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#terabytreacts #gameofthrones #sansa #jonsnow
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1st cousin marriage was permissible in Westeros. In the book & show, Jon & Sansa barely interact, so this brotherly/sisterly connection is a HUGE stretch. Here's a list of the Easter eggs where Jon & Sansa are shown as a “natural fit” in the books.

Only Sansa & Jon daydream about rebuilding Winterfell. Only Jon & Sansa wish to have children that mimic the siblings that they lost AND their daydreams, TOGETHER, complete the entire original Stark family. Of all the Stark siblings, Sansa is the one that hears Jon’s death. Jon has a thing for redheads & in the books he denies a silver haired woman for Ygritte (also a red head). Jon only starts to like Ygritte because he hears her singing (something that Sansa does). Sansa wishes for someone to behead Janos Slynt at her father’s beheading. The next season, Jon beheads Janos. Jon & Sansa’s character arcs mimic each other...in reverse. Basically, Jon goes from bastard to king while Sansa goes from princess to bastard (pretending to be Littlefinger’s child). Jon is the war general & Sansa is becoming a political force...two sides necessary to rule a kingdom. Sansa thinks suitors will never love her & only desire her as a key to the North. Jon has the chance to steal the North from Sansa (via Stannis) & rejects the claim of the North. A political marriage between Jon & Sansa would unite the most kingdoms.

I’m sure that I’ve missed SEVERAL clues. How many Easter eggs do you need? Jon + Sansa is the most valid theory out right now.


In terms of uniting the 7 kingdoms Jon/Sansa made a surprising amount of sense to me. Coupled with the Ned/Cat parallels and the fact that Ned and Cat married for political reasons and didn't love each other when they married... I started to fall down this rabbit hole. I mean westeros consists of;

1. The North - pretty much Sansa's now. Jon lost all respect by bending the knee.
2. The Vale - loyal to Sansa. Cousin Robin
3. The Riverlands - Sansa is half Tully. Uncle edmure.
4. The Westerlands - Sansas & Jons link to Tyrion. Jamie's sense of duty to Sansa. That's 2/3 Lannister's and tbh we all know Cersei will likely die.
5. The Stormlands - Leaderless. Possible revival of the Baratheons through Gendry. Loyal to the Stark's (Arya & Jon)
6. The reach - all the Tyrells are gone. The only other major house we know is the Tarly's. AKA Jon's best friend.
7. Dorne - who knows. Loyal to Dany maybe? But loyal to whoever really...
8. The iron islands - well, we know Theon is team Stark.
9. The crownlands are just the crownlands.

Politically it makes the most sense and requires the least amount of bloodshed. Dany could conquer Westeros, but will they be United willingly or out of fear/subjugation? She has no ties, no links and all she has done so far is create possible enemies (except Jon Snow). Dany and Jon could conquer together that could work. Jon has good connections, the best one being Sansa. Marrying Jon would solve so many problems for Dany. But two Targaryens on the throne at the end doesnt seem like a new beginning.

Really I like this theory because everything everyone else says seems so obvious. Jon and Dany marry and have a magical baby? No thanks. THIS would be unexpected but it still makes sense. Whatever the ending, I just hope it's GOOD 😂


It is said that GRRM based this series on the War of the Roses (England) and that whole thing ended in cousins marrying. Just saying. As it stands now in the show he'd either marry his aunt (who he already did the deed with) or his cousin. Both are related to him and no easy choice but they fit the Game of Thrones universe, both books and show. Not only do the Lannisters hook up with blood relatives, so did the Targaryens by wedding brothers and sisters for centuries. It's in the lore. So not far fetched.

Either way I believe Sansa will be Queen of the North if not the Seven Kingdoms when all is said and done. She deserves it and it would be a fitting end to her story and character arc.


Lmfao y’all just need to stop looking at this show with the same morals we look at the real world. We saw twins fucking in the pilot and we got used to it. Cousins being married is considering normal practice in Westeros. Ned’s parents were cousins and the starks have been doing that for generations. It’s differently viewed in their society unlike siblings or aunts/uncles marrying nephews and nieces which is considered actual incest and looked down upon as dirty.


Of course I'm a JonSa supporter.
I know that it's close to impossible in the show. But I hope that it will at least take place in the books (Which will probably come out some day in the far future...).


Just a side note, most people have over half a million 8th cousins, chances are, if you marry within your own racial and cultural groups you are marrying a cousin, to some degree. So that assumption is ridiculous, in the world of Westeros, most of the nobility would have been closely related sharing a number of 1st, 2nd, 3rd (considering you have about 190 3rd cousins they were probably all 3rd or 4th cousins) etc. cousins amongst each other. Just felt like I had to put that out there.


doesn't make much sense to watch the alt shift x theory videos when you haven't read the books
since the theory videos are mostly about the books.
Different storylines and different characters


Specially knowing the show merged Jon and Aegon. He’s gonna take on both stories.


The other Aegon he is talking about is Rhaegar's son with Elia who died at the sack of Kings Landing. Both Rhaegar's sons were name Aegon so is a little confusing


Hey Terabyte, I'd advice u to look up to the 'King Jon & Queen Sansa : clues and foreshadowings' video made by Feuerhexe, I had the same reaction about J&S as u do but as soon as I watch that video (twice in a row tbh), I came to see the sense of it. Mostly I'd like to see ur reaction and hear ur opinions about it.

Also, if u don't mind like doing a video that is longer I would strongly suggest for u to check out another one of her video (Feuerhexe) that is call 'the mission of Jon Snow' ( if u type in to Youtube 'the political Jon Feuerhexe' it will be the 1st video 1h08 lenght.) I'd love to have u 'r thoughts on that one as well as I never seen someone react to it or even talked about it and I think it's a shame. To go along, a nice political tribute to Jon called 'the northern fool' by AnneSoshi.

About tribute to Jon, u wanna check 'a dragon raised by wolves' also by AnneSoshi it's a masterpiece 😍

Finally and not the least, thanks for the great job and content u are providing, love the big screen, love the spirit and the passion, even more so the pausings 😁(I do exactly the same^^) . Be safe and see u soon!


In the books there are plenty of knights hunting Sansa, hoping to win Queen Cersei's favour by bringing her back to King's Landing, and if you watch Preston Jacob's videos on the first Sansa/Alayne sample chapter from The Winds of Winter he notes that there are a number of characters who seems to suspect her true identity. The point I'm trying to make is that I predict that one of those knights is going to abduct her and take her to King's Landing, but by the time they get there Aegon will be in charge. Varys's and Illyrio's plan is for him to marry Daenerys, but he is young and Sansa is very beautiful. So I see the two of them hooking up.

Of course, Mace Tyrell would probably try to marry off Margaery to him, but I don't think that's going to be a problem because my prediction for her is that she's going to be sentenced to death by the Faith. She's likely innocent of the charges levvied against her, but that doesn't mean that she's innocent.


I Sincerely hope it doesn't happen in either versions, not the show (which is impossible at this point thankfully) or the books, it'll ruin their relationship as a family and I'd rather not have that


Given the type of people Jon and Sansa are, they just wouldn't think of each other that way. They grew up as brother and sister. They would continue to think of each other that way, even after the revelation that they are cousins. The Stark family bond is a pretty powerful one. Putting those two together would completely contradict how they've been depicted in the show thus far.


I don't really hate the idea of book sansa and jon. That being said, it's a really far fetched theory.

Here is a link to an interview from Alan Taylor, a director with Thrones since season 1. Back in season 1, things were FAR less secretive because nobody, not even GRRM, had any idea just how huge Thrones would become. Here Alan Taylor reveals what GRRM told him back in season 1.

"There’s been an inevitability to the two of them coming together. It’s been foreshadowed over and over again, and those who know the books know it’s inevitable, but that doesn’t tell you anything about how it’s going to play out or how it’s going to go. I remember when I was doing Season 1 and we were on location in Malta, and George R. R. Martin came to visit. He was sitting in a chair, and he was being really quite open about things that were to come…"

"Anyways, he alluded to the fact that Jon and Dany were the point, kind of. That, at the time, there was a huge, vast array of characters, and Jon was a lowly, you know, bastard son. So it wasn’t clear to us at the time, but he did sort of say things that **made it clear that the meeting and the convergence of Jon and Dany were sort of the point of the series."

That's pretty cut and dry right there.


There's never been any hint of attraction between them and there'd be no political advantage to it. The North is already behind John. Arya certainly would never agree to rule Winterfell so it would mean the end of Stark rule in the North. The Rhaegar's first son being alive subplot isn't in the show.


The theory is so pointless! What's going on in the books does not matter if its not happening in the show. They went in a different direction, period.


I feel this theory is ridiculous especially with people thinking that Jon will get away from Daenerys after finding out she's his aunt and get with Sansa as if its any better LoL, sure get rid of the women who is your aunt but you didn't grow up with and just recently fell in love with naturally without any knowledge of what she is to you and get with your cousin who has been raised with you, was born after you, basically your little sister your whole life and suddenly one day you decide to tap that because why not? and the redhead thing is just ridiculous just because Jon has been with one redhead doesn't mean he likes all of them. There's no way this is happening, they don't even have any type of Romantic chemistry


This theory has always been utrerly ridiculous. At this point it just pisses me off


A relevant distinction here is whether or not relatives are officially married to each other. Tywin married his cousin, and nobody had any problem with that. What would make it socially unacceptable for Jon & Daenerys to have incest is the fact that they are not husband and wife. In the culture of that world, if they got married, the incest would be fine. Same thing with the idea of Jon marrying Sansa. Unmarried incest = bad. Married incest = OK.


Holly shit i just realize after watching this theory, maybe Sansa will have Lyanna's fate. Because if this theory is right, she will love fake Aegon in future. And Doran Martell just sent Arianne Martell (eldest daughter) to Storm Land to discover Aegon. Omg. Targaryan, Martell, Stark again. I hope this theory is wrong =)))
