Don't Make This Weight Loss Mistake 😅 #weightloss #intuitiveeating #weightlosstips

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My name is Adam Wright and I'm on a mission to help you break free from the constraints of diet culture and find true freedom in your relationship with food and fitness.

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Really glad I recently found you; I don't normally watch a lot of health and diet channels because I feel they are either mis-informed or have kinda polarized views of food. Your channel seems genuine, realistic and you use real world examples, that aren't the standard picture of perfection, but are applaudable; and you often point out a healthy criticism you have with the person's meal, but in a non-judgemental and friendly way; but you also point out the good in the meal and don't have a negative attitude to treating one's self. The vibes on this channel are great, and I myself am working on a weightless journey, trying to stick to moderately healthy foods, good portions, and trying to meet my calorie goals set out by my phone's fitness app. This channel is really aligning with my journey and helping me feel more overall positively about my lifestyle changes; where before I would feel more negative feelings towards a diet/ weight loss goal.


Hi Adam! I just wanted to comment to say thank you tbh. I’m currently 189lbs (down from my highest weight of 315lbs) but I still feel very compelled by disordered binge-restrict eating patterns.

Your videos have been so insanely helpful and reassuring in helping me switch from focusing on the scale to focusing my relationship with food. I am so happy I’ve finally found a YouTuber who will promotes weight loss and healthy eating choices, but with specific and experienced awareness of how much disordered eating habits have permeated this space. Online it really has felt like I can either watch ED recovery content (which bans all food monitoring) or weight loss content (which encourages shame and fear for so many foods) and that can feel overwhelming bcos I just want the right parts of both! Which I feel like you provide so well 🥹

Thank you so much for taking up your space on this platform, I will keep engaging and following you and I can’t wait to watch ur channel keep growing!! 🎊 🎉 everyone needs to follow this content


Right now I'm on a really good lane with eating and working out, for the first time ever. But sometimes my mind tells me that I'm wrong for eating a chocolate when I feel like it. I've been watching your videos for a few days and they really help me to stay in my lane and not listen to my inner voice telling me I shouldn't be eating that. It helps me calm down and not fall into that pit of self-hatred, I feel better and motivated. Thanks you a lot for that ❤


I think the 3 meals a day schedule is limiting for alot of people.


I've been really unhappy with my weight as of late but as someone with mental health issues, getting into diet culture can risk a spiral way easier then others. This simpler, and frankly more positive in its own way view of dieting has been helping me work on what to eat


Started your channel to be recomended. i have been most of last year (threw diet out the window for december and january, obviusly xD yeah gained some weight but it was not excesive) at 1800 calories, hit a lot of gym and made sur at least i got 1.5g protein of my objective body weigth 90 kg, started at 121 and ended at around 100 at november. Started that diet again, full of vegies, meat, fish and fruit. Still eat the ocasional piece of cake/sweet/chips but in moderation and tracking it or making my own anabolic version (cheescake that is mostly protein) my weightloss has slowed a bit down. Should i maybe increase calories intake a little bit?

thank you :D


Hi! I’ve been seeing your videos more and more and I really like your message! Id like a little advice if you have a minute!

So I’ve struggled with my weight most of my life (as well as anxiety and depression), I work in a computer based tech profession and have little physical activity. I’ve come to realize recently that my stress in work and life has manifested in some serious E.D. behaviors: often skipping meals out of guilt for not completing work or eating less during unhealthy coding marathons. In the time after these disordered eating stints I have difficulty convincing my body to eat regularly: often feeling uninterested in food when I know I should be, or feeling too full even though I have nothing in my system. I’m not dependent on junk food during these stints, and when I am eating regularly I keep hydrated and consistently have high protein at every meal. I also don’t overeat at regular meals excepting extenuating circumstances (important family events or rare family vacations)

Of course, at some point I would LOVE to lose weight (which currently sits at over 200 lbs), but any advice in general about weight loss, or even just how to manage my body’s disinterest in food when I KNOW I need food, would be deeply appreciated!


Agreed. Better to have even a small meal plus hot cocoa i stead of cheetos and a chocolate in place of proper nutrition. Plus her calorie intake is too low, especially if swimming. It burns up calories fast!


I love how you call out stuff like this on the internet, as someone who is recovering from an ED those kinds of videos can be rlly triggering and make me think “should I eat like that?!” Thank you so much Adam 🫶🏼


Those chocolate caramel wafer bars are amazing!


Someone shared with me my BMR. (Calories burned doing nothing). I didnt know about not being in more than a 500 calorie deficit or how to include activity etc… I just wanted to lose as much fat as quickly as possible.

What did I do with the bmr? Thats how many cories I ate, then thought the activity would be transferred into fat loss.

Would I do things differently with what I know now? Yes. Did I see results and eventually get on the right track and learn the lessons I needed along the way? Yes, but it would have saved a lot of time and mistakes had I invested in the right people to help me or found and listened earlier. But I’m glad it worked iut in the end. The key is to just get started and be teachable but not gullible. Look for science based facts and listen to the right people. But just getting started a d learning what works best for your body and not rushing the process but enjoying it, thats a valuable lesson I’ve learned :)


It might sound weird but I just eat one meal a day, sometimes two, and I maintain and sometimes even gain (when I’m depressed and don’t exercise) weight. It just kind of works for me. I have the energy I need and it’s time efficient.


All those snacks when she could've had another meal


As a substitute for one of my meals, I was doing a salad a day every day for the last month and was going to continue until July. Then yesterday I had to throw all of my salads away because there was listeria recall from the CDC with Fresh Express :'( I'm sad.


Here’s another perspective for you… I ate 1200 calories for a few months, lost the 40 lbs and stopped eating in a deficit… as a male btw. The discipline that sticking to it instilled in me drew me out of drug addiction, and completely reversed my lack of drive in life and for all intents and purposes “cured” my depression. I’ve been on a lean bulk and a cut since then. I look in the mirror and love what I see. ~12% body fat at 5’9” 175 lbs. I’m pretty strict about my diet (never missing social eating though) whether in a surplus or deficit albeit not as extreme as the initial diet I did, but I’m certain that I would’ve ended up a stereotypical drug addict had I not made a monumental change to my life at that point in time. NO weight loss diet is “sustainable.” By their very definition they are unsustainable, if you lost fat forever, you would die. Putting yourself in a period of struggle for a period of time I see as an act of self discipline for many, not an eating disorder. I understand eating disorders are a part of your past and are very close to home for you, but some people are looking in the mirror saying “F*ck this, I’m gonna take control back over my life!”
