Why 'Evidence' Will Never Be Enough.

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In this video, we combine a critique of an interview featuring Richard Dawkins with an explanation of the phychology of Atheism featuring John Lennox. I hope you find this helpful (wherever you are on the journey).
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It never fails to amaze me how different my conversations with non-believers become when consciously trying to care about them as a person.


The Jews watched Moses part the Red Sea and not long after started worshipping a golden calf while he was on the mountain with God.

No amount of evidence will be enough. It's our hearts that are the issue.


The interesting thing about Dawkins is he is arguing more that God is bad, than reasoning intellectually that He does not exist. Prof Lennox is hitting the nail on the head.


My God I love this channel!!! Absolutely filled with wisdom! My soul continually wants more. I have subscribed a while ago; I always look forward to notifications for this channel, thank you so much!


Most respectfully, allow me to express deepest appreciation for the value of your podcast in addressing the most profound questions presented by faith. I was the president of my evangelical congregation for about 15 years, and insisted that our pastor hold seminars on questions such as evil, and the results were good and well meaning. But the fundamental questions remained. Your material carries these answers upward by an order of magnitude. Warmest compliments. Thank you, sir. :)


When I read "The God Delusion", I was shocked how bad/inadequate Dawkins' intellectual arguments were...but it became clear in the last 25% of the book, that his real objections are emotional.




I just want to thank you for introudicing me to John Lennox, through his and your work ive been brought back to Jesus after being away since I was 18, im now 36. The way he explains Jesus love and acceptance at the begginging and not some final exam is what ALL Christians need to hear. Were told its more like Santa Naughty or Nice list, dont do this dont do that, we get the messaging all wrong. Sure there is Sin but im way less likely to indulge if i am accepted and loved DESPITE all that not the other way around. So thank you both truly, you all are doing amazing things 🙏✝️🕯


If Christ were to walk on earth right now people would still not believe in god


As a Christian, I still like listening to Richard Dawkins, its good humor presented so seriously 😂
Could not agree with him less.


Came back to Christianity after many years as an atheist. This channel has helped me understand a lot of the seductive, but ultimately, incorrect ideas I was swayed by.


"The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament sheweth his handywork."
Psalm 19:1


My ex girlfriend brought me into the Church. I've never sat through a sermon, and I never knew Jesus. But there was something comforting in it, and I wanted to learn. The more I read, the more I watch, the more convicted I've became. For someone who never grew up in a Church environment, its all new to me. But Im truly believing that Jesus is the savior of the world, and what he did was one of the most selfless acts anyone could have ever done. Im still trying to learn, still trying to understand. But as someone who grew up basically as an athiest, there is hope to change and find truth.


Your channel plays a crucial role not just for me, but i am 100% sure that for a LOT of people. In a sense, i think that the sooner we adress our "main" issue with cristianity, suddenly the other ones come popping in our minds as delightful questions. That's the most beautiful thing about God, he guides us through many many ways, by the beauty of nature, by philosophical arguments, historical evidence, by a true relationship. That shows us the desire of Him to get us to know him better, to show himself in the ordinary things and it makes us wonder "how is it possible that all of this is not a result of a supreme being?" All of us have our journey, and the doubts will appear in every kind of study we are doing, but the main point is to keep on going, getting awnsers to our questions and persevering in the search for a personal and all loving God. Thank you so much bro, it is a pleasure to be subscribed to this, and i am very grateful to God for allowing all of us to have access to this kind of content. God bless you all!


This kind of thing happened to me a few months ago.

I was debating online with an atheist friend for a few weeks. I used intelligent design, and I had proven to him that the odds for "random chance" were just too infinitesimally tiny to be believable.

That was when he accidentally revealed his true reason for being an atheist. He wanted to keep his freedom to do what he wanted to do, and did not want to submit his life to God. He "liked" being a sinner, and he was using his denial of God's existence to rationalize that there were no "God's laws" that he had to follow.
Our weeks-long debate ended at that point, because I didn't know how to respond to someone who just wants to be a sinner.


God bless You Brandon and Professor Lennox for the great work you do. ✝️♥️


Really appreciate this page and what you’re doing. I think this very discussion is what’s missing in a lot of churches today. They’re too often more concerned about what the world thinks instead of God. A good understanding of these arguments is crucial.


From simple to complex was the basis of the whole explanation of Darwin and his theory of evolution. We now know the most basic so called simple cell is more complex than anything we can imagine and are only beginning to understand our inability to even comprehend its complexity. It has always been a matter of the will and will continue to be until the end.


15:34 “You exist because you are wanted” Wow this made me feel warm inside


Early on in my academic ventures, the questions preventing me from relationship with my Creator required more of a logical approach. But I was also simultaneously deep into events involving pain & suffering which required a more social or emotional approach. God was (and still is) so good to more than satisfy both 🙌🏼 What a holy and perfect Father we have 👑
