Newbie Prepper Step 8 - Power Outage Emergency Heating

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Do you have a plan to stay warm when your power goes out this winter? Whether you live in an apartment or a home in the country, we have smart affordable solutions to help keep you warm when the grid fails.

In Newbie Prep Step 8, we walk you through a variety of ideas so that you can keep from freezing when the power goes out.

Links to products we discussed in this video

6 Lifesaving Tips to Keep Warm During a Winter Power Outage

Surviving a Winter Power Outage: How to Stay Warm

Best Alternative Heat Sources to Use During a Power Outage

8 Important Lessons from Texas: Freak Storm Results in Millions Without Power

Candles as an Emergency Fuel Source for Warmth, Light, and Cooking

Best Alcohol Cooking Fuels for Campers and Preppers

Terracotta Pot Heater: Emergency Cooking and Heating

How to Safely Store Fuel for Emergencies

Top 3 Tips to Efficiently Heating Your Home With Wood

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Visit and read Newbie Prepper: Ten Simple Steps to Get Started for links and more information.
Links to products we discussed in this video
You might also be interested in these posts at :
6 Lifesaving Tips to Keep Warm During a Winter Power Outage
Surviving a Winter Power Outage: How to Stay Warm
Best Alternative Heat Sources to Use During a Power Outage
8 Important Lessons from Texas: Freak Storm Results in Millions Without Power
Candles as an Emergency Fuel Source for Warmth, Light, and Cooking
Best Alcohol Cooking Fuels for Campers and Preppers
Terracotta Pot Heater: Emergency Cooking and Heating
How to Safely Store Fuel for Emergencies
Top 3 Tips to Efficiently Heating Your Home With Wood
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The bunkbed thing works really well. It wasn't an emergency but, when I was a poor college student, I got my old bunkbed and set it up in my room for winter. I draped a bunch of blankets over it and slept in the bottom. I got a reptile stone (used to keep aquariums warm) and put it under the bed. At night, I turned the heat way down, saved a bunch of money and slept comfortably in my little bunkbed tent.
My friends thought I was crazy but that could be a life saver in an emergency and saving $100 a month when you are in college really helps out.


My favorite part about this channel is their interaction and respect and affirmation for one another. They seem like a great team and are a good example for those of us who are married.


May I add to your emergency list- get some of the emergency blankets. They look like large sheets of Mylar. I know first responders usually have them on disaster sites. They are folded into a pack that you can put in your pocket, but open up into a full size blanket, and works off reflecting body heat, yet does not let air in like a fabric. You can find them in the sporting goods section of Walmart, and Target, etc. they are about $3-$4. Every house should have a stash of these for emergencies, and the investment is as minimal as you can get.


I once had a kerosene heater. It was given to me as a teenager. At first I hated it & was scared to death of using it
After learning to use the heater I loved it! While using the heater I always left a window in the room opened about 2 or maybe 3 inches


Thanks to your wisdom, I've grown from a total newbie two years ago to now creating my own emergency plan binder to share with my family who live afar! Thank you for empowering so many people like us!


Thanks for the review. Took my Vesta on a van camping trip this weekend. At 27degrees two cans kept it warm enough. Bad thing was after 6hours it needed more cans. With my arthritis I couldn't open the cans. Always prepared, I put 3 three inch candles inside the vesta. Worked like a charm and lasted for more than ten hours. Plenty of heat for the van even with the windows opened an inch. Also less moisture than using the Buddy.


The two of you are GREAT providers and informers! Thank you for sharing.


Due to a faulty husband ..I've had to go outside with a fire and heat up rocks and put them in pillow works!


While storing all the necessities of life, take a few moments to scan in and download all your family photos onto an sd card or thumb drive and toss into a faraday bag. If the worst case scenario happens, you’ll be glad to have them if and when things get back to normal. Also download your favorite music onto an alkaline battery operated mp3 player. It will be a great stress reliever if tshtf. Never underestimate the toll chronic long term severe stress plays. Music is a great stress reliever.


I have that little rectangle carbon monoxide detector in my basement and bedroom... one on each level of my little home. So I turned on the gas stove, assumed because I heard it click click click, that it was on. I walked to the garbage, grabbed the bag to take out, just outside the door. Well... as I passed the stove quickly I could smell the gas and paused and thought, whaaat? I turned back and ran over, the detector went off downstairs and I shut off the gas, the detector went off immediately. SO interesting that it was seconds of gas and it sensed it. SO QUICKLY. They do save our lives. Thanks for always saying to have them.


Here in MN, if the power goes out, some of those solutions would be a bad joke.
The micro environment has merit, but you will still need serious heat. I have 3 23, 000 btu convection kerosene heaters and that will still only buy time to figure out where to go. Here on the prairie, wood is not a serious option, even without the insurance ripoff. I heated several years with wood and would prefer it, but you need a lot of it..


I purchased both the big buddy heater and the heater/stove combination- I live in Texas and I will not have a repeat of what happened a few years ago. I had never been so cold in my life😢


I have electric blankets, really throws. On high the only draw 60 watts with a 3 hour auto shutoff. It’s part of my grid down plan even during the day to keep warm.


I buy the foam poster board from the dollartree. I make three inserts for each window so they can be shoved together and left in the window on nice days.
If you get white, that fits most rental requirements and for sturdiness the paper can be left on, though the white yellows over the years. With the paper on, its room darkening.
If you get any color and remove the paper more light comes through but its bendy now, vso they don't last as well unless you put thin wood or plastic strips to frame them for sturdier inserts.

I leave them in the windows and shoved together on one side.
They work great too.


As soon as I watched your original post on the Vesta, I ordered it immediately, got it within a few days. I got a few cases of fuel. I am hoping I never have to use it, but it does give me a feeling of security, just knowing I have it! It is like having an insurance policy.


Thank you so so much for all of your amazing content! My whole family are super fans of yours :) we’ve all learned a lot from you and feel much more comfortable about anything that might happen now.

We had an impromptu test a few weeks ago when we came home to no power because a tree had fallen on some power lines. However, we were able to grab our preps and continue our life :) (plus a notebook to jot down things we did right and things we needed to change or improve :))
Our biggest thing was we figured out we need better blinds and maybe blackout curtains because about 4 of our neighbors saw our emergency lighting and couldn’t figure out how we had lights and they didn’t 😅 Great teaching opportunity for us (yes, I sent them your power outage videos :)), but I didn’t realize how visible we were when everything went dark.


There are un-vented 99.9 percent wall mounted versions of the buddy heater that use natural gas. They are blue flame or radiant like the buddy heater. The propane version can have the gas supplied from outside as you suggested. No Electricity and they can come with a thermostat. Always open a source of fresh air 1 square inch per thousand BTU. One 30, 000 BTU unit installed in an open vented room in the basement can heat the full basement of most homes and take off the chill for the upstairs. Love those battery powered carbon monoxide detectors.


As a "retired" safety pro, I agree about the safety aspects!!


I really like the long form videos. I just put in on in the background during my commute to and from work.
