Why The US Navy Wants BATTLESHIPS Again

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Battleships are from a bygone age when men were men and lobbed high explosive shells at each other instead of hiding behind computer screens and turned war into a video game. So why would the US want to bring these relics of war back?


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"the navy wants battelships again"
one stretched video later
"the navy does not want battleships again"


Missiles are addressed to specific targets. Shells are addressed, “to whom it may concern.”


What I have always admired about the big ships?

In the 1980s, battleships like USS Missouri and USS Wisconsin carried 20-kiloton, nuclear-tipped, 16" main gun naval shells.

Those shells, if fired, could devastate a coastal city like LA in a matter of a couple of hours.


the advantages of a battleship is that bullets are cheaper than missiles so that it could use cannons more cheaply than missiles
and if railguns became viable then they would probably be cheap to use too
which could make such a platform ideal for wasting an area from a distance


I remember an interview I read from a Japanese soldier interviewed after ww2. He was asked how terrifying the Air raids were at the end of the war. He responded by saying (I'm summarizing since it's been a long time since I read it.) Air raids are scary, but they only last a few hours. You hide then dust off and go about your day. But a naval bombardment was not only terrifying, but destroyed morale as well. They would have to hide for days at a time, with the constant sounds of the shells flying overhead and the following explosions keeping them from sleeping much


I don't care if they're "obsolete", there's something quite romantic (in the classical sense) about traditional U.S. battleships; hulking masses of American steel and their sailors capable of yeeting entire car dealerships worth of ordinance at the drop of a hat. A full broadside from an Iowa-class must be something equal parts majestic and horrifying.


i love how the video went "we need battleships becuse they are afraid of hackers and problems with their missile targeting systems" to "we need unmanned ships with more missiles"


I served in the USN from 1975-1995. I witnessed the raw and horrific power of those 16" guns from the USS IOWA (BB 61)vfiring 2870 lb shells toward their targets almost 30 miles away. Just to actually see a Battleship in action as I have is totally awe inspiring. Ships today can be rendered totally worthless with one EMP. Not just a Battlegroup, but an ENTIRE THEATERS WORTH. Bring back the battleships with their thick armor, analog computers (impervious to EMP attacks), and you have a good chance of winning the day. Cruise missiles are slow and can be taken out, but an armor piercing bullet weiging in at 2870 lbs is impossible to stop. Your call.


A little story, back in 1952 the battleship Wisconsin got hit by an artillery shell from N Korean troops. It was the first and last time it took damage, no one was killed but 3 personnel where hurt. The ship then aimed all 9 of her guns at the area the shot came from and changed the topography of the area into a smoldering crater. It became known as the “Temper temper” incident.

To put it bluntly, battleships maybe “old school” but they make sure the enemy not only stays down but teaches them what fear really means.


Missiles and planes are great when you need absolute precision, but during an amphibious assault where you just need to suppress fire and get boots on shore, nothing beats the ability to launch a car dealership in the general direction of the enemy.


Stop sailing these ships backwards. Its way to distracting.


My take on the advantages?
Anti-air capabilities, and “dumb” artillery’s role in cheap costal bombardment.
AA guns on battleships provided a lot of coverage for aircraft carriers during the war, and in the age of drones and missiles, modernized AA guns on a dedicated platform for a fleet would be essential in a LSCO war.
Secondly, “dumb” artillery has its place on land and at sea, as the cheapest way to drop explosives on a target, and rocket assisted, laser guided rounds are in development to increase range, and or guide a round to target, if the advantage of range or accuracy is needed.


The battleships uss Wisconsin and Missouri were the last battleships to see combat in desert storm. The Iowa was decommissioned in 1990 due in part to a turret explosion on April 19th 1989 that killed 47 men.


If an Iowa class battleship parks in your harbor, either it's for a celebration or your Port/city is going to be turned to ruins


Traditional guns will never be obsolete even with better missiles. Always assume your enemy has better ECM, and ECM cannot stop a dumb shell. And if the enemy decides to bunker up, you just make a heavier shell. Hence, you will still need gunboats, you will still need Battleships.


USS Wisconsin was the last battleship to see combat, not the Iowa. Wisconsin is an Iowa-class battleship, which is possibly why you were confused. Please, fact check these basic things, it makes any military historian cringe and spreads misinformation.


The USS Iowa(BB-61) was decommissioned in October 1990 Desert Storm was in 1991. The USS Missouri(BB-63) and USS Wisconsin (BB-64) were involved in Desert Storm.


The USS Iowa was NOT in Desert Storm. During Desert Storm, the battleships were the USS Missouri (BB-63) and the USS Wisconsin (BB-64).


American Battleships are also called _Island Removal Tools._

Man I love Big J


There is always room for an analog Battleship that can't break down to computer failures. Remember how the Wisconsin "Whiskey" leveled its attackers and was called out saying "Temper Temper". 😅
