Intuitive Eating WITHOUT Gaining Weight? Yes and No.

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Everything you need to know about weight & intuitive eating!

In this video I’m diving deep into the topic of intuitive eating weight gain. Especially answering the question of whether or not you can try intuitive eating without gaining weight.

Many people extrapolate principles of intuitive eating for weight loss but don’t be fooled, that isn’t true intuitive eating. However… weight loss CAN happen. So can gain and maintenance.

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I'll be the first to admit that I started I.E as a weightloss but found how amazing it was very fast. The honey moon phase was super hard because I was worried about losing but now that I realized exactly what it is has changed my point of view. And had I never tried to "lose weight with I.E" I never would of found you or the process and fall in love with the life changes.


Just started intuitive eating a few weeks ago. History of anorexia and bulimia. I lost weight during lockdown in the uk and haven't had a period since March. Wasn't underweight for my height, but under a lot of stress, lots of exercise and restricting food groups. Low energy, cold all the time, developed gut issues. I started the low fodmap diet in April and whole 30 in may, but started getting ed symptoms again. Binge eating 3 to 4 times a week, purging via vomiting and over exercising.

Since starting intuitive eating the binges have got way better. Still struggling with guilt after eating certain foods, particularly high sugar, high fat treats. Scared to gain weight, scared of snacking and not sticking to meal times. Trying my best, allowing to eat all the foods ive previously been restricting has made them a lot less rewarding. Trying to find a balance.

Just wanted to thank you for the videos and your website resources, they have really helped so far. I think Intuitive eating is the way forward. I want to be fit, strong and healthy and regain my periods.

Kind regards, H


I got rid of my scale a long time ago. What was it doing for me anyway I asked myself? Who came up with the awful idea of a scale in homes lol. My clothes all still fit. No way I personally could progress through intuitive eating while still checking my weight. I also practice intuitive exercise which I named myself lol. If I feel like running I do, if I want to golf I do, if I want to take a exercise class I do, heavy lifting day fine....I found forcing myself into an Instagram persons idea of my fitness wasn’t working and I hated it. Not to mention the guilt for missing a “bicep” day because I decided to paddle board with my family. No more guilt. I have a general goal to move each day. I have seen WAY more progress in my strength and body this way.


I think I've gained about 10 pounds in a month based on my clothes, but I'm still in it. I want this idol gone, even if it means a higher set point. The relief at letting go of the all consuming, energy sucking, white knuckling drive to keep my weight under 130 is huge. I just want to eat in peace finally.


this is the best video ever, thank you :')


Question can weight set point be overweight? Or is it always within a healthy weight. Thanks Doll. I'm getting close to being able to intuitive eating. Been yoyo dieting for 29 years.


Hi colleen i am trying to get my hunger cues back and i am eating every 3-5 hours, but how long will it actually take to get my hunger cues back? Awsome Video as always 💋❤


good Morning Colleen, for how long is the curve? thanks


I'm doing intuitive eating because I was counting calories and some days I don't want to eat much and I'd be in my head like "oh I didn't eat enough" .... how stupid is that? So, I am just going to listen to my body and focus on not over eating...


How does intuitive eating works if a person has problems with binge eating? For some people it might help because they're not restricting, but hmm 🤔


The answer is “maybe”. Not yes or no. My body wants what my greed wants. We’ve done a (unconscious) deal.


is IE a real thing or just a new way to sell memberships and books?? what I'm hearing is, eat intuitively but if you don't lose the weight that you feel is too high, it's your genetics and to not have unrealistic ideas about body image. In other words, if IE doesn't work, you're just meant to be fluffy.


I keep on putting on weight, won't get to the set point or plateau.
