Dyslexia - What 3 criteria lead to a Dyslexia diagnosis?

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The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - 5 lists three criteria for diagnosing Dyslexia. Dr. Tim Conway is a brain scientist (published neuropsychology researcher) with expertise in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Neuroimaging and Neurorehabilitation. Oh, he's also Dyslexic and has two children with Dyslexia and numerous immediate and extended family members too.

The aim of this short video is to make sure parents know what criteria are needed for a diagnosis of Dyslexia and that in the DSM-5, there is only ONE Dyslexia diagnosis.

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Wild how I literally could not function in high school English without spark notes and my parents never thought to have me diagnosed with dyslexia. Sometimes I would read a whole chapter of a book and not pick up a single plot point


Helpful video, thank you!
I don’t understand the negative comments—this did not come across as condescending to me and I did not hear anything saying dyslexia is preventable or that it is not a genetic disorder, etc. He said “we know what to do to prevent, intervene, remediate” the reading problems that result from the disorder—not how to prevent the disorder itself.


My partner was diagnosed with ADHD.. but I strongly feel this is not him. He has dyslexia... and his inability to see the parts.. and how he jumbles numbers can seem like a focus impairment... but he sees the whole picture and the abstract perfectly. He is not hyper, he brain is not jumping around. it is as if he is trying hard to make sence of details... he is bad a math, and reading comprehension.. but perfect at following in depth abstract though


The speed and comprehension can improve over time, ... if one trains themselves. As those that kept training and educating find out.


Oh dear so you just went ahead and told the smooth brains that dyslexia is just a reading disorder, thanks pal.


It came across as very condescending... and then veered off into the impossible. You can absolutely _improve_ dyslexia symptoms, and teach good compensation strategies, but dyslexia is for life, and it's genetic.

As a long-grown adult, I have some of the neatest handwriting out of the people I know, and great reading skills, but that doesn't stop me from involuntarily messing up letters and numbers all the time, or misreading instructions.

I now simply use a stylus enabled laptop for notes, or if I have to on paper a pencil or erasable pen, so as I make mistakes I can correct them, and reread and read out loud to cut down on the error rate.


What you are is full of it
I don't know what you're selling but I'm not buying it
You don't know what you're talkin about
First off dyslexia is it genetic term second it cannot be prevented
I've had dyslexia for 62 years and I know of which I speak
