My Secret Tips to Pricing Your Photography Like A PRO

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Having trouble pricing your photography? In this video I share my tips and advice on how to come up with your prices, including some package examples.




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Really struggling with undervaluing my time, I need to take myself seriously before I expect anyone else to. thanks for this tips


The package examples I'm showing are what I actually used for my pricing list (give or take $50-$75) when I was doing professional photography such as senior photos, portraits, family photos, etc. Feel free to take the numbers and fit them to your liking.
My packages were simple, effective and my clients were always able to choose something that fit their needs. I was very successful with my business and these packages were part of the success. You just need to find the right balance between the amount of retouched photos and the price point that works for you. The amount of retouched photos is low in each package - that's because I spend so much time working on retouching, color toning, etc. that I also wanted to make sure that I didn't undervalue my individual photo price. Feel free to add or subtract the amount of photos you give out as you see fit. Another tip is you can offer extra retouched photos at $15, $20 extra if your client wants to pay separately for those. Hope this was helpful! ^_^


This video is literally perfect timing because I am currently working on pricing for my photography business!


One thing that has stopped me from doing photography for payment is...charging 😂. Valuing yourself is so important. I have dodged so many people coming to me for pictures because I was scared of disappointing them, and had no idea what to charge... This was definitely helpful. First time I have thought about packages. Thanks!


As a NYC based Photographer, I, personally would charge no less than $400 for a Basic Package; but I've charged $700 for High-End packages in the past! My last assignment was a Wedding, but the couple didn't want a package at all! So I put 150 of the best photos on a Jump Drive and sold it to them for $700! Needless to say, the couple was very Happy with their Photos!🙏


This was so incredibly helpful! My photography business is finally taking off and I'm starting to realize I'm charging too little and spending hourrrsss editing. thank you for your advice I really appreiciate you sharing these tips!


Being a photographer is getting harder and harder. I come from a line of professional photographers. Most people nowadays think their iPhones are comparable to a professional camera so good luck trying to get them to pay your $$$ to take their photos.

Stay away from Craigslist, etc. The people on there are looking for cheap.
Best way is to send out postcards with your info to expensive neighborhoods. Sell to people with money.


I’m not a photographer nor want to be but I’m still watching it because I adore you and your work 💕


I swear I’ve been stressing on what to charge for portraits and you’ve saved the day!! Definitely undervalued myself but now I know, thanks!


Please, please do one for doing shoots for businesses, clothing brands, etc. much luv


This was genuinely really helpful! I have no idea what to charge (if at all) so I just change like a throw away amount like £50 for 10 images. Really helpful, thank you!


Thank you so much for this Jessica! I have undersold my photography for quite some time because I was always in and out of it due to school and work. However, I am getting more attraction to be requested and finally I decided I have to not undersell my work and time. I followed your pricing guide and made some tweaks to adjust it for families, like 1 parent photo or 2 parent photos, etc.


Thank you so much, I appreciated your tips. I been kind of lost on how much to charge customers. But now I feel more confident because I been doing research and I found your video at the right time. I can't wait to start my business soon.


Yes!! I’m working on my website right now, this is what I needed!


i price a bit extra to offer a accounted for discount to clients xd. Ah i charge this much but 15% off for you :). or 25% off on the first contract and 20% off on future contracts.


Great video! The concept of offering 3 packages with the middle ground being the best option is a consumer behavior theory that has also been proven, so I really like how you included it in this video!!


I've been sitting for hours today trying to teach myself photoshop to enter your competition! Wish to become a talented photographer like you some day 👏🏻❣️ your picture is going to be my third ever retouch 🙈


It’s like you read my mind! I’m just starting out my photography business and I’ve been struggling trying to figure out pricing! Thank you so so so much, this helped a lot!!


The photographer needs to take into consideration the market, but doesn't need to price exactly like it. Pricing comes from a doing business stand point. The market is saturated with amateur photographers who don't understand pricing. This contributes to the a race to the bottom and isn't good business practice. A lot of photographers price "affordable" but then that price is way to low. Next you have multiple photographer doing the same. If you look into that market an amateur photographer coming in might think that they need to charge what the other are charging, when in reality its completely wrong. If we take example package 2 it breaks down to something like this: $350 Total. 2 outfits, lets say that it can be shot in 1 hr. 10 edits, we can say that the photographer is a PS wizard and can knock out a great edit in 1 hr or he sucks and he can knock it out in 1hr. That's 10 hrs plus 1 hr for the shoot ( not counting commute) for a total of 11 hrs. That comes out to $31.80 per hour. IF someone worked 40 hrs a week at $31.80 that's $1, 272 multiplied by 4 weeks is ~$5, 000. For the year that is ~$60, 000. I don't think anyone charging that price is working 40hrs straight a week shooting/editing. Now factor in your Marketing, Expenses, Rent, Car, Gas, Gear Maintenance and TAXES, your prob making closer to 35k IF you are shooting 40hrs a week non stop. Pricing isn't just about VALUE its also about feeding yourself and being able to live comfortably. With the High End Package your actually doing more work and basically making the same $$$. Note: I do understand these are just "examples" on how to price like a Pro and that it can be adjusted, just breaking down the math so the passionate photographers out their don't go bust an hungry.


Jessica - I love your tips on pricing here. How much time do you think an "ideal package" will take (i.e. 2 hours total?). I'm just trying to get an idea of time value.
