4 Reasons Not to Cancel Your Wedding

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Pre-wedding jitters do not indicate that your marriage is doomed. In fact, it’s a positive sign that you’re aware of the commitment you are entering. If you find yourself feeling more and more anxious about your wedding, here are 4 common reasons for cold feet that should not end a wedding.

Mary Jo Rapini, MEd, LPC is a psychotherapist, specializing in intimacy, parenting, body image, and relationships.

Reaction Reset is a self-help series that explains the psychology behind why we react negatively and how we can begin to make a positive change. Subscribe for a new episode every other Wednesday!

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I can't tell you how much it meant for me to hear this words of positivity.


Everything in this video is what I started experiencing the Saturday before my Thursday wedding (with the exception of having to change our honeymoon plans completely because my fiancé couldn’t get his passport) and I just couldn’t shake it. I wanted to call off the wedding but thought to myself that calling it off was more embarrassing than divorce. 🤦🏽‍♀️.

Fast forward to mid-honeymoon, the stuff that annoyed me about him intensified and it was just a vibe that he didn’t care much for how I was feeling and was only about himself. When we returned home, it was no longer a vibe because he was actually behaving that way and was being controlling. He then yelled at me in public as if I was a child. When I later expressed concerns that he would again yell at me, he told me that he is my husband now and has to be tougher on me. Never saw that coming. All I had was the vibe I was getting a few days before the wedding and we ended up having a few fights. But he was so solid during that time, and I felt like it was the stress getting to me. He was so supportive and understanding that I was happy to marry him. I felt like he was my rock.

Since we got married, he has become emotionally unavailable and has repeated variations of the phrase that he is my husband now and has to be tougher on me. The public yelling has not stopped either. His behavior has confirmed the vibes I was getting. And that really sucks.

In my case, it feels like what I thought was cold feet was probably my intuition telling me something was wrong. I know what to do. It’s just not easy.


Take care of your voice MJR! Thank you for the advice


Good video. Covered my concerns like you know me personally 🥺


Why do people even have big weddings anyway? Most people can't really afford their weddings which screws them over at the beginning of their marriage.
