A Tribe Called Red - Look At This (Remix) [Official Audio]

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--------------The Halluci Nation-------------
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I played this song exposing my nieces and nephews to our music telling them being indigenous is something to be proud of my nephew was 2 years old dancing. It was the cutest ever.


I'm from Africa....One Tribe One Nation united in the great Spirit called music.


Listening to this in school. I took my headphones off to only find that everyone could hear it.. Jeez, I’m deaf.


Definitely not native but I share a deep interest in your culture. I blasted this on a cross country move. The Tribe Called Red part of my playlist came on as I drove through the Navajo and Pueblo nations. Never had I felt so badass.


I heard this for the first time today while driving in my car and I ended up ugly crying so hard because it hit me so hard in my soul. I told my son about it and sent him the song and he said he cried too. I'm 48 and he's 27.


I admire A Tribe Called Red. My school taught me natives were killed off- basically nonexistent- and of course, growing up I learned that to be untrue, but I also learned that our histories are never actually taught in schools (African-American and Native-American is what I mean) unless it was spoken of us being harmed, killed, or angry.

The schools I went to mostly ignored our cultures to... "promote" their own- even if that wasn't the individual teacher's intention. A Tribe Called Red is making sure the generations of their cultures are still alive and well. Blood pumping and pow wows ready to go. They're adapting to the generation, making sure the generation learns more in depth about who they are. And that's hella amazing as not many artists are doing that for their cultures- not saying other cultures don't, but when people are taught that you're dead you come out of the woodworks and show you never left.

Side note: I'm not at all getting into the whole 'blacks this and that in american history' I went to two different schools that both taught natives were pretty damn dead and non existent and my own culture wasn't even touched. I can't speak about everyone's culture, just what I have witnessed myself.


I am from India, currently based in Canada where I got to learn about the Indigenous community of Canada. I had an opportunity to volunteer for summer camp which had most of the kids from Indigenous community. My supervisor played this song and I asked her the name of band. I Youtubed the song and I am totally in love with "A tribe called Red" <3


I might be from Latvia and no where near a native but I still love the music


Hello @Tribe Called Red, I got my students to listen to this song. We are a school in Markham, Ontario and doing our best follow the Reconciliation process.

Here is one of my student's analysis of your songs "When I heard the track “look at this, ” I was astounded by the culture that was set deep into the roots of this song. Each part told something, and was important for the synchronicity of the song. I felt as though all the different instruments were trying to tell me something. They were shouting out for their culture, their way of life out loud because in the past they were pushed down and neglected. Now more than ever their voice is heard, through the power of social media and open-mindedness. This song is very meaningful and was such an amazing song to listen to."


Your music touches the soul and energizes like nothing else. I love your work.


I feel weird busting this out on my car stereo stuck in traffic knowing most people don't understand the emotions behind this, but I guess I'm glad it makes some people uncomfortable.

Thank you for giving us such a wonderful emotional experience through your storytelling efforts.


Just as the Phoenix arose from the ashes so to will be the Redman and woman...Choctaw Warrior


Just found out that my dad's dad's family from Montana is actually of considerable Piegan Blackfoot descent- his mother, my great grandmother, was full-blooded, and his father was either half or quarter. Unfortunately, assimilation was apparently a pretty big theme for them, and my grandfather never knew the language or culture. And even though I'm not Native enough to enroll by any means, I want to learn more about my grandfather's people, and hopefully make my ancestors proud by working as an ally to Native Americans.


I just want to deeply thank you all for this music. I can hear, I grew up with a Deaf father and many Deaf extended relatives. Which means our family did not care about music. I also grew up Jehovah Witness which was mostly an awful experience, haha. Because of that I developed a liking for music late in life, I liked type of songs, especially without lyrics. Just recently I came across your music and this, THIS is what I LOVE, I can not stop hearing it in my mind, CONSTANTLY!!! I LOVE IT!!! I am also learning about my identity - I am NICAN ONEHUAYA MEXICO. Thank you


This makes me so emotional I have no idea why? But I love this ♥️ Up the indigenous! 🥁


Found this years ago!
Tribe Called Red RULZ; We are in the kitchen listening to this over and over dancing and feeling the VIBE!
Sending Love ❤️ Light 🌝 and Blessings 💞🙏🏽 Love conquers-eradicate fear!


i am quite proud of being indigenous....even prouder of hearing our voice.


Holy crap those war chants with that bass/percussion line!!!

It shakes me to my soul...in a good way of course.


I’m only half native But I’ve been listening to native music and finding more about my culture and the music hits bro I love my culture


Music gives me chills everytime them good ones ya know
