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Have you ever felt more "bingey" than right after being on a weight loss program? That's because food rules leave you more physcially, emotionally and psychologically attracted to food.
But don't give up! Or think you have to accept being heavier than you want to be...

Here is your answer:

STOP copying diet behavior to lose weight and instead copy the behavior of those who effortlessly maintain their happy weight, you know, like your cousin who eats whatever he wants and is thin?

Don't have a cousin like that?

That's is okay, because I am going to be that person for you.

I am going to show you what it looks like, sounds like and feels like to eat as Mother Nature intended- not in response to an app, but in response to your instincts.

Don't think you have instincts?

Do you know when you need to go to the bathroom? Do you know when you are going to sneeze? Do you know when someone is lying to you? Well then, yes you do.

Your instincts regarding food and eating may have been silenced by diet culture, but YOU CAN GET THEM BACK.

It is a two step process:

1. Melt that diet mentality out of your brain- this first step is CRUCIAL!
2. Replace diet mentality thoughts with Healthy Thin Mentality thoughts to know what, when and how much to eat.

This is a version of intuitive eating that honors your desire to be at your happy weight with:

1. ZERO food rules. Yes, Zero.
2. NO counting anything. Ultimate grown-up freedom!
3. A focus on the joy of permanent weight loss.

If you want to eat intuitively but ALSO want to lose weight, this is the place for you.

Рекомендации по теме

It’s true. If you lose a bunch of weight, you don’t stop thinking about it because you worry about gaining it back when you’ve dieted your way there because that’s what usually happens


Meg in a mood is hilarious! I like it🤣 also we should always specify that weightloss on HTM is slow. By diet standards its painfully slow 😬 It's 100% a better happier way to live, but I'm close to 2 years in and still have 30 lbs to go. But I'm down 20🎊 so I'm happy. Forward motion💪


I need so much help. I’m 50 and have had every eating disorder. Been overweight for half my life. I want off this ride!!! I’m finding you on TikTok too. I hate living like this.


Thank you SO much for saying sugar is not like cocaine or heroine. I was on a diet where I was told any sugar or flour would act like these drugs in my body and I gave up many things that gave me some eating pleasure. And I didn’t lose weight. I probably made up for it with pineapple and bananas! This craziness has to stop!


Thank you for being a voice of reason. This video came the right time when I was feeling down. I’ve been looking slimmer doing thin mentality. Thanks to you. But my brain has my old habit of dieting creep on me and makes me feel guilty for having this freedom of trusting myself with food. Much needed video.


Even with a pre-diabetic diagnosis, I find that being told I have to “watch” my sugar, is a trigger. Being pre-diabetic doesn’t make me immune to the psychological game that dieting plays with our mind. That’s where I am struggling in applying this HTM to myself personally.


It's so hard to go to bed hungry. Can't do 5pm dinners


You mentioned that your way of intuitive eating is different from others because it allows for weight loss. Can you please give more specifics of how this works and what you mean by that?


Meg, you’re a national treasure. Meg for President!!!!


Meg, can you have someone correct the closed captioning?


I don't think that our problem with overeating is out of an instinctual fear of famine and starvation. I think that it's rooted in greed which is a part of human nature. A young woman who escaped years of starvation living in North Korea, now living in the land of plenty claims that she can not relate one bit to our complaint that there's too much food around us in America. It doesn't make sense to her. She said, so the food is there but just don't put it in your mouth if you're not hungry. She genuinely can not relate. Following the line of thinking that fear or famine causes us to want to overeat would conclude that she should now want to gorge herself now that she lives in the US. Yet, that is not the case. Many American's have normalized greed, always wanting more...lack of contentment. I personally believe that this is what is at the root of our drive to overeat. See Joe Rogan Experience podcast Yoenmi Park for context.


You mentioned that your way of intuitive eating is different than others because it allows for weight loss. Can you explain more specifically what you mean and how it works?
