Joyce Sears survived a massive clot in the brain. This is her story.

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Somerset, Kentucky, resident Joyce Sears had a terrible headache she thought was a combination of a sinus infection and having flown recently. Turns out she had a massive blot clot in her brain.

Joyce tells her own story as part of an ongoing series of UK HealthCare patients discussing their personal health-related dramas.

So I laid in bed basically the next three days. On Sunday, I told my husband I felt like my head was going to fall off and people was going to use it for a bowling ball as a joke. Because the pressure was that bad.

My kids found me unresponsive Sunday night. Their daddy was out of town for work. And I went to the ER in Somerset, Kentucky. And they did a CAT scan and found out I had a blood clot in my head. They sent me up to UK.

He said when I first got to UK, they shaved my head. And they drilled some holes to relieve the pressure because there was pressure in my brain and my brain was starting to swell and then later that night removed the middle of the blood clot. The blood clot started right in here and it went up and around and through the middle of my head to my brainstem. He said if you laid it all out, it would be over 10 inches of complete blockage.

Well, when I woke up, no one was really talking actually. I was convinced I got in a car wreck because I had IVs in both arms and I was very sore. And nobody was telling me what happened. So I was 100% convinced I got in a car wreck.

I went in the hospital October 22nd. And I got out October the 30th. The doctor that actually discharged me and said I was a miracle and he wasn't going to stand in the way of a miracle by keeping me there. I do know I was under good care the whole time I was there and they are excellent doctors.
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That’s my mommy!!!! She’s a walking miracle ♥️


I searched for this video 'cause my uncle is currently undergoing the same thing. He got admitted to the hospital july 2 2019, He was delivering something that day and felt heavy afterwards. My dad brought him to the hospital but when they got there my uncle was weak and unresponsive. after the diagnostic, my uncle wasn't responding to anything anymore including pain and the doctor said it was due to a massive blood Clot. I'm happy that i saw this video. it's rare but I still wanna believe that God will grant my uncle with a miracle too.


My Mom just had a blood clot removed from her brain from a stroke. I’ve been searching different videos about blood clots. It gives me hope of her recovery ❤️‍🩹 seeing this amazing story. Congratulations 🎊🎈🎉 on your recovery ❤️‍🩹.


Hi, I have been searching for a video like this, I am having the same experience and I just needed fuel to add to my faith. Thank you so much, may God continue to bless you richly 🤗. I pray that I can be a miracle just like you in this scary journey ❤


My daughter was diagnosed with a CVST in May of 2020 (at 15 years old). She still hasn't fully recovered and suffers headaches all day, everyday. I really wish someone would study the after effects of blood clots in the brain and find better ways to help the survivors.


I have just started Anticoagulant to reduce the chance of this event. Unfortunatly I had a bleed in my kidney which ended up a blood clot like a kidney stone. Man this hurt, But ok now.


I’ve got a relative who had a clot on the brain and it caused stroke. She can’t move or talk and has lost vision in her right eye and lost feeling in her right side of body. They’ll be trying to remove it for 2 weeks but they don’t think she will get better. Anyone got any advice or been through anything similar?


Hi mam How big the blood clot in you head the centimeters Of blood clot in your ctscan or MRI? And are you operated or Not? My father is critical right now because the blood clot in hehe left brain is 44centimeters big. The doctors say and advised to me is operation a craniotomy to my dad. But May father is responsive right now. I dont know what to do. Thank you


I’m 21 years old diagnosed with Venus thrombosis they found the blood clot in my brain in October and it hasn’t gone away.. finding this video brought me to tears .. sometimes it feels like your the only one and life is so unfair but we have to stay strong ❤️ thank you for making this I have hope..
