Richard D. Wolff - Questioning Socialism – A Constructive Debate

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In this interview we talk to Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff, about neoliberalism, capitalism & socialism. In addition we question the underlying principles and methods of socialism and also inquire whether a reformist or revolutionary approach is required in order to improve the system.

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Great interview with Dr. Wolff. Thank you so much AcTVism Munich!


Richard Wolff should credit Michael Albert for some of his ideas, such as balanced job complexes.


"Without a revolution no reform is ever secured". True words.


Being an intellectual does not make one better/more important/above another. In fact, as an intellectual, one should understand better/see clearer that no one is above another. Leader vs boss/king/lord/owner. Leaders lead by example... uses his/her intellect for the benefit and betterment of others (unless you're an island). Only a boss would use his/her intellect to his/her own advantage/benefit at the expense of others... to boss others around. Which is easier to follow, a boss or a leader?

Dr. Wolff is leading by example by using his intellect for the benefit and betterment of others.


Very much enjoy Zain Rasa's excellent interviews, this time with the great Dr. Wolff whose technical terms aren't hard to get.


Great interview with Dr Wolff, thank you! Dr Wolff is right, EACH of us MUST study and learn our workplace history to understand what needs to be done.


This was a fascinating presentation. I don't necessarily agree with every point Prof. Wolff makes (or at least, I have to think about what he says a bit longer), but his presentation is superbly stimulating, interesting, and compelling. He's incredibly brilliant, and the way he has thought about issues we either have not examined or never disputed or just accepted as "the way things are and ought to be, " is totally engrossing. Thanks for the presentation. I would, however, not use a split screen while Prof. Wolff talks -- it's distracting and, I think, unnecessary.


That is to use a technical term *BULLSHIT*

I love Prof Wolff


Well this wasn't really a debate. Joe Rogan goes up to three hours in "long form" discussion for example, but thanks for hosting at all


The challenge at the heart of this debate is whether we rightfully seek "freedom" or should we seek "liberty"? There are important distinctions. As the philosopher Mortimer J. Adler put it: "Liberty is freedom constrained by justice." The problem for us is coming to agreement on what laws, regulations and taxes actually bring about justice. A just distribution of income and wealth requires fundamental changes in our socio-political arrangements and institutions to remove entrenched privilege and create equality of opportunity. We are a long way from such a cooperative societal framework.


Yes, ice cream must be equally distributed or people will riot!


I hope that no one present will suspect me of offering my personal criticism of the Western system to present socialism as an alternative. Having experienced applied socialism in a country where the alternative has been realized, I certainly will not speak for it. The well-known Soviet mathematician Shafarevich, a member of the Soviet Academy of Science, has written a brilliant book under the title Socialism; it is a profound analysis showing that socialism of any type and shade leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a leveling of mankind into death.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


This helps answer a lot of questions. Still some were not really answered that well. One was on equality which Prof. Wolff seemed to avoid since you still have it with his role changing model. I would like to hear more on motivation and innovation in a Socialist system. Also, what happens to money? Does money circulate and accumulate like it does in Capitalism? Does it work like certificates or gift cards that can only be used once. Does money have and depreciation rate with time if it is not used after being issued to you for the work you did or does it simply expire after a certain time and have no value?


C'mon. If two kids get ice cream for free that is not redistribution


Wolff's argument has a lot of holes. I am an employee, I am considered poor and I buy healthy food. Free market makes that possible.


If one kid earns ice cream and the other does not and you give them both an ice cream, that's socialism
