds
Edit: wow never thought that many ppl would relate/reply/like 😂😂


Me: answers yes to every question
Me:in honors reading


Do you know how hard it was to find this video?!
It’s basically impossible for me to spell dyslexia without just using auto correct 😅


6/6 I think I have to go to the doctor


The way this guy talks and breaks up his words makes it so easy to understand what he’s saying. Idk what it is but he just breaks it up so nicely for my dyslexic Brian


As a dyslexic let me reassure all those who (like me) answered yes to every question, and even questioned myself on 2 of them (1 and 6). Having dyslexia doesn't make your life terrible. It may be hard to learn memory intensive studies. But being dyslexic ironically makes you more likely to adapt to our society on your own terms. You are a far more out-of- the-box thinker then any avrige individual, to the point where your opinions are rival only to that of those who are classified as "geniuses". Understand that your unwillingness to understand basic schooling or societies normal pathological studies, isn't becuase you are slow, or disabled. It is becuase your mind is able to comprehend our society in a way that it is incapable of understanding itself. It takes you longer to learn becuase your mind wants to think there are better ways of understanding that which is presented to it. There should be no denying that there is, but you simply need to come to the understanding that you (like many great minds) are a minority. To survive in this world you must come to the understanding of the ideas that those who are trained to believe teach you. You yourself do not need to believe them, but you must accept the challenge of regurgitating them as the majority do. Becuase if you are not able to live in there world, they will prosecute you, they will torment you, they will give you no choice, and if you still refuse they will end your life. Threw imprisonment, threw execution, and in the nicest, most polite way they can act upon it. Becuase it is what THEY believe is the right thing. Becuase it is what THEY think is correct. You do not make the rules in this world. You live by there rules. They do not know your pain, will never know your pain, and no matter how much you try to explain it they are not programmed to understand.

You are not stupid, you are not slow, you are not disabled. You were born to understand the truth. So don't let anything make you give up on living your life. You are a stranger in a strange land. Do as the locals do. Live another day. It will be hard, but it's bearable. There are many who cannot live the kind of life you live, they go insane. Do not be like them. Being the mental minority should allow you to see that we can live the same life. We can be happy among the crowd. If we have to be among the sheep, let us at least be the sheep who enjoy our lives. Not the ones who fear it. Study hard, it will pay off. Learn things your own way, make the knowledge yours. Becuase there is truth to it. Regardless of what will be parroted.


Reason I hate my dyslexia:
In theater we have to read out loud the script and most of the times the way we read it effects what role we will get. Well my slow reading time isn't painting me in the best light, no is it? xD I mess up words all the time and it's really frustrating. Like I know what the page says, I can read it just fine in my head, but once you make me read it out loud... nah. Sigh to the max level


I thought I was just stupid but then I looked up am I dyslexic for fun and I got 5 yesses and 1 no and I’m convinced I have dyslexia oof


I answered yes to all these questions I'm 50 years old now what All those years of frustration feeling stupid .


I scored 6. Everyone thought I was dumb, I was bottom of my class in school and got punished for not being able to read or memorise my multiplication table 😢. Well today I work as a mechanical design engineer doing very complex designs and equations, non of my teachers can believe how far I’ve come 😂. It’s a gift not a disability, don’t look down on yourself for being dyslexic your mind is capable or so so much guys.


I answered 5 out of 6, since then I've always curious about my speaking condition, I cannot fucos on everything and being bullied. but I'm trying to make ways like practice proper breathing while reading.


I’ve answered 4 out of 6. When I was in school I told my mother that it was something wrong with me and she blew it off as if I was lying. As I get older it’s getting harder and harder. I want to go back to school to get my high school diploma or GED but I’m scared that I will fail.😔


It breaks my heart I am 44 years old and finally understand what was wrong with me I have self diagnosed myself with dyslexia I have a high school diploma that means absolutely nothing to me I have never read a book in my life making it through life has been difficult but not impossible I own and operate my own painting successful business


I've come to the conclusion that for years I've had dyslexia and ADHD. It's been a constant thought in my head along with other mental possibilities that could back up this theory
Especially after entering yr10 (it got really bad).

The only problem is that I've never been diagnosed for it, and if I ask someone they're just gonna think I'm over reacting or won't consider it.
Apparently when I was younger I was in some form of a 'help class' and honestly don't know why I wasn't tested for anything from then to now??

*Edit a year, late 2022:*
I think the dyslexia theory has decreased a little but the ADHD is still a big factor (+depression and other issues) and now I keep thinking about minor autism or low empathy.
I still want to get tested but at this point, and probably the future, it’ll never end up happening. Feels like it’s been too late for a long time.


(I’ve been formally diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD for context) I used to think I was good at reading in my head (I mean I was blowing through chapter books (350+ pages) in a day or so), but slow and mistake ridden when reading outloud. Until I realised while reading a chapter that had no dialogue and was incredibly “boring” in my opinion that I’m not quick at reading in my head. I skim read… yeah… let’s just say I missed a lot of plot threads… add in my short attention span (special thanks to my ADHD) and umm… fun times… *im typing this while constantly looking back and forth and my insane collection of books as I realise I’ve probably missed so much but am just genuinely not bothered to read about over 100+ books (warrior cats by Erin Hunter if curious)…*
