How to play Monopoly Longest Game Ever

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On your turn you roll the one die and move. There are no longer doubles you can roll. There are three types of properties: streets, which come in color sets, railroads, and utilities. There are three versions of each property. Those three versions share the same Title Deed card. When you own one of the properties, you own all three. When you own the colored set, you get to double the rent on all the properties. There are no auctions, so if you don’t want to or can’t buy an unowned property you land on, nothing happens.

When you land on a property that someone else owns, you have two options: The first option is to pay that owner rent according to the Title Deed card. You only have to pay for rent with a building when you land on the version of a street that has a physical building. The second option is to buy the property from that player for the price of rent plus $10. They must sell it to you. You may split a complete color set, and you may buy a property with a building on it. Just pay the rent shown on the Title Deed card for a color set or whatever buildings are on that property, plus $10. If you buy a property with buildings, you may move those buildings to any version of that property at any time on your turn. You may not buy a mortgaged property.

When you land on an Income Tax or Luxury Tax space, place the amount shown on the space in the middle of the board. When you land on a Free Parking space, take all the money in the middle of the board. Then refill the center of the board with $500 from the Bank.

You have two options for how to get out of Jail: You can pay $50 or use a get out of jail free card at the start of your next turn, then roll and move as normal.

You can have only four Houses on a street, but you may split those four Houses between the three versions of that street. For example, if you own Boardwalk and Park Place, you may decide to build three Houses on Boardwalk. You could put all three on Boardwalk, or you could put two on Boardwalk 2 and one on Boardwalk 3. You choose the combination. You may move any number of your Houses to any version of their street at any time on your turn. You can only have one Hotel per street. You can’t add any more Houses. You may move your Hotels to any version of their street at any time on your turn.

Players have to land on the version of a street that has the physical building in order to owe rent with a building. For example, if you have one House on Boardwalk 2 and no Houses on Boardwalk and another player lands on Boardwalk, they do not owe you rent for a House.

You can buy, sell, or swap property with other players at any time, including streets with buildings on them. Buildings stay with their streets until the new owner decides to move them. You may even split color sets if you want to. Mortgaged property can be traded at any agreed-upon price. The new owner must immediately Repay the mortgage by paying the Bank the unmortgage cost Or keep the mortgage by paying the Bank 10% of the mortgage value. When a property is mortgaged, all versions of that property are mortgaged.

Rent cannot be collected on any version of a property that is mortgaged, and players may not purchase a mortgaged property when they land on it. The increased rent level can be collected on any version of an unmortgaged street in a color set. The increased rent on any version of an unmortgaged railroad or any version of an unmortgaged utility may be collected in the same way.

When you go bankrupt you are not eliminated from the game. Instead, after giving all that you have to the creditor, you continue to take turns and move around the board collecting money from Go and free parking. Who knows, maybe you’ll make a come back? If the bank runs out of money, flip the needed bill over and cut it up. Take what you need and return the rest to the bank. The first player to own every single property, that includes railroads and utilities wins.
Рекомендации по теме

This version sounds absolutely miserable.


“Finally I have created the perfect hotel”
“Here’s 110 dollars I’d like to buy this”


Honestly if someone gives me this thing as a birthday gift, I’ll take it as an indication that the person doesn’t want us to be friends anymore.


The creator of this version is an absolute sadist.


He is doing everything that extends the play time of the original monopoly, such as collect tax on free parking, not auctioning, lending/borrowing money etc.


I love how a good chunk of the rules differences are just common house rules people play regular monopoly with, often without realizing those house rules are why their monopoly games go on forever.


That moment when he cuts the money... I feel that.


Playing with two dice wouldn't help the cause. It would still take as long.


someone made this. some madman sat down and thought "yes, this is something that needs to exist", and they got support from the board and everything.


He smiles at the end, even though he's hiding his pain of even thinking about that last sentence.


This is like monopoly: the multi-verse addition. Honestly the board is really cool, and it would be interesting to play on this board well cutting out some of the obnoxious time extending rules.


This version just sounds like they forgot the part where games are supposed to be fun, and just wanted to make the game last as long as possible.


"Flip the bill over and cut it up to make more"
So, eventually you actually run out of usable bills and need to buy another version of monopoly to refill the bank. Wow.


Now i want to see a Monopoly: longest game ever speedrun


There are 22 properties in the game. If a player is stubborn enough and manages to keep 1 property when another has 21 properties, then the game will never end.


As someone who enjoys playing Civ games on Marathon speed this is perfect.


In the beginning i was like.
"Okay the board is big but that doesnt really extend the game at all really"
*Only one dice*
"No big deal either"
*No Auctions*
"Lol so like how people who hate fun play the game?"
*Players are forced to sell their property for the cost of rent*


I'm thinking the strategy here is to mortgage everything in mid/end game so no one can buy them from you


The objectove of the game, is to obtain all properties on the board

*looks at board


At this point, you can even make it a cooperative effort challenge to see how fast you can finish the game.


True or false?
Just like regular Monopoly, the player with the highest total goes first. Thanks for letting us click the refresher for the regular rules of Monopoly on the top right!
